Winter 2003 GEOG 4350 Water Resources and Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Winter 2003 GEOG 4350 Water Resources and Management


Class A Evaporation pan. Source: American Meteorological Society ... a velocity (e.g. meters per day) and is the rate of flow per unit area through a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Winter 2003 GEOG 4350 Water Resources and Management

Winter 2003 - GEOG 4350Water Resources and
  • Instructor Michael D. Lee Ph.D.
  • Geography and Environmental Studies

The Hydrologic Cycle
  • The movement of water between the lands, the
    oceans and the atmosphere we call the
    hydrologic/hydrological cycle.
  • On the land, the hydrologic cycle takes place
    within the geographical unit called the
  • The watershed is basically the area of land from
    which water drains to a particular water body,
    defined by high points in the landscape.
  • The geological, geomorphological, vegetative, and
    human character of the watershed together with
    the weather/climate determines the pathways that
    water takes following its input as precipitation.

The Hydrologic Cycle
As summarized by Cech (2003), four main
components precipitation, runoff, storage and
evaporation (its a little bit more complex than
Driving Forces
  • Solar energy from the sun drives the hydrologic
  • It causes the evaporation of water and
    transpiration by photosynthesizing plants,
    creating water vapor.
  • It also causes temperature differentials that
    give rise to pressure differentials that result
    in air masses moving both vertically and
  • Vertical movement of air gives rise to cooling
    and condensation, leading to precipitation, and
    horizontal movement distributes that
    precipitation from oceans and other water bodies
    onto lands.
  • Topography also forces air to rise, leading to
    cooling and to orographic precipitation in
    specific areas.

  • Precipitation takes a variety of forms and occurs
    when the forces of upward air movement are
    exceeded by the weight of water droplets
    contained by the air and the effects of gravity.
  • Precipitation is measured usually by rain gauges
    (which can also be modified to collect snow) or
    by measuring snow-pack accumulation.
  • If we know the depth of precipitation in a
    particular time, we can convert that to a volume
    if we know the area over which it fell.

  • Runoff is the amount of water that flows across a
    land surface as a result of a precipitation
  • Climate (antecedent conditions), topography,
    surface characteristics, precipitation intensity
    (depth per unit time), and precipitation duration
    (determining total depth) largely determine
  • All things being equal, the wetter the prior
    period, the more intensive the precipitation, the
    longer the storm duration, the greater the
  • Whether the soil has a high infiltration capacity
    or is impermeable, and whether the land is
    sloping or flat will play modifying roles.

  • Water that runs off the land surface or
    infiltrates and percolates down to groundwater is
    stored, sometimes for very short periods (e.g. in
    streams) and sometimes for very long periods
    (e.g. in deep aquifers).
  • Water is usually moving through these stores from
    store to store on its way to its base level, most
    commonly the oceans.
  • Lakes and reservoirs are our most obvious
    terrestrial stores of water, but more water is
    stored underground than above.
  • Reservoirs are water bodies with the specific
    purpose of retaining water for human benefits.

  • Liquids convert to vapor either by evaporation
    from wet soil, wet surfaces or water bodies, or
    by the vaporization of water from plants through
    stomata during photosynthesis.
  • Evaporation is measured using Class-A pans,
    evapotranspiration using lysimeters, and both can
    be estimated using empirical formulae.
  • Potential evapotranspiration, the amount of water
    that could theoretically be vaporized from a
    given area, is an important concept for
    irrigation and storage losses.

Class A Evaporation pan
Source American Meteorological Society
Source UC Davis, Greg Pasternak
Climate and Hydrology
  • The stores and flows of water behave differently
    in different climate zones under different
    weather conditions.
  • Hydrologists often specialize in one climate type
    e.g. arid, temperate or tropical conditions.
  • Of most concern to water managers are the
    extremes of climatic and weather variation
    floods and droughts.
  • For floods, large intense storms (the 150 or
    1100 year maximums) and prolonged wet periods
    (e.g. El NiƱo years) are critical.
  • For droughts, hydrologists are concerned with
    abnormally dry periods how long this has to be
    depends on the climate and the management
  • Droughts are climatic, but can be mitigated or
    aggravated by management or the lack of it.

