Title: B Decays to Measure g
1B Decays to Measure g
- Stephen Bailey
- Harvard University
- for the BaBar Collaboration
- PASCOS 2003
- Mumbai, India
- CP violation with B0 -gt yKS (sin2b) is well
established - Agrees with Standard Model
- Now we need to overconstrain the unitarity
triangle to check consistency - g arg(VudVub / Vcd Vcb)
- g -arg(Vub)in standard phase convention
- Results from BaBar at PEP-II ee- -gt U(4S) -gt
BBbar - 88 million BBbar pairs
3Many Methods none are easy
- Amplitude relationships with B- -gt D0CP K- and
friends - Squashed amplitude triangles BR(B- ? D0bar
K-) ltlt BR(B- ? D0 K-) - Interference involving doubly Cabibbo suppressed
D0 decays - sin(2bg) with B0 -gt D()- p, r, a1,
- Cabibbo suppressed B0 -gt D() p-
- Use B0 -gt Ds() p and SU(3) to estimate B0 -gt
D() p- - Progress on both full and partial reconstruction
techniques - B -gt pp, Kp, KK
- Several options with various theoretical
4B? ? D0CP K? and friends
- D0CP (D0 D0bar) / Ö2 CP even or odd
decays, e.g. KK- - Measure sides of amplitude triangles to determine
g - Ö2 A(B- -gt D0CPK-) A(B- -gt D0K-) A(B- -gt
D0barK-) - Ö2 A(B- -gt D0CPK-) A(B- -gt D0K-) A(B- -gt
D0barK-) e-igeid - Sensitivity to g depends on r A(B- -gt
D0barK-) / A(B- -gt D0K-)
strong phase
weak phase
5B- ? D0 K-
D0 -gt Kp only
- Use D0 -gt K-p, K-pp-p, K-pp0
B -gt D0p
B -gt D0K
(81M BBbar pairs 75 fb-1)
PDG BF(B- -gt D0p-) (5.30.5)x10-3
D0 -gt Kp only
with kaon ID cut and 3s mES cut
6B? ? D0CP K?
- B? ? D0KK- K?
- 36.8 8.4 4.0 signal events
- B? ? D0pp- K?
- Upcoming
- backgrounds from B -gt ppK
7B? ? D0CP K? and friends
- Direct CP asymmetry from D0CP states
(81M BBbar pairs 75 fb-1)
8B- ? D0bar K-
- Hard BR(B- ? D0bar K-) ltlt BR(B- ? D0 K-)
- Interference from doubly Cabibbo suppressed D0
decays - B- -gt D0barK- (small) --gt Kp- (big)
- B- -gt D0 K- (big) --gt Kp- (small)
- Plan
- Measure B- -gt D0(bar) K-w/ D0bar -gt Kp-,
Kp-pp-, Kp-p0 - Measure Multiple D0CP modes
- See Gronau, hep-ph/0211282
9B? ? D0CP K? Summary
- B- -gt D0 K- measured
- R(B -gt D0K/D0p) (8.31 0.35 0.20)
- D0CP -gt KK- initial results available
- Direct Asymmetry ACP 0.17 0.23 0.09/-0.07
- More modes (e.g. D0CP -gt pp) in progress
- More data coming too
- Cabibbo suppressed modesin progress
(81M BBbar pairs 75 fb-1)
10sin(2b g) with B0 ? D()p
- Both D()p- and D()-p from B0 and B0bar
- Interference -gt CP violation
- B0 B0bar mixing e-i2b
- b -gt u Vub e-ig
- Large difference in branching fractions
- BFfavored(B0 -gt D()-p) 3x10-3
- BFsuppressed(B0 -gt D()p-) 10-6
- Small CP violating effect expected (2)
- Measure one weak phase (2bg) anda strong phase
(d) for each mode
11sin(2b g) B0 ? Ds()p
too small to measure w/ current data
- l() 0.02
- Use B0 -gt Ds()p- to estimateA(B0 -gt D()p-)
via SU(3) symmetry - Introduces theoretical uncertainty
- B0 -gt Dsp-
- Use Ds -gt fp, KsK, KbarK
- 21.4 5.1 signal events
- BF(B0 -gt Dsp-) (3.2 0.9 1.0) x 10-5
- 84M BBbar pairs 78 fb-1
- BF(B0 -gt Dsp-) lt 4.1 x 10-5 90 CL
12sin(2b g) Fully reconstructed B0 ? D()p
- Fully reconstruct both Dp and Dp
- Time evolution for each state f
- Four ls include one weak phase (2bg) and two
strong phases (d())
arg(lDp-) -(2bgd) arg(lD-p) -(2bg-d)
arg(lDp-) -(2bgd) arg(lD-p) -(2bg-d)
13sin(2b g) Fully reconstructed B0 ? D()p
- We have thousands of fully reconstructed B0 -gt Dp
andB0 -gt Dp - The sin(2bg) fitter is being studied
- The results arent unblinded yet
- mES from B0 -gt D-p with 5.2 fb-1
- very clean signal
- now we have almost 20x more data
5.2 fb-1 B0 ? D-p
14sin(2b g) Partially reconstructed B0 ? Dp
- Another method Partial D reconstruction
- Reconstruct low momentum p in D -gt Dp, but not
rest of D - More signal events,but also more background
- N(tagged) gt 40 000 eventsin full dataset
20.3 fb-1 only a fraction of the current data,
but shows approximate S/B
15sin(2b g) Partially reconstructed B0 ? Dp
- Unreconstructed D daughters could affect tag
sidevertex position measurement - Validate partial reco. method with a lifetime
measurement - t(B0) (1.510 0.040 0.041) ps (with 20.7
fb-1) - cf PDG t(B0) (1.548 0.032) ps
- hep-ex/0212012 submitted to PRD
- Proceeding with sin(2bg) fit, results not
unblinded yet
16B0 ? pp, Kp, KK
- Amplitude relationships with B -gt pp, Kp, KKmay
also measure or constrain g - Theoretical interpretation is complicated
- Penguins
- Rescattering contributions
- SU(3) symmetry breaking
- etc.
- For a recent brief review, see Fleischer,
hep-ph/0207324 - For now well quote branching fractions (BF) and
Asymmetries (A) and let you plug the numbers into
your favorite theory
17B0 ? pp, Kp, KK
hep-ex/0207055 hex-ex/0207065 hex-ex/0207063 hep-e
(81 fb-1 except K0p, KK0bar 54 fb-1)
18Many More Modes
- Exploring many other modes which could measure g
or 2bg - B -gt D()K()
- B -gt D()KS
- B -gt D KS p
- B -gt D() K() p
- Dalitz analysis of B -gt ppp
- etc.
- The Good News Were making progress
- B- -gt D0CP K-
- Several sides of amplitude triangles measured
- ACP 0.17 0.23 0.09/-0.07
- sin(2bg) with B0 -gt D()p
- Decay modes reconstructed
- Lifetime measurement checks method
- sin(2bg) fit results in progress
- B0 -gt pp, Kp, KK
- Many branching fractions measured
- Need theoretical input for interpretation
- Final story will likely involve
- B factory measurements of many decay modes
- Hadronic accelerator results with Bs decays
- Theoretical input