Development and Transformation of Chinas Telecom Sector - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Development and Transformation of Chinas Telecom Sector


Small to large: the leap forward of China's telecom sector ... 60-70% traffic in day time and 90% at night over the Metro Area Network in some ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Development and Transformation of Chinas Telecom Sector

Development and Transformation of Chinas Telecom
  • Yang Zemin
  • China Academy of Telecommunication Research
  • July 2007

Current situations and trends of Chinas telecom
Understanding development and transformation of
Chinas telecom sector
Small to large the leap forward of Chinas
telecom sector
  • In 2006, fixed telephone subscribers in China
    totaled 367.812 million, with the penetration up
    to 28.1 . Mobile phone subscriber totaled
    461.082 million, with the penetration rate hit
    35.3 . Internet subscribers amounted to 137
    million, with penetration rate reaching 10.4,
    and broadband subscribers totaled 519 million.
  • In 1996, Chinas fixed and mobile phone
    subscribers totaled 618 million. After 10 years,
    the number increased 767.2 million, at a rate of
    30 annually.
  • The number of Internet subscribers grew to 137
    million from 620,000 in 1997, at a rate of 82

Rapid growth of Chinas telecom sector calm
  • Overall, the growht of telecom revenue is slowing
    down across the world.
  • From 1994 to 2004, the average growth rate was
    8.9 worldwide, 8.1 in OECD countries, and 24.7
    in China.
  • From 2000 to 2004, the average growth rate was
    7.2 worldwide, 5.5 in OECD countries, and 14.5
    in China.
  • In the past 3 years (2003-2006), Chinas average
    growth rate was 12 annually.
  • The pattern of Chinas telecom development
    generally coincides with the other side of the
    world, but much faster than developed countries
    and world average.

Development of Chinas telecom sector suits the
need of rapid economic growth
Source World Telecommunication/ICT Development
Report 2006, ITU
  • In 2006, Chinas telecom revenue represent 3.1
    in GDP
  • The percentage was 3.19 in OECD countries
  • In Asia, the average percentage was 3.8 in 2004

Dramatically transformation of telecom service
structureEmerging multimedia data services
Mobile data services (2005)
  • Like elsewhere in the world, the structure of
    Chinas telecom service is transforming
    dramatically, with the rapid growht of data and
    multimedia service as one of the driving forces.
  • In 2006, data and multimedia services acounted
    for 21.6 of mobile services .
  • The proportion of data and multimedia services in
    Chinas mobile communications is relatively high
    in the world.

Dramatically transformation of telecom service
structure clearly substitute effect of mobile
Proportion of mobile in new subscribers,
China(PHS subscribers included)
  • Substitute effect of mobile is clear in China
  • Proportion of mobile in new subscribers 84
    worldwide in 2004 In China, it was close to
    world average (PHS included)
  • Proportion of mobile services revenues in total
    telecom revenues about 36.5 worldwide and in
    OECD in 2004 and 45 in China (PHS not
  • Substitute of mobile for fixed is more manifest
    in China than in must of other countries.

Proportion of mobile communication services
revenues in total telecom revenues, China (PHS
revenues not included)
Dramatically transformation of telecom service
structure Development of broadband rapidly
  • From 2002 to 2006, broadband subscribers in
    China were growing by 100 annually. Today China
    is the worlds second largest broadband country
  • By 2006, China had 519 million broadband
    subscriber, and 907 million people using
    broadband ,near that of U.S.

Top 10 Broadband countries by number of lines
Source Point-tpoic
China Broadband lines(Millions)
Rapid growth of mobile Internet in China
Unit 10,000 people
Number of WAP active users
Source CNNIC
Traditional Internet users
Number of WAP active users
  • Mobile Internet is developing rapidly in China.
    By March 2007, WAP active subscribers totaled 390
    million. By the end of 2006, WAP active
    subscribers accounted for 28.5 of traditional
    Internet users in China, or near all number of
    the Internet users in China 5 years ago.
  • About 65,000 WAP sites with independent domain
    names 260 million WAP web pages.