Surface Hydrology
Groundwater Hydrology
  • Surface water hydrology is the study of moving
    water across and into the surface of the earth
    i.e. includes infiltration.
  • Groundwater hydrology is the study of the
    movement of water through the interconnected
    pores in the rock layers of the earth.
  • Between these exists soil hydrology,
    alternatively claimed by both types of

Managing Watersheds
  • The hydrologic cycle takes place over and under
  • Water is input to a watershed by precipitation
    (also by diversion and conveyance) and moves
    through it and out of it by different pathways
    some surface, some subsurface.
  • Streams and rivers converge down through the
    watershed towards a common base level.
  • Water that falls in the headwater reaches will
    eventually move downward above or below ground
    until it reaches this base level.
  • Any characteristics the water has or attains
    within the headwaters or middle reaches of the
    watershed will be transmitted to the lower
    reaches of the watershed.
  • To manage the quantity and quality of a water
    resource, we must thus attempt to control the
    conditions within the whole watershed that might
    affect it.

Surface Water Hydrology
  • Clearly of great importance here is how
    watersheds react to precipitation events to
    produce stormwater discharge.
  • Water inputted will take different pathways of
    different speeds depending on
  • the state of the watershed (wet, dry, frozen,
  • the nature of the input (gentle, intense, rain,
    snow), and
  • the physical conditions of the surface
    (vegetation, surface type soil, rock, asphalt,
    etc., and underlying geology)
  • Hydrologists/water managers are very interested
    in what happens in storms and how watersheds and
    streams react (for an excellent resource click

  • A raindrop can take a variety of pathways on
    falling to earth and have different fates.
  • Evaporate back to the atmosphere
  • Be interceptied by vegetation (then evaporate,
    drip to the ground, or run down as stemflow)
  • Infiltrate the surface
  • Pond on the surface (then evaporate or
  • Runoff across a hillslope as overland flow toward
    a stream or other water body
  • Fall into a stream or water body directly.
  • Note that infiltrating water can return to the
    surface as interflow or emerging groundwater.

Some Key Points
  • Please read Cech Chap. 3 thoroughly and remember
  • The more intense the precipitation event, the
    quicker runoff will occur.
  • Combined with this, the greater the depth of a
    precipitation event, the more likely surface
    runoff is to occur and in proportionally greater
  • Where multiple precipitation events occur in a
    given period, the greater the probability of
    runoff and of greater quantities during
    subsequent events.
  • The wetter the soil, the closer the water table
    to the surface, and the more impermeable (lower
    infiltration capacity) the surface materials, the
    more likely the watershed is to produce surface

  • Stream flow (cfs or cumecs) can be measured at a
    given location by use of gauging apparatus and a
    relatively simple formula (Q A.V) see Cech p74.
  • The volume of water moving through a stream will
    increase in proportion to its depth (exploits a
    bigger A) and its velocity (as it moves faster,
    more water passes through a given area in a given
    unit time).
  • If too great a volume of water arrives at a given
    stream segment from upstream and the stream is
    not able to convey it quickly enough (due to a
    shallow slope and/or high friction), water levels
    will rise and burst the stream banks a flood.
  • The expected peak stream flow from a watershed
    can relatively accurately be predicted by a
    rationale formula (QKiA) see Cech p73.

Some useful graphics (see Cech p75, 79 for
Source Schafersman UTPB - http//
Groundwater hydrology
  • Geographers frequently become hydrologists -
    surface hydrology is taught in geography depts
    outside the US.
  • Generally groundwater hydrology, usually termed
    hydrogeology, is the realm of geologists.
  • Hydrogeology is the study of the characteristics,
    movement and occurrence of water found below the
  • Water percolates down through rocks by the force
    of gravity.
  • When an impermeable barrier is reached, water
    collects and saturates the rock, forming a zone
    delimited by the water table.
  • Water will then move move laterally down a
    gradient determined by the slope of the water
    table in unconfined aquifers, or the distribution
    of hydraulic pressure in confined (artesian)

  • Aquifers are layers of rock saturated with water
    from which useful volumes of water can be
    abstracted from springs, wells or boreholes.
  • Where groundwater is confined, artesian pressure
    may build up due to the hydraulic head generated
    by higher water levels far away in the aquifer
    that may force water to the surface where the
    overlying impermeable layer is breached.
  • Where groundwater is unconfined, water will need
    to be pumped out of wells against gravity.
  • The rate at which water can be pumped out or
    flows out a well will be a function of the
    hydraulic conductivity, the rate at which water
    can flow through the interconnected pore
    spaces/cracks in the rock.

