Title: SCMN 77007706 Demand Fulfillment
1SCMN 7700/7706Demand Fulfillment Segment
20 PEC Case Part 4 Data Mining
2Measuring Supplier Performance
- Monitor KPIs and take corrective action, to
ensure value is provided by suppliers - Create visibility into process and performance
across the entire supply management life cycle
Supply Mgt.
3Understanding Current Suppliers Supply Activity
- Objective
- Build a database for decision making
- Reveals opportunity to improve purchasing
activities and supplier management
PO history Transaction DB Supplier files
- Purchase by
- - Supplier
- Location
- Combinations
Supplier ABC Supplier activity SKU activity PO
Supplier Perf. Supplier Quality Sole
sourcing Make vs. Buy Rationalization
Data Sources Queries Profiles Decisions
4Supply Activity Profiling
- Supplier profiles
- Who do we buy from?
- Analyze purchasing activity based on their
location, dollars spent with them, cases, pieces,
weight, frequency, deliveries, ABC class, etc. - Item profiles
- What do we buy?
- Analyze purchasing activity based on dollars,
pieces, cases, pallets, cube, weight, lines. - Supplier-Item profiles
- ABC x ABC analysis
5Purchasing Performance Analysis
- Key Criteria
- Quality
- Delivery
- Price
- Value added services
- Process and types of measures are similar to
those presented for the purchase of
transportation services - Criteria measured on a weighted point plan
6Matching the Criteria and Measures
- Efficiency
- Vendor quality and delivery
- Effectiveness
- Price effectiveness
- Material flow and control
- Inventory levels
- Adaptability
- JIT performance
- Short order cycle time
7Supply Performance Measures
- Financial
- Total supply cost
- All costs related to planning, management, and
procurement execution - Purchase order cost
- TSC / number of purchase orders placed
- Supplier return on inventory
- Supplier total logistics cost
- Total acquisition cost (not just unit cost)
- Supply Quality
- Perfect purchase order percent
- Arrives on time, without damage, and with perfect
documentation at the right location with correct
quantities of all SKUs ordered - Vendor fill rate
- Order
- Line
- Unit
- Supplier satisfaction index
- Productivity
- Number of SKUs managed
- Number of suppliers managed
- Dollars managed
- Number of POs launched
- Inventory turns vs. target
- Fill rate performance vs. target
- Cycle time
- PO cycle time
- PO cycle time variability
8Examples of Price/Cost Metrics
- Target Prices Achieved
- Target is initially established for finished
product/service - Unit Price/Cost Reduction
- Compares actual price paid for a product or
service in one period versus actual price paid in
an earlier period - Spend As Percentage of CGS or Revenue
- Looks at change in spend as a percentage of Cost
of Goods Sold or of Revenue over some time period - Actual Price Change vs. Market Index Change
- Measures actual price changes for a commodity
group, relative to a market index, over some time
period - Total Delivered Cost
- Recognizes that cost goes beyond just unit price
paid for a product/service - Inventory Cost Reductions
- Inventory represents a significant cost element
in most supply chains, and offers substantial
savings opportunities. Purchasing effectiveness
clearly impacts inventory holding costs.
9Point Electronics Project Case Part 4 Supply
You and your partners have been retained by Point
Electronics to help them get a better
understanding of their logistics performance.