Development of broadband and widespread use of
P2P consume lots of bandwidth
  • From October 1997 to the end of 2006, the
    bandwidth of Chinas Internet international
    connection grew by 179 in average each year.
  • Over 50 traffic over China Telecoms
    long-distance backbone is P2P. 60-70 traffic in
    day time and 90 at night over the Metro Area
    Network in some provinces in east China is P2P.
    (Wei Leping, CTO of China Telecom)

Worldwide Growth Rate of Internet and Bandwidth
(2003 to 2006)
Source Deloitte
Growth of Chinas Internet international
connection bandwidth (Mbit/s)
Innovation of broadband and Internet bring
debates between telecom and Internet industry
Last updated Nov. 7, 2006
  • In 2006, the broadband revenue from Chinese basic
    telecom operators totaled RMB 35 billion, and the
    proportion of VAS revenue is estimated to be
    under 10. Revenue from Internet SP was estimated
    to be RMB40 billion, and web ad, mobile VASs and
    web games were the top revenue sources.
  • The development of Internet and broadband leads
    to the focus of industry value chain shifting to
    content and application.
  • The debates of network neutrality reflects the
    interdependence and conflict between telecom and
    Internet. As convergence is deepened, the model
    for sustainable development of the industry is
    still not in place.

Landscape of Chinas telecom market needs
  • Chinas largest mobile telecom operator, with
    nearly 320 million subscribers and RMB280 billion
    revenue in 2006
  • Chinas largest fixed telecom operator, with
    nearly 230 million subscribers and RMB170 billion
    revenue in 2006
  • Chinas second largest fixed telecom operator,
    with 120 million subscribers and RMB90 billion
    revenue in 2006
  • Chinas second largest mobile telecom company,
    with 140 million subscribers and RMB80 billion
    revenue in 2006
  • Alternative fixed telecom operator
  • Company focusing on satellite communications
  • The landscape of Chinas telecom market consists
    of 6 basic telecom operators and over 20,000 VAS
  • China Mobile is dominant in basic telecom
    service market, and full-service competition is
    still not in place
  • The size of VAS market is still modest, and
    capability of service providers are not strong
    generally. Homogeneous competition is prevalent,
    and irregularities in the competition need to be

Development of Chinas telecom sector is still
RD intensity (2003)
Telecom Investment/ revenue
Far below 1
  • Profitability of Chinas telecom industry is
    growing rapidly, but still behind the level of
    developed countries. In 2006, the investment /
    revenue ratio of telecom industry was 34.3 in
    China, 13.6 in OCED countries, and 25.5 in mid-
    and low-income countries .
  • The rapid development of Chinas telecom industry
    is achieved mainly through expansion of
    subscriber base. The driving force of innovation
    is insufficient. The growth is typically

Chinas telecom sector has big margin for
Comparison of telecom penetration level
  • Compared with developed countries, Chinas
    telecom penetration still has big margin for
  • China has 1.3 billion people, implying for huge
    potential of development.

Chinas telecom sector has big margin for
Broadband penetration in OECD countries, June
  • In the first half of 2006, the average
    penetration rate of broadband in OECD countries
    was 15.5. The rate in China at the end of 2006
    was 3.9. Although China has the worlds second
    largest broadband user base, its penetration
    level is still small.

Demands still strong in Chinas telecom sector
Comparison of revenue and traffic growth in
Chinas telecom sector
  • Demands for telecom services is strong , and
    continuously lowering telecom tariff stimulate
    usage increase
  • Chinas telecom traffic (measured at price in
    2000) has been actually growing rapidly, at 29.8
    per year from 2001 to 2006, much faster than the
    growth of telecom revenue
  • The Chinese economy has been growing at about 9
    annually for years, which provides for growth
    momentum of the countrys telecom sector.

