Title: Living in a dream...
1Living in a dream...
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3As every normal country does, so did Israel
Ben-Yehuda St., Jerusalem
4... And one day you wake up!!!!
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6Ben-Yehuda St., Jerusalem, after a terror attack
7Terror in Israel
8Terror in the U.S.A
9More and more terror!!!
10Now, who is responsible for this terror?
11And why???
O Prophet! Make war against the unbelievers
all non-Muslims and the hypocrites and be
merciless against them. Their home is hell, an
evil refuge indeed. (Koran, 973)
In order that Allah may separate the pure from
the impure, put all the impure ones all
non-Muslims one on top of another in a heap and
cast them into hell. They will have been the ones
to have lost. (Koran, 837 )
Remember Allah inspired the angels I am with
you. Give firmness to the believers. I will
instill terror into the hearts of the
unbelievers you smite them above their necks and
smite all their fingertips off of them. (Koran,
12This is how they treat human beings, even their
own brothers.
13How do you think theyll treat you???
14Israel stands in the front line of the global war
against terror. Today its Israel, tomorrow it
can be the rest of the free world.