WHAT ARE THE HUMANITIES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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the Tradition of the New, and 'the Music Itself ' ', Defining Russia Musically: ... (See Kate Connolly, Twin Towers Symbolised Arrogance, says Top Designer', The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • American Studies
  • Art History
  • English (including English Language and Drama)
  • History
  • Languages
  • Media and Film Studies
  • Music
  • Philosophy

OED Definition
  • Learning or literature concerned with human
    culture a term including the various branches of
    polite scholarship, as grammar, rhetoric, poetry,
    and esp. the study of the ancient Latin and Greek
    classics.    a. sing. (Still used in the Scottish
    Universities, in the sense of the study of the
    Latin language and literature.)

Humanities as Salvation?
  • in our truest readings, as students, we searched
    the page for guidance, guidance in perplexity. We
    found it in Lawrence, or we found it in Eliot,
    the early Eliot. The rest of our reading, by
    comparison, was just a matter of mugging things
    up so we could pass exams.
  • If the humanities want to survive, surely It
    is those energies and that craving for guidance
    that they must respond to a craving that is, in
    the end, a quest for salvation.
  • J.M. Coetzee, Elizabeth Costello

Humanities as critique?
  • It is the humanities and the humanities alone
    that will allow us to steer our way through this
    multicultural world, precisely because the
    humanities are about reading and interpretation.
    The humanities begin in textual scholarship, and
    develop as a body of disciplines devoted to
  • J.M. Coetzee, Elizabeth Costello

Humanities as commodity?
  • Faculties of Humanities remain the core of any
  • The humanities the core of the university?
    She may be an outsider, but if she were asked to
    name the core of the university today, its core
    discipline, she would say it was moneymaking.
    That is how it looks from Melbourne, Victoria
    and she would not be surprised if the same were
    the case in Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • J. M. Coetzee, Elizabeth Costello

Globalisation and the Humanities
Globalisation, Violence and the End of Literature.
  • Theodor Adorno, Cultural Criticism and Society,
    in Prisms, 1955.
  • The sinister, integrated society of today no
    longer tolerates even those relatively
    independent, distinct moments to which the theory
    of the causal dependence of superstructure on
    base once referred. In the open-air prison which
    the world is becoming, it is no longer so
    important to know what depends on what, such is
    the extent to which all things are one. All
    phenomena rigidify, become insignias of the
    absolute rule of that which is . To write
    poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric. And this
    corrodes even the knowledge of why it has become
    impossible to write poetry today.

Fiction, Globalisation and Terrorism
  • Don DeLillo, Mao II (1992)
  • Theres a curious knot that binds novelists and
    terrorists. In the West we become famous effigies
    as our books lose the power to shape and
    influence. Years ago I used to think it was
    possible for a novelist to alter the inner life
    of a culture. Now bomb-makers and gunmen have
    taken that territory. They make raids on human
    consciousness. What writers used to do before we
    were all incorporated.

mechanical reproduction and global violence
  • Andy Warhol, Atomic bomb

Art, commodity culture, and mechanical
  • Andy Warhol, Campbells Soup

Francis Fukyama and the end of history
  • "What we may be witnessing is not just the end of
    the Cold War or the passing of a particular
    period of post-war history, but the end of
    history as such that is, the end point of
    mankind's ideological evolution and the
    universalization of Western liberal democracy as
    the final form of human government."

September 11thAn end to the end of
history?Questioning the inevitability of global
capitalism and the universalisation of Western
liberal democracy
Don DeLillo In the Ruins of the Future
  • In the past decade the surge of capital markets
    has dominated discourse and shaped global
    consciousness. Multinational corporations have
    come to seem more vital and influential than
    governments. The dramatic climb of the Dow and
    the speed of the internet summoned us all to live
    permanently in the future, in the utopian glow of
    cyber-capital, because there is no memory there
    and this is where markets are uncontrolled and
    investment potential has no limit. All this
    changed on September 11.

Don DeLillo
  • The sense of disarticulation we hear in the term
    "Us and Them" has never been so striking, at
    either end.
  • Two forces in the world, past and future. With
    the end of communism, the ideas and principles of
    modern democracy were seen clearly to prevail,
    whatever the inequalities of the system itself.
    This is still the case. But now there is a global
    theocratic state, unboundaried and floating and
    so obsolete it must depend on suicidal fervour to
    gain its aims.

George Bush
  • You are either with us or against us in this war
    on terror

George Bush
  • 'The terrorists are fighting freedom with all
    their cunning and cruelty because freedom is
    their greatest fear and they should be afraid,
    because freedom is on the march'

Tony Blair
  • This is a moment to seize.
  • The Kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are
    in flux. Soon they will settle again.
  • Before they do, let us re-order this world around

Humanities as an engine forcounternarrative
Don DeLillo
  • Terror brings the new future into being
  • The Bush administration was feeling a nostalgia
    for the cold war. This is over now. Many things
    are over. The narrative ends in the rubble and it
    is left to us to create the counternarrative.