Informatization provides huge opportunities
  • Many countries have formulated and implemented
    national informatization strategy (Japan
    e/u-Japan, ROK e/u-Korea, European Union
    e-Europe and i-2010, tremendously boosting the
    development of their telecom sector
  • The State Informatization Development Strategy
    (2006-2020) promulgated by Chinese government
  • Proactively promoting informatization is the
    required move and inevitable choice for
    implementing the scientific development view,
    building a well-off society, a socialist society
    of harmony and an innovation driven nation
  • A solid foundation shall be laid for moving
    towards information society by 2020
  • Promote penetration level of network, the level
    of development and utilization of information
    resources and information security guarantee
    promote the convergence of networks, and develop
    and improve comprehensive information
    infrastructure, to robustly migrate to the next
    generation network.
  • Defining the stage of Chinas informatization
    China has laid a sound foundation for its
    informatization, and entered a new stage of
    comprehensive development. To proactively boost
    informatization has become a critical and
    imperative task for Chinas social and economic
    development in the new stage.
  • Great leap forward is made in development of
    network infrastructure. For the future, the goal
    is to develop and improve comprehensive
    information infrastructure, and complete the
    migration to the next generation network.
  • Remarkable progress has been made in
    informatization application, but the overall
    effectiveness needs to be improved. The use of
    informatization in economy, society and
    government should be strengthened.
  • The release and implementation of national
    informatization strategy will bring unprecedented
    opportunities for Chinas telecom industry.

Convergence provides new opporunity for
development of telecom
IPTV, Mobile phone TV
Content-centered consumer services
Industry Convergence
Convergence of telecom and media
ICT in daily life
Broadband and mobile digital content services
Corporate ICT integration services
Solution-centered productivity services
ICT in work
ICT penetrates traditional industries
Informatization solutions, etc.
Providing users with seamless ICT experience
across technologies
Convergence of fixed and mobile
Convergence in technology and network
Content digitization and convergence with 3C
Fixed and mobile convergence (FMC)
Cellular communications and satellite
broadcasting combine
Triple Play
Convergence of telecom, computer and consumer
Convergence of information and communication
technology (ICT)
Summary Internal and external factors
determines transformation is the most important
strategy of Chinas telecom sector
  • Dramatically changes and challenges faced by the
    telecom sector
  • Dramatic change of telecom demand
    structureconverged content services and ICT
    services become new potential growth point
  • Accelerating innovation of technology and
    service service innovation is moving toward
    multimedia, mobility, personalization and
    covergence technology innovation is
    accelerating, bringing both huge opportunities
    and new challenges
  • Change of business modelthe development of
    Internet and broadband significantly drives the
    innovation of business model. Internet shakes the
    business model of traditional telecom services.
  • Globalized competition and internationalization
    of domestic competition
  • The telecom sector is facing huge opportunities
    and growth potential
  • In-depth development of informatization provide
    big opportunity for the telecom sector
  • Convergence of technologies brings strong growth
    momentum to telecom
  • Development of digital technology enabled rich
    web content, which becomes a crucial source of
    the development and innovation of telecom sector.
  • Chinas telecom sector is also faced by unique
    opportunities and problem
  • Chinas telecom sector still has broad space to
  • Well-established rules and promotion of industry
    development are two major topics
  • Reform, exploration and the establishment of
    modern corporate system have always been and will
    continue to be the critical tasks for China
  • The reform of telecom sector has not been
    completed, To optimize and improve the
    competitive landscape is an important task for
    Chinas reform of its telecom sector.

