Title: Gonorrhoea: time for a culture shift
1Gonorrhoea time for a culture shift?
- Introduction and Background
- Attendees
- Total Numbers
- Male attendees
- Female attendees
- Summary and implications
3Background 1
- Poorly performing EIA for chlamydia leads to
introduction of new testing method, which also
detects gonorrhoea - Decision to run this new GC test (Gen-Probe
Aptima Combo 2) alongside existing test (GC
culture) for trial period - Sensitivity of existing test 95
4Brief overview of B1 NAATS
5The Tests (B1 NAATs)
- Roche Cobas Amplicor PCR assay limited
specificty Cytosine DNA Methyltransferance
gene - LCx probe system (abbot) OPA gene
- BD Probe tec Target gene?
- TMA Combo 2 assay target 16S rRNA
6BD Probe Tec
- BD Probe Tec in the UK
- Urethral swabs in men 25/152 GC ve men
- 5 cases cult neg, 2 microscopy positive
- Urethral/cervical swabs in men/women Slater et
al - Rectal swabs in men high concordance
- Urines difficult for Lab centrifugation needed
7Slater et al BAASH poster 2005
- BD probe Tec introduced without local evaluation
- Culture was not performed unless high risk or
microscopy positive - Men 49 ve urethral culture NAAT detected 48,
one missed was also micro ve also - Sensitivity 97.9
- Females 29 ve cervical NAAT detected all
8Slater et al cont BAASH poster 2005
- Specificity
- Men 48/50 NAAT ve also cult positive
- 2 NAAT ve cult negative
- Both cultures several days post GC tx and one
symptomatic GC contact - PPV 96
9Slater et al cont BAASH poster 2005
- Specificity Females
- 43/55 NAAT positives had cultures done
- 14 NAAT ve cervical cult Neg
- 3 ve other sites
- 6 Abx prior to cult (include one B1 contact)
- 4/14 possible false Positives
- PPV 74
- Transcription Mediated Amplification
- Target ribosomal RNA
- Urine sample do not require a centrifugation step
11Aptima Combo 2
- American Multicentre Study female endocervical
and urines - GC Prevalence about 8
- Gold standard cult positive or LCx positive
(two sites) - 126/1479 Combo 2 positive
- Sens 99.2 Spec 98.7 PPV 90
- No data on PPV as culture gold standard
12First published UK study of TMA NAAT
- Identify GC prevalence amongst chlamydia
screening population - To monitor culture and partner findings in those
GC NAAT positive - 47 (1) of 4680 females F/up 38
- 8 (1.7) of 473 men F/up 5
13TMA study cont
- Supportive evidence
- Females 37/38 34 culture ve
- 3 B1 contacts
- Males 5/5 Cult ve
- Low prevalence Population (1) excellent PPV
14Reasons for culture Negative GC
- Recent Antibiotic (dental etc)
- Selective medium
- Failure to sustain or clearance (immunity)
- Organism perishes on culture plate
- Non Neisseria Species
15Background (2)
- Simultaneous B1 NAAT testing commences 6th June
2005 - Endocervical swab for women
- Urethral swab then First Catch Urine for men
- Expectation that NAAT will have higher
sensitivity (detect more cases) than culture, but
are these true or false positives? - Decision to perform in house comparison of NAAT
vs Culture
16Methods of Audit
- Positive gonorrhoea results from H.As list (from
lab) - G.C proforma for a period of 10 months (June 05
to March 06) supposed to be completed at B1 Tx - Case notes were reviewed and data collected using
17Total Cases in Audit
18Male Positive Results
19Sensitivity and Specificity
- Sensitivity the proportion of patients with a
disease who have a positive test (ie how well
does it identify cases) - Specificity the proportion of patients without
the disease who have a negative test (ie how well
does it identify healthy subjects)
20Positive and Negative Predictive Values
- Positive Predictive Value the proportion of
people with a positive test who actually have the
disease (i.e if theyre NAAT ve, have they got
it?) - Negative Predictive Value the proportion of
people with a negative test who really dont have
the disease (i.e. if theyre NAAT ve, do they
really not have it?)
Sensitivity (Both/Cult) 100
Specificity (Both-/Cult-) 98.9
Positive PV (Both/NAAT) 68.6 Negative
PV (Both-/NAAT-) 100
22Male discrepant results
23Male adjusted Positive PV
- Assume all previous indicators are true positives
with failure of culture - Positive PV Both ve (with all high risk
included)/NAAT ve (72/86) - So PPV might 83.7
25Male equivocals any reason?
26Female Positive Results
Sensitivity (NAAT/Cult) 98.1
Specificity (Both-/Cult-) 98.9
Positive PV (Both/NAAT) 54.2 Negative
PV (Both-/NAAT-) 99.98
28Female Culture Pos/NAAT Neg
- One case
- Positive on 2 runs in Mayday but control failed
negative when sent of site - ? Sample degradation
29Age distribution
30Racial distribution
31Female NAAT Pos/Culture Neg
32Female adjusted Positive PV
- Assume all previous indicators are true positives
with failure of culture - Positive PV Both ve (with all high risk
included)/NAAT ve (80/96) - So PPV might 83
33Female Equivocals
34Female equivocals any reason?
35Community Experience
- Dual testing for GC and C4a introduced by
microbiology for all GP/FP specimens
38How do we compare?
- NAAT appears very sensitive compared to culture
in local population. Excellent NPV. - PPV acceptable. Occasional false positives
possible if relying on NAAT alone. Poor cross
referencing. - No information on sensitivities need to
continue culture for NAAT positive cases when
return for treatment. 3rd generation
cephalosporin - Equivocal results in men are most likely to be
true negative
40Summary - cont
- The high NPV allows routine abandoning of B1
microscopy and culture with significant cost
savings - Allow abandoning of screening for asymptomatic
NSU - This can be reinvested in another aspects of GU
diagnostics e.g HSV NAAT testing - Future Compare self taken vaginal with cervical
in women. - TV incorporate into NAAT testing system