Title: What is Boy Scouting
1What is Boy Scouting
A Game with a PurposeLord Baden Powell
- It is the purpose of the Boy Scouts of America to
provide for youth an effective program designed
to build character, to teach citizenship, and to
develop personal fitness.
- Outdoor skills training
- Leadership development
- Learning to work in a group (Patrols)
- Nurturing independence
- Fun activities
A scout is Helpful
2 In Transition
3Todays Agenda
Putting the Pieces Together
- Opening Flag Ceremony
- Introduction
- Boy Scouting
- Weblos Scout Transition
- Summer Camp
- Scoutmaster Presentations (Ridgefield Troops)
- Summary
- Questions Answers
On my Honor
4Three Defining Principles of Boy Scouting
- Morality
- Strength Character
- Citizenship
- Participation Understanding
- Fitness
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
A scout is Brave
5Scout Leader Introduction
- Troop 49 Paul Payne
- Troop 76 Neil Doran
- Troop 116 Gordie Knapp
- Troop 431 Steve Furman
A scout is Kind
6Boy Scouting Mission Statement
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to
God and my Country And to obey the Scout Law To
help other people at all times To keep myself
physically strong, mentally awake and morally
- The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to
- prepare young people to make
- ethical and moral choices over
- their lifetimes by instilling in
- them the values of the
- Scout Oath and Law.
A scout is Trustworthy
7Boy Scouting Purpose
- The Boy Scouts of America is the nations
foremost youth program of character development
and values-based leadership training.
- Scouting will
- Offer young people responsible fun and adventure
- Instill in young people lifetime values and
develop in them - ethical character as expressed in the Scout
Oath and Law - Train young people in citizenship, service and
leadership - Serve America's communities and families with its
- quality, values-based program
A scout is Courteous
8 Cub Scouting Boy Scouting The
Boy Leadership and Leadership Development
- The ability to work in Self Governed Patrols
- Advancement by working with Patrol leaders (boys)
or leaders (adults) - Outdoor Program Adventure Component
- Adult Association
- Personal Growth Community Service
A scout is Loyal
9The Patrol Method Adult Lead / Boy Run
The patrol method allows Scouts to interact in
small groups where members can easily relate to
each other. These small groups determine troop
activities through elected representatives.
- Weekly meetings
- Camping locations and activities
- Monthly Patrol Leaders counsel
- Allowing things to sometimes not go perfectly.
We give the boys the chance to make (minor)
mistakes And we provide the
opportunity to learn from them
A scout is Friendly
10Adjusting to the Responsibilities
- Cub Scouts is a family, and home-centered program
that develops ethical decision-making skills .
- Boy Scouting is designed to achieve the aims of
- Scouting through a vigorous
- outdoor program peer
- group leadership with the counsel of an adult
- Scoutmaster.
Character Development Citizenship Training
Personal Fitness
11Troop Patrol Organization
Junior Leader Green Bar Organization
Senior Patrol Leader
Patrol Leaders
First Assistant Patrol Leader
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Instructors
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Venture Patrol
Troop Scribe
Patrol Scribe
Patrol Quartermaster
Troop Quartermaster
Troop Librarian
Patrol Librarian
Boy Run Leadership
12Is Scouting For My Son ?
Scouting Emphasizes Three Specific Objectives
- Character Development Citizenship Training
Personal Fitness - Ideals Scout Oath, Law, Motto Slogan
- Patrols Responsibility Decision Making
- Outdoor Programs Skills, Activities,
Confidence - Advancement Surmountable obstacles
- Adult Association Encouragement, Leadership,
Guidance - Personal Growth The Good Turn Concept
- Leadership Development Practice Leadership
Skills - Uniform Positive Youth Image
A scout is Thrifty
13Parental Involvement
The troop's success depends upon your
support active involvement in
scouting activities
- Fund Raising
- Eagle Advisor
- Service Projects
- Board of Review
- Committee Member
- Leadership Assistant Scoutmaster
- Teaching one or more merit badges
- Planning Camping Trips High Adventure
- Transportation or supervision for the campouts
A scout is Obedient
14Being a leader in the BSA is a privilege, not a
Training of Leaders
- The Boy Scouts of America takes great
- pride in the quality of our adult
leadership. - The quality of the program and the
safety of - our youth members call for
high-quality adult leaders.
- Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters earn
- Trained certification when they have
completed - three basic courses
- New Leader Essentials
- Scoutmaster Asst. Scoutmaster Leader Specific
Training - Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills
A scout is Clean
15Safe Scouting
The BSA has adopted the following policies to
provide security for our members. These
policies are primarily for the protection of
our youth members.
- Two-deep leadership
- Respect of privacy
- Appropriate attire
- Hazing prohibited
- Separate accommodations
- No one-on-one contact
- Constructive discipline
- No secret organizations
- Junior Leader Training and supervision
- Proper preparation for High-Adventure
A scout is Cheerful
16Boy Scout Advancement
- Advancement is the way you grow
- as a scout, and become eligible
- for troop leadership positions
- and honors.
Advancement is based on Achievement, not age or
17 Scout Transition
"Good Turn Daily"
18Webelos Transition
- Visiting Troops
- Where are my sons friends ?
- See Troops in Action
- Arrange to participate in an outing?
"Be Prepared"
19Weblos Transition
- When to join a troop?
- Coordination of Crossing Over
- What do Scouts do after Crossing Over?
- New Scout Camp Out
Webelos Transition
Scouting Could Make a Difference in Your Son's
20Summer Camp _at_ Sequassen
When should a Webelos Scout consider summer camp?
- Is it required ?
- Accommodations ?
- Necessary equipment ?
- Do all boys attend camp ?
On my honor I will do my best
21Ridgefield Troop Presentations
- Troop 49 Paul Payne
- Troop 76 Neil Doran
- Troop 116 Gordie Knapp
- Troop 431 Steve Furman
A scout is Kind
22Wrap Up
- Benefits of Scouting
- Why join the Boy Scouts
- Questions Answers
23 24For help or questions about using this
presentation please contact Robert Messinger
Troop 116 Ridgefield CT Rmessinger_at_mags.net