Title: 2nd Grade
12nd Grade
2Elements of Art for the 2nd grade
- Line design
- Characteristics of Line
- Repetition
3The next few slides will be examples of these
4Line design
- repeating organic lines (spirals, branching,
drops, coils, meanders, starbursts amoebas) and
geometric straight lines or lines that sharply
change direction straight, (diagonal, zigzagging)
5Line design repeating organic lines meanders,
6Spiral Lines
7Geometric lines, straight lines or lines that
sharply change direction straight, (diagonal,
- straight lines
- diagonal lines
- Geometric and zigzag lines
8 Lines that imitate starbursts
9Characteristics of Line
- line that has variety (solid-broken,
curved-straight, thick-thin)
10Characteristics of Line line that has variety
(solid-broken, curved-straight, thick-thin)
11 Repetition
- The repeating of objects to create patterns.
12Repetition The repeating of objects to create
13Identify Experience
- Label, list, name, define, relate, recall and use
art making tools
14Identify different characteristics of line in
these art pieces. The thick and thin lines, the
dark and light, the broken lines and the
continuous lines.
15Draw a picture experimenting with organic line.
Show contrast and variety.
16 Read these childrens books
- When a Line Bends a Shape Begins
- by Rhonda Gowler Greene and the
- Instruction Book Drawing with Children
- by Mona Brooks (the district has a copy)
17When a Line Bends a Shape Beginsby Rhonda Gowler
18Drawing with Childrenby Mona Brooks
19Explore Contextualize
- Discover, look at, investigate, experience and
form ideas
20Combine organic and geometric line to create
simple repetitive patterns
21A class assignment of repeated patterns.
22Use the slides you have looked at as examples to
do your own line work. Start very simple.
- Combine organic and geometric line to create
simple repetitive patterns.
- Organic line show contrast and variety.
23Build Skills Practice
- Apply, construct, demonstrate, illustrate,
evaluate and practice
24Draw the basic outline of an object. Fill in the
objects outline with unique combinations of
repetitive organic and geometric line patterns.
25Entertaining Favorite Ladies II by the artist
Jeanne Clarke. This painting uses portraits of
women painted by famous artists as symbolic
guests at the artist's table. Each guest
represents an artist who has affected the artist
own development.The artist said that,
Everything that is created has a pattern.
26Analyze Integrate
- Compare, contrast, distinguish, examine and
27Find line design patterns in artwork and in
28Line design in the environment Spiral Jetty By
the artist Robert Smithson
29This is located at the Great Salt Lake. This
type of art is an earth work sculpture.
30What line design is used here?
31Incorporate the joy of writing with line by
creating a sentence about something you love.
Express that feeling with line. Is it a happy
dancing line across your paper, a quiet and soft
line or a bold mark?
32Research Create
- Study, explore, seek, be creative, imagine and
33Research and create a variety of facial
expressions using line in cartooning.
34Picasso Makes Faces is a DVD available at the
- Drawing Book of Faces by Ed Emberley
35Pictures in book Mr. Gumpys Outing by John
36Drawing Book of Faces by Ed Emberley
37Refine Contribute
- Show skill mastery for
- grade level, give
- opinions, support
- others, and show art.
38Create a group mural using a variety of line
pattern and give a title to your art work.
39Critique works of art expressing likes and
dislikes.Be respectful in your comments to
40Keep your distance as you view art and do not
touch others art as these children are doing.
41Write stories, illustrate ideas using a variety
of geometric and organic lines.
42Can you think of a time of celebration to write a
story about and illustrate it?
43Can you find the geometric and organic line work?
44Childrens art work