9/11 Fiction
  • Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and
    Incredibly Close
  • John Updike, Terrorist
  • Don DeLillo, Falling Man
  • Mohsin Hamid, The Reluctant Fundamentalist
  • Ian McEwan, Saturday
  • Orhan Pamuck, Snow
  • Julia Glass, The Whole World Over
  • Ken Kalfus, A Disorder Peculiar to Our Country
  • Claire Messud, The Emperors Children
  • William Gibson, Pattern Recognition
  • Martin Amis, The Last Hours of Mohhamad Atta

Some implications for the study and practice of
  • Cultural hegemony
  • with us or against us
  • Structuralism
  • text
  • what it is
  • Absolute meaning
  • Fixed meaning
  • Closed reading
  • Dialogical plurality
  • multiculturalism
  • Semantics
  • context
  • what it might mean
  • Multiple interpretations
  • Changing meaning(s)
  • Open reading

9/11 - the closing-off of dialogue?
  • The parable of Pierre Boulez, the problem of
    opera, and international anti-terrorist laws!
  • ....a woeful tale of closed reading in the
    hegemonic climate of anti-terror paranoia...

Swiss Terror Swoop Discomposes Boulez, 75 (The
Guardian 05/12/01)
  • At dawn on 2 November 2001, less than two months
    after the attacks on the World Trade Center in
    New York, Pierre Boulez was arrested in his Basle
    hotel bedroom on suspicion of international
    terrorism. Ignorant of musicological protocol,
    the Swiss police had mistaken his infamous
    suggestion of the late 1960s that the most
    elegant solution to the problem of opera is to
    blow-up the opera houses1 for a literal call to
    arms and targeted him as a threat to world
  • (Ben Parsons, Arresting Boulez Post-war
    modernism in context JRMA 129 no. 1 161176, p.
  • 1 Pierre Boulez, Jan Buzga Interview mit Pierre
    Boulez in Prag, Melos, 34 (1967), 1624 English
    trans. in Opera, 19 (1968), 44050.

Discomposed Boulez cont.
  • The Swiss polices faux pas is coloured by a
    somewhat uncomfortable irony. In the context of a
    historical process in which Boulez has been
    iconicized as a defender and legitimator of
    abstract organizational principles, we are not
    used to having to make the connection between him
    and the problems and politics of a real world
    that lies outside the boundaries of the narrowly
    defined serial aesthetic. (ibid.)

Discomposed Boulez cont.
  • we tend not to mix post-war serial music with
    what might be called the extra-musical. Indeed,
    it is this very understanding of early serialism
    that has marked out what Richard Taruskin has
    characterized as a cordon sanitaire around the
    Music Itself a decontaminated space within
    which music can be composed, performed and
    listened to in a cultural and historical vacuum,
    that is, in perfect sterility1 (Parsons, ibid.)
  • 1 Richard Taruskin, Stravinsky and the Subhuman,
    a Myth of the Twentieth Century The Rite of
  • the Tradition of the New, and the Music Itself
    , Defining Russia Musically Historical and
  • Essays (Princeton, 1997 repr. 2000), 36088 (p.

Problems of the parable of Boulez
  • Absurd confusion of a subtle intellectual
    critique, set in the context of 1960s modern
    opera, for an absolute, decontextualised, literal
    (mis)reading of a terrorist threat.
  • Failure to stop and think!
  • Failure to be still and know!
  • Questions whether art/critique is itself a
    political act or whether it sometimes needs a
    decontaminated space in which to speculate

Is music/art engaged with the real world?
  • 2 Examples of highly repetitive structures (à la
  • Pierre Boulezs Ritual (1974) Perfect sterility?
  • Organised Delirium - exists in a
  • Can we merely explain how it is structured/made?
  • vs.
  • John Adams Death of Klinghoffer (1991)
    Politically engaged?
  • Coincidence recorded on 9/11 - appropriates new
  • Immediately censored an opera about

Klinghoffer and Terrorism
  • It happened that the world premiere of John
    Adams The Death of Klinghoffer...took place
    in...1991, during the First Gulf War. The
    subject of the opera is the hijacking of the
    Italian cruise liner Achille Lauro by Palestinian
    terrorists in 1985. Pickets from the Jewish
    Information League staged demonstrations outside
    the theatre in San Francisco. The problem was
    that Adams had dared to give an equal voice to
    both sides, making no judgment as to who is right
    and who is wrong. (Oh that politicians would do
    the same.)....The demonstrators presumably saw in
    this work insufficient condemnation of the
    terrorists... (Stephen Pettitt The Death of
    Klinghoffer, Decca DVD inlay card.)

Klinghoffer and Terrorism
  • Disgracefully, the work has not been staged in
    America since that run. Moreover, a performance
    of choruses from the opera scheduled in Boston
    late in 2001 was also cancelled because of
    sensitivities arising from the events of 11
    September, a decision with which the composer
    angrily disagreed, not only because it presumes
    the...audiences only want comfort and familiarity
    during these difficult times, but also because it
    sets a precedent that there is poetry and music
    that should not be performed at a given moment
    because of its content. Klinghoffer has
    effectively suffered censorship, and that in a
    state that consistently asserts its love of
    freedom. ( ibid.)

9/11 shook the kaleidoscope
  • 9/11, like Auschwitz before it, shook the
    kaleidoscope (to paraphrase Tony Blair) of art.
  • A number of reactions ensued before the
    kaleidoscope settled
  • In its wake, as Adorno felt half a century
    earlier, it was natural to question whether we
    could continue to make art or write about it.
  • Was art now rendered a distasteful indulgence
    protected from harsh reality by its various
    cordon sanitairesmuseums galleries concert
    halls opera houses literary texts digital
    media linguistic games historical archives?
  • Or were such decontaminated, apolitical spaces
    vