Title: Knowledge
1Knowledge is power
2Did you notice the O.J. verdict --- liars lose
3Conform your process to the patient, not the
patient to your needs.
4Why am I doing this What if ...
5Too busy? Too many patients? Too smart? Too
important? Too rich? GET SUED !
6Get advice Get consultation Before you get in
7When the family worries and calls let the
secretary answer questions. Save a minute - risk
a suit
8Why don't malpractice lawsuits prevent further
malpractice lawsuits
9 How to lose
Delay "prompt" record releases Alter
records Poor medical-legal evaluation
Improper discovery Rely on friends
Refuse to settle if negligent
10Mediocre or routine or thoughtless care is
unacceptable and malpractice when rendered by a
professional who is a member of a special
11It is understood that not every error by a
physician or other member of the
team automatically is malpractice.
12Damage control is good business and should be
taken seriously. Bad quality is
expensive. Fixing mistakes means repeat work and
costs time and money.
13Your patient has a right to expect quality care
and extra time when she is severely ill,
worried, or having a problem which needs your
undivided attention
14If there are four possible ways in which a
procedure can go wrong, a fifth way, unprepared
for, will promptly develop.
1997 Our thought patterns determine our behavior.
17Are you committed to excellence To do the best
you can. Take your time. Think about the
problem. Study if needed.
18Can patients trust you? Will you do the right
thing? You know what it is. Do it.
19A hospital is not a Holiday Inn. If you don't
believe me, check the rates. Are you surprised ?
20Every doctor owes more to medicine than just
using it to make a living.
21Do you "care" about the patient ? Treat your
patients as you would like to be treated.
22Never stop learning Enjoy something
everyday Always question authority
23Nothing is as easy as it looks.
24Everything takes longer than you think.
25Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
26If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will
27Whenever you set out to do something, something
else must be done first.
28Web site http//www.DrRein.com
29E mail to DrRein_at_USCourt.com
30The standard is quality The standard is
consideration Standard means safe care is
31Prevent medical malpractice using the Damage
Control with Zero Defects method
32It is said regarding damage control and quality
improvement "You do not have to do
this. Survival is not compulsory."
33Consider subliminal communication C The tone and
messages you send at crisis time
34Patients are entitled to high quality. Diagnosis
and treatments should meet their individual
35ABANDONMENT causes fear and anger. It is - not
being there when you are needed most. Needed is
defined by the patient, not by medical standards.
36Quality service requires that you meet the
needs, answer questions, stay longer, explain
more, hear and listen, empathize -- don't
lecture. Do these often.
37Was the right thing done at the right time in the
right way, by the right person, under the right
circumstances, and did it get the expected
38It may not be as easy as it was the last time.
39Would you practice the learning curve on yourself?
40Right as distinguished from wrong by your common
sense, and by patient needs at the time. Were
expectations unfulfilled?
41EVERY complication is MAJOR to the patient. The
big difference between major and minor
surgery depends on who has the knife.
42Used your judgment, did you? Good judgment
requires all these. Knowledge and its proper
application. Think for yourself. Question
authority. Keep learning. Trust and listen to the
43If there is a possibility of things going
wrong, the one that will cause damage will be
the one to go wrong. If there is a bad time for
something to go wrong, it will happen then.