Title: Whitley Abbey Primary School
No 11 17th March 2009
A few Gentle Reminders Please do not allow
children to wear make-up to school as even some
of the younger children are doing so! Mobile
Telephones These should not be brought into
school as they can easily be lost. If your older
child does need one because they go home on their
own (particularly by bus) then they need to be
brought to the school office for safe keeping.
However we cannot accept responsibility for them
should they go missing. Coats As soon as the sun
shines we seem to think it is summer! However it
is still quite chilly and we will be encouraging
the children, particularly the younger ones to
keep their coats on at break and lunchtime.
Please could you reinforce this message at home?
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter
Important Dates for your Diary 25th March 4 to
6pm Parent Consultations 26th March 6 to 7.30pm
Parent Consultations 31st March Final Acorns
Session Pre Easter 2nd April Final Supertots
Session Pre Easter 2nd April 3.30pm Uniform
Shop 6th April Final Share Session Pre
Easter 7th April 4.00pm Dol-Y-Moch Parents
Meeting 9th April Easter Bonnet Parade 9th
April Break Up for Easter Holidays 10th 24th
April Easter Holiday 27th April School
Restarts 28th April Acorns Restarts 30th April
Supertots Restarts 4th May School Closed May
Day 7th May 3.30pm Uniform Shop 11th May
Share Restarts 11th-15th May SATs Week 22nd May
School Closed Teacher Day 25th-29th May
Whitsun Half Term Holiday 31st May Y6 to
Dol-Y-Moch (Return 4th June) Please note there
will be no After School Activity Clubs weeks
commencing- 23rd March 6th April 27th April.
Whitley Abbey Primary School
Match Attack Club Please note that this Club,
run by Mrs Holland, only takes place when a
letter has been sent home in advance with your
child. Otherwise these cards are banned from
school. Your co-operation would be greatly
appreciated. Thank You Mrs Holland
2Y6 Dol-Y-Moch Meeting for Parents This will take
place on Tuesday 7th April at 4pm and will be run
by Mr Woods who will be accompanying the children
to Dol-Y-Moch. Parents will be provided with
information packs and we will answer any
questions that parents may have about the trip.
An invitation letter will follow shortly.
Head Lice We have contacted our school nursing
team to see if they can help us with the constant
problem of head lice in school. They will contact
us shortly with some ideas which we will pass on
to you, to hopefully eradicate the problem, but
in the meantime please make sure you check your
child's hair regularly. If you need any help
please contact the School Nurse directly on
76217352. Glasses We still have in the office a
pair of childs glasses that were found in
school. Can you please check to see if your child
has lost any glasses and if so please claim them
from the office. Thank You
Parents Consultation You should have received a
letter about Parents Consultation arrangements
for this term. It is your opportunity to find out
about the work the children have been engaged in
and to discuss with class teachers any concerns
that you may have. If you havent received a
letter please call in to the school office where
we will do our best to get things sorted out for
Share Group During this year we have involved
Year Two parents in a Family Learning Group. They
have been a great bunch to work with and they
have had a brilliant time. As part of the fun
they have made a Story Sack for the year two
children to support their Literacy work. You can
see the group on the website. We are hoping to
extend this Family Learning to another year group
after the summer holidays. Thanks to Mrs.
Holland for organising this venture and of course
for providing refreshments!
Whitley Abbey Primary School
Happy Birthday to all our children who
celebrate their birthday during April. Year R
Oliver, Jack Year 1 Shai, Jennifer, Alfie,
Debanshu Year 2 Amar, Liam Year 3/4B
Georgina, Kieran, Shannon Year 3/4R Chloe W,
Caitlin, Drew Year 5/6 E Rebecca S, Nikita,
Finlay Year 5/6 W Jamie
Easter Bonnet Parade For the Easter bonnet
parade the school have decided to make hats out
of recyclable materials. KS2 (Years 3-6) will
make theirs in school time and KS1 will make
theirs at home. Parents/carers also have a
chance to make their own Easter bonnets in our
adults parade!!! The School Council will judge
this parade.
Yours sincerely Mrs N A Starritt Head Teacher