Water Table
Unconfined Section
Confined Section
Pumping necessary
Artesian pressure
Hydraulic Conductivity
  • How much water is available and can move through
    a given cross-sectional area of rock in a given
    time will be a function of the hydraulic gradient
    and head (pressure pushing the water), porosity
    (size of voids) and void connectivity, viscosity
    of the water, and the frictional resistance
    offered by the material.
  • Porosity, void connectivity, and frictional
    resistance all interact to determine the
    permeability of a rock layer.
  • Hydraulic conductivity is a function of
    permeability and viscosity and has the same units
    as a velocity (e.g. meters per day) and is the
    rate of flow per unit area through a rock layer.
  • The discharge of water through an aquifer is thus
    the product of the hydraulic conductivity the
    hydraulic gradient the cross-sectional area of
    flow (note that Cech p103 is a little confusing
    on this).

Assessing Groundwater
  • Hydrogeologists use the knowledge of rock
    formation and stratigraphy to determine the
    underground structure of rock layers and the
    likely whereabouts of exploitable groundwater
  • This can be enhanced by satellite images, ground
    penetrating radar, seismic surveys and so forth.
  • Studying the patterns of water table levels in
    neighboring wells and conducting pumping tests to
    see what happens to water tables is also helpful.
  • Radioisotope tracers can be introduced to
    recharge areas or injected into test wells and
    recovered to show the movement patterns of

Some Important Points
  • Different types of rocks store and/or yield more
    water than others coarser, more porous
    sedimentary rocks (sands, limestones) tend to
    store and yield more, although weathered and
    fractured igneous rocks (granites, etc.) can also
    transmit water well.
  • Artesian aquifers are favored for water supplies
    because they can be tapped without pumping costs.
  • Water in aquifers can come from a long way away
    and thus management of recharge areas can be
  • Groundwater can accumulate and recharge slowly
    and can frequently be used up faster than it is
    replaced (e.g. Ogalala aquifer), leading to
    drawdown of water tables and drying up of wells
    and surface water bodies like wetlands.
  • Groundwater frequently has a much longer
    residence time than surface water and thus
    contamination can take a long time to flush from
    an aquifer, moving through slowly and attaching
    itself to the aquifer pore materials.

The Basic Water Balance
  • The law of continuity applies to the hydrologic
    cycle in all watersheds. In a given period of
  • InputOutput ? ?Storage
  • P total precipitation input
  • Q total streamflow discharge at outlet
  • ET total evapotranspiration loss
  • ?SMS change in soil moisture storage
  • ?GWS change in groundwater storage
  • ?DS change in depression and snowpack (surface)
  • GWO groundwater outflow at depth

Applying the Balance Concept
  • Water resource managers use watershed balance
    concepts and develop complex management systems
    that can combine hydrological engineering models
    with economic models to track and predict
    supplies and demands.
  • While mathematically complex, such models are
    based on relatively straightforward rules of
  • Models can be used to manage resources over a
    given water year (Oct 1-Sept 31) or to predict
    supplies and shortage potentials over future
  • For example, models exist for the State of
    California and its various river and reservoir

Lake/Reservoir Balance Models
  • Similar continuity principles can be applied to
    lakes and reservoirs and are used in their
  • Note the slight modification here (from Cech
  • Reservoir storage QiPGi-S-E-Qo
  • The volume stored in a given lake or reservoir
    varies non-linearly with depth depending on the
    geometry of the water body how its volume
    varies from its minimum to maximum water
  • The geometry is determined by bathymetric
    analysis that produces a contour map of the
    storage area.
  • How much evaporation is lost is a function of the
    surface area which will also change non-linearly
    with volume and depth according to geometry.
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