Title: Achieving 18 weeks for Oral Surgery Services
1Achieving 18 weeks for Oral Surgery Services
- Ken Wragg Consultant in Dental Public Health
2Aims of the presentation
- Background
- Issues involved in achieving waiting targets in
Oral Surgery - Lessons learned from the Derbyshire MOS service
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of
diseases affecting the mouth, jaws, face and neck - Oral Surgery
- Deals with the diagnosis and treatment of
conditions of jaw and mouth structures that
require surgical intervention - Surgical Dentistry
- Deals with the diagnosis and management of
irregularities and pathological processes of the
teeth and their supporting structures -
4Issues in oral surgery
- Spectrum of complexity
- Skill Mix
- Optimal use of work force
- Doubly qualified OMFS consultants
- Specialists in minor oral surgery
- Dentists with a special interest in MOS
- General Dental practitioners
- Local solutions for local problems
- Historical referral patterns - shaped
configuration of services - New factors
5Oral surgery services
- Primary Care
- GDS SDR / Mandatory services
- PDS Specialist services
- Secondary Care
- Broad spectrum of complexity overlap with
Mandatory services - Training location
- Mixed economy
- Independent sector NHS Private
- Directly delivered services CDS / PDS / HDS
- Effective use of the total public resource
skill mix
6Issues in minor oral surgery
- Oral surgery skills of new graduates and some
overseas graduates - Lack of willingness to carry procedures out in
practice perceived as not a practice builder - Historical referral patterns developed to a
degree for commercial rather than clinical
reasons - Management of waiting lists 18 week wait
- Cost PBR
- Increasing referral rate to secondary care for
minor procedures
7Referrals to Mayday Hospital, Croydon for Oral
Maxillofacial Surgery in three year period from
April 2004
8Referrals to Mayday Hospital, Croydon for Oral
Maxillofacial Surgery in three year period from
April 2004
9- Audit of 150 non-urgent referrals received in one
week during August 2007 showed - 54 were for dento-alveolar surgery
- 22 third molars
- 16 for oral medicine and dermatology
- 8 TMJ problems.
10Derbyshire MOS Service
- Commenced November 1998 (after pre-pilot)
- Recurrent funding patient charge
- Long waiting times for MOS in secondary care
esp 3rd molars - Unattractive GDS fee scale / MOS not a practice
builder - Initially 2 (later 3) GDPs with specialist
skills in MOS - Major issue - vicarious liability clinical
standards - Admission to specialist list a defined surgical
standard - SAAD independent audit used to define sedation
standards - Worked closely with specialists to develop and
refine process that reflects NICE guidance -
11Derbyshire MOS Service(2)
- Referral made directly to PDS practice by GDP
- Patients aged 18 and over
- Initially 3rd molar surgery apicectomies on
previously root filled canines and incisors
since 2002 all procedures listed in SDR
(mandatory services) are carried out - Treatment under LA with or without sedation
- Medically compromised patients - ASA categories 1
2 only -
12Patients Treated 1998 to 2003
13Cases Treated 2002 - 2005
15Cost per case
16- Payment By Results
- Maxillofacial surgery, Code 144
- Adult First Attendance - 127
- Adult Follow Up - 66
- HRG C04 minor mouth - 543
- HRG C58 intermediate mouth - 785.
17- Inappropriate referrals to Secondary care
- Cases moved to primary care, with funding
- Inappropriate referrals to secondary care
- Passed by consultant to MOS practice via PCT
commissioners - Pro forma letters suitable for primary care sent
to the referrer - List of providers provided
- If the GDP is unsure e.g. patient on Warfarin
they are encouraged to speak to the specialist
primary care provider - PCT facilitates this process
18Improved service for Patients, referrers PCTs
- Geographical access
- Waiting times
- Retains simpler procedures in primary care
- Known operator continuity from assessment to
19- Will PCTs be willing to invest their local
resources in a PDS referral service that can be
accessed by any patient regardless of where they
live? - Will PCTs collaborate over the commissioning of
primary care based specialist services? -
20Potential alternatives to PDS
- Local service level agreement
- Each PCT invests as it sees fit
- Applies to all primary care based specialist
dental services that provide treatment on
referral? - Post code lottery?
- Collaboration essential
- MOS service is a success!
- Is in the public interest.
- Provides a tool that can be used elsewhere in the
right circumstances - It reduces costs and waiting times
- Needs to be taken forward in a spirit of
partnership - PCTs need to consider the best framework locally
for delivering services on referral in primary
care - Local solutions to local problems
22 23Format
- Short presentation
- Discussions on tables considering key
challenges solutions - Feed back to the workshop group from each table
- Entire workshop group to agree the top points to
be fed back to the main conference room
24Each table to consider
- Main challenges for providers commissioners in
meeting the 18 weeks target - AGREE 3 KEY CHALLENGES
- Main steps/solutions to help meet the 18 weeks
25Feedback from previous event
- Manchester Event 11th March 2007
- Key Challenges
- Increasing referrals from Primary to Secondary
Care - Issue of appropriateness of referrals
- Training and Teaching (specialist and GDP
training) - Building capacity
26Feedback from previous event
- Manchester Event 11th March 2007
- Key Solutions
- Tackling inappropriate referrals by agreed
pathways and protocols / guidelines / triage - Establishing joint working across sectors PCTs
have key role in defining needs / demands - Training and Teaching (specialist and GDP