Current situation and trend of Chinas telecom
Understanding development and transformation of
Chinas telecom sector
Transformation of Chinas telecom sector
  • Transformation of Chinas telecom sector is a
    critical strategic action to address changes of
    technology, to improve quality and broaden space
    for development amidst dramatically changing
    internal and external environment
  • Upgrading demands of users, technology and
    service innovation based on the Internet and
    development of national informatization are the
    fundamental momentum for transformation of
    Chinas telecom sector
  • Transformation of telecom sector is widening
    scope of development, and changing development
    model and pattern of growth
  • Transformation of Chinas telecom sector is
    reflected in 4 aspects expansion of scope
    information service industry transitions in 3
    dimensions transition of development model and
    pattern of growth to innovation-driven,
    transition of business and service to
    customer-centric, universal, informatized and
    integrated business and service, transition of
    network and technology to horizontally layered,
    converged next generation broadband network 3
    institutional adjustments adjustments of the
    system, industrial policies and regulatory
    policies 5 innovation drives service, model,
    network technology, management and institutional
  • Transformation will be a long-term task.

Direction of Chinese telecom sectors
transformation information service industry
System of transformation of Chinas telecom
Expansion of scope, transitions in 3 dimensions,
3 institutional adjustments, and 5 innovation
Direction of industry development information
service industry
Transformation of regulatory regime
Transformation of industry policies
Innovation-driven development model
Transformation of development model and pattern
of growth
People-centered, universal, informatized and
integrated business and service
Business and service transformation
Network transformation
Layered, converged next generation broadband
Transformation of institution
Innovation of network technology
Innovation of manage-ment
Innovation of institution
Innovation of service
Innovation of business model
System of transformation of Chinas telecom
Direction of industry
  • Telecom industry expanding to information service

Development model and pattern of growth
  • Innovation becomes the core drive force of
    development, and the expansionary growth relying
    on investment is transforming to compound growth
    driven by innovation, demand and investment
  • Enabling an open, competitive, win-win, web-based
    new industry ecosystem and value chain
    cooperation relationship forming diversified
    value innovation group and business model

Business and service
  • People-centered, universal, informatized and
    integrated service and business
  • Universal service communications services should
    reach and benefit all the people
  • Informatized service communication services
    migrating to comprehensive information services
    to meet all kinds of demands
  • Integration of application communication
    applications and information technology
    applications are unified to meet the demands of
    government, businesses and public organizations
    in their production and management

System of transformation of Chinas telecom
Enhancing the application in peoples life and
Enhancing 2 major applications Support social and
economic development
Enhancing the application in social and economic
Essentials of transformation in the 10th
Five-year Plan period
Optimizing industry development structure
Optimizing 2 structures Drive healthy and fast
Optimizing competitive landscape in market
Focusing on breakthrough of service innovation
Focusing on breakthrough of technology innovation
Focusing 4 breakthroughs Promote the change of
growth pattern
Focusing on breakthrough of model innovation
Focusing on breakthrough of institution innovation
Promoting operational capability of enterprise
Promoting 2 capabilities Strengthen the
foundation for sustainable development
Promoting regulation capability for the industry
Practice of transformation of Chinas telecom
sector has begun!
  • Faced by huge challenges and new opportunities,
    Chinese telecom operators have begun to implement
    strategic transformation
  • Accelerating service innovation, and extending
    industry chain IPTV, mobile multimedia and
    information service
  • Accelerating transformation of network
    infrastructure, to address the challenges of new
    technology build intelligent fixed network,
    IP-based mobile network, and increase bandwidth
  • Accelerating development of emerging market
    rural informatization and rural communication,
    going to overseas market
  • Enhancing technology innovation3G mobile
    communication, soft switching
  • Optimizing organization structure and operational
    process, to guarantee the implementation of
  • Optimizing and improving telecom regulation
    value added service, fair competition, protection
    of consumer rights
  • China Telecom comprehensive information service
  • China Netcom broadband and multimedia service
  • China Mobile mobile communications expert
  • China Unicom the worlds first class
    comprehensive communication and information
    service provider

Goals of some Chinese operators transfor-mation
Thank You!
China Academy of Telecommunication Research July
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