Title: Quantitative Risk Assessment
1Quantitative Risk Assessment
2Hazard Assessment vs Risk Assessment
- Identify hazards and methods for remediation
- Identify risk arising from hazard and develop
strategy to reduce risk to acceptable level.
3Precautionary Principle vs Risk Assessment
- Do as much as possible to reduce the emissions of
the potentially harmful agent before science has
proved a causal relationship between the agent
and the harm - Do as much as necessary to achieve and acceptable
level of risk based on the risk assessment.
4- Risk Management
- Eliminate
- Transfer
- Cover
- Reduce
- Risk Perception
- A subjective matter
- Risk Communication
5Uses of Risk Assessment and Management
- Regulation and policy governmental level
- Problems of getting international agreement
(Kyoto, GMOs, chemical contaminants (lead etc) - Industry
- Compliance with regulation
- Product safety
- Financial planning
6Typology of Risk Assessment
7Semi-quantitative Risk Assessment
- Probability-Impact Tables
- Risk Registers
- What if? scenarios
8Event/Decision Trees
- Event tree volcanic eruptions
- Decision tree medfly eradication
9Probability-Impact (P-I) tables
10(No Transcript)
11Impact Description School outing
12Risk Response Plan
Example in Excel File
15Extra terrestrial Impact Hazard
The Torino scale
16Risk Register Examples
Excel and Word from 1GS314
17What if ? scenarios
Category 5 Hurricane losses (/million )
18Incinerator Risk Assessment
Environmental Risk Assessment - Approaches,
Experiences and Information Sources
20Monte Carlo simulation
- Generates a number of possible scenarios (similar
to What if?) but - Takes account of all possible values a variable
could take - Weights each possible value with its probability
of occurrence.