Title: Market Architecture
1Market Architecture
- Robert Wilson
- Stanford University
2New Markets in Basic Industries
- Privatization / Liberalization
(worldwide)Deregulation / Restructuring (in
U.S.) - Communications, Energy, Transport, Water
- Motives ? Efficiency ? InvestmentArguments ?
Scale ? ? Contestability Markets get prices
(incentives) right Light-handed regulation
suffices - Implementation requires Market Design
3Elements of Market Design
- Inputs Scarce resources. Outputs Products,
services.Instruments Tradable rights and
contracts.Markets Physical forward and spot.
Financial hedges.Prices Bids. Allocation rules.
Settlement rules. - Efficiency Gains in short-run. Investments
long-run. - Incentives
- Procedures invulnerable to gaming
- Rules Incentives ? Efficiency (2nd Best)
- Mitigate or control market power
4Wholesale Electricity Markets
- Energy Long-forward. Day-ahead, Day-of.
Real-time. - Markets Bilateral. Exchange. Spot
Real-time - Transmission Day-ahead. Real-time.
- Managed by SO System
Operator - Markets Congestion pricing, or purchase
counterflow - Reserves Capacity Day-head. Energy
Real-time. - Markets Auctions by SO. Real-time control by
SO. - Hedges Energy (Futures, CFDs). Transmission.
- Markets Auctions by SO. Secondary markets.
5Simplified Electricity Market
Transmission Capacity B?A
Supply Incs in A in B
Supply into A net of Demand in B
Congested Price in A
Uncongested Energy Price
Demand into A net of Supply in A
Supply Decs in B in A
Congested Price in B
Imports into Region A Exports from Region B
Transmission Uses A-Incs B-Decs
Transmission Charge P(A) ? P(B)
Spot Market Uses all Incs Decs
Note actual market has many zones or nodes
6Design Issue 1Centralized v Decentralized(Compl
ete v Incentives)
- Centralized consolidated marketsSO optimizes
everything energy, trans., reservesPrices
shadow prices on constraints - Prices are right if model good data accurate
- Decentralized separated marketsPX clears
markets, SO conducts auctionsPrices clearing
prices - Prices are right if markets are complete
perfectly competitive
7Institutional Perspectives
- Centralized designs are based on
- Relational contracting. SO Traders
agent.Organizational structure inherited from
utilities. - Objectives reliability, coordination, pricing.
- Incentives sanctions. Abuses are penalized.
- Decentralized designs are based on
- Voluntary participation, bidding,
availability.Few markets based on simple market
clearing. - Objectives efficiency, competition, min-SO.
- Incentives market prices for deviations.
8Theoretical Perspectives
- This debate is like 1930s Lange-Lerner.Basic
fact is primal-dual equivalence of quantity and
price mediated mechanisms. - Can incomplete and imperfect markets match
optimization? - Requires good price discovery repeat mkts.
- Is decentralization necessary to promote
competition and strengthen incentives? - Centralized designs cannot provide sufficient
incentives if pricing is constrained (Vickrey).
9Examples of Incompleteness
- Simple contracts with retail customers
- So demand highly stochastic (and no storage!)
- Energy Forward markets clear each hour
independently. No contingent contracts. - Transmission Scarce resources arenot priced
when large zones are used. - Reserves Capacity is priced imperfectly on
relevant quality dimension -- response
time.These are a few among many.
10Example of Gaming
- Centralized set price at each node.
- Nodal Price Energy Price Injection
Chargefrom Demand Supply Trans. ?
Capacity - Decentralized 1st clear DA energy market,2nd
adjust energy in zones, 3rd use incs/decs. - Gaming bidder sells huge quantity day-ahead that
the SO is forced to sell back at low-priced dec
in the spot market. Enter at congested node! - This is inevitable consequence of unpriced scarce
resources (i.e., incomplete market).
11Other Effects of Incompleteness
- Impaired Efficiency
- Intertemporal effects are ignored.Startup costs,
ramping constraints, - Flexible resources reserves are
under-priced.Due to lack of contingent planning
or contracts. - Entrants attracted to wrong locations.Due to
unpriced transmission constraints. - Sequence of markets depends on rational
expectations. Anticipate transmission charge. - Impaired Competition
- Each incompleteness invites gaming.
12Remedies for Incompleteness
- Sequence of markets
- Repeated trading of simple contracts(long-forward
, day-ahead, hour-ahead, spot) approximates
complete market.Transmission is similar if
pricing is locational at nodes. - Better price discovery
- Iterative auction approximates Walrasian
modelbut requires good activity rules.Example
use it or lose it options. - Complex market-clearing procedures
- Requires consolidated markets run by SO ?
- Can centralization work well? complete
- Strengthen competition, or use incentive-compatibl
e settlement rules (e.g., Vickrey). - Can decentralization work well? incentives
- It works - systems are operating
successfully.Most are seen as promoting
competition. - But to price efficiently and prevent gaming
requires effectively complete markets. - Can this be done without consolidated
market?Working hypothesis is ultimately yes -
after many improvements to control gaming.
14Design Issues 2, 3(Addressed in text of paper)
- Design details of each market
- Energy bilateral contracting, or an exchange.
- Transmission
- Implementing nodal pricing in decentralized
market - Markets for hedges, firm transmission rights
- Reserves design of two-dimensional auctions
(available capacity, contingent energy supply). - Mitigation of market power
- Divestiture. Contract cover. Supply auctions.
15Comparisons with Other Industries
- Transport industries with similar issues but
different solutions - Gas pipelines
- Rail networks
- Telecommunication networks
- To what extent are solutions derived from
- Technical differences?
- Point-to-point transport
- Ownership and control?
- Each network privately owned and managed, no SO!