They have done the necessary data collection for
your analysis. In this part of the project,
supplier performance data is available on your
10Basic Information
- Supplier Database Field Details
11Your Assignment for Part 4 of the Project
- Complete the Supplier Profile worksheet
- What data use the PEC Supplier Database
- How use MS Access queries to answer the
questions - Complete the supplier data mining requirements
- What data use the PEC Supplier Database
- What questions answer all questions that follow
in this PowerPoint presentation - How follow the same process as you did for the
previous parts of the project - use MS Access queries to generate information
- Copy results to MS Excel
- In Excel, calculate totals, percentages, and key
inventory metrics, format tables, and print your
results (one set of responses per team) - Analyze the data mining results
- Use your data mining results along with the key
questions to analyze PECs inventory management
performance during August. - use the Analysis Form provided on the class
website - Work with your teammates to develop a Supply
Chain Assessment for PEC
12Supply Mgt. Profile - Use database queries to
amass the following information regarding PECs
current situation for August (2003)
13Supplier Analysis
- Q1. Is Point purchasing the right products for
their supply chain? - A. Summary of purchases by business class
- B. Compare Purchases to Revenue (Demand DB) and
Value of Inventory (inventory DB) By Business
Class - Note Query has already been built for Q1b, just
double click on the query named Question 1B to
generate table - C. ABC Analysis
14Deliverables Format (Q1A)
Use Excel
15Deliverables Format (Q1B)
Use Excel
16Deliverables Format (Q1C)
Use Excel
17Supplier Analysis
- Q2. Does Points supplier base provide effective
logistics services? - A. Summary of Order Cycle Time
- B. Summary of Timeliness Status
- C. Summary of Fill Rates
18Deliverables Format (Q2A-B)
Use Excel
19Deliverables Format (Q2C)
How many of the orders received had a First Time
Fill Rate of less than 100? _________ What
percentage of the total orders had a First Time
Fill Rate of less than 100? ________
20Supplier Analysis
- Q3. Does Points vendors supply base provide
quality products? - A. Summary of Product Quality
- B. Summary of 10 Worst Suppliers
21Deliverables Format (Q3A)
Use Excel
Defect rate quantity rejected /total units
ordered Defect rate in PPM defect rate
22Deliverables Format (Q3B)
Use Excel
Hint perform a Select Query, grouping by
Supplier, summing the other four columns and
sorting the Value of Goods Rejected in descending
order . The first ten rows of the table will be
your ten worst suppliers. Proportion of Order
Rejected Value of Goods Rejected / Value of
Order x 100
23Supplier Analysis
- Q4. Does Point effectively leverage its
purchasing power with its suppliers? - A. Supplier Status Analysis
- B. Supplier Status by Model ABC Analysis
(crosstab query with value of goods received)
24Deliverables Format (Q4A)
Use Excel
What is the average number of transactions per
supplier for PEC? _________
25Deliverables Format (Q4B)
Supplier Status
26Supplier Analysis
- Q5. Does Point receive exceptional value from
their suppliers? - A. Perfect Order Analysis (use a crosstab query
with count of any field) - B. Low Cost Supplier Analysis
27Deliverables Format (Q5A)
How many orders are perfect? ____________ What
percentage of total orders are perfect?
28Deliverables Format (Q5B)
Use Excel
Conduct a select query Group By Model Number,
Sum the Quantity Received, Sum the Value of Goods
Received, and Min for Unit Cost to get
information needed for the overall analysis
(total for all purchase). Within the query
results table use the Find function to get the
data for the four individual model numbers.
Purchase cost if Bought from Low Unit Cost
Supplier Quantity Received x Low Unit
Cost Savings Value of Goods Received -
Purchase cost if Bought from Low Unit Cost
Supplier Savings (Saving / Value of Goods
Received) x 100
- Is Point purchasing the right products for their
supply chain? YES SOMEWHAT NO - Does Points supplier base provide effective
logistics services? YES
SOME DO NO - Does Points vendors supply base provide quality
products? ALL MOST FEW NONE - Does Point effectively leverage its purchasing
power with its suppliers? YES SOMEWHAT NOT
REALLY - Does Point receive exceptional value from their
suppliers? YES SOMEWHAT NOT REALLY - Summary Questions
- The last requirement for the case is to develop a
brief report for your clients at Point
Electronics. - Create an executive summary report which
describes - The work that you have done
- The current Point supply chain
- Performance levels in each function studied
- Recommendations for improvement with discussion
of anticipated benefits - Answer the questions posed by the CEO of Point
Electronics Corp. - See the instructions posted on the website for
details regarding this final team requirement for
the PEC case.
- Earthbound Foods Case Analysis an individual
assignment where you will read the HBS case
study, analyze the situation, and make
recommendations regarding the organizations
future use of the forward distribution strategy. - Course Exam an individual open-book exam where
you will assess short scenarios and develop
strategies for improving fulfillment processes
and performance. - See the instructions on the website for details
regarding these two requirements. Information
will be available no later than June 1st.
32Final Notes
- The best way to keep in contact with me for the
balance of the summer is via email. My address is
brian.gibson_at_auburn.edu - My goal is to grade your work a minimum of twice
per week - Work turned in Sunday through Wednesday will
receive feedback by Friday. - Work turned in Thursday through Saturday will
receive feedback by Tuesday. - I currently have two stretches of time where my
access to email will be limited. Please be
patient as I may be slow to respond to questions
or grade your work between the following dates - June 21 29
- July 26 August 2
- Thanks, and have a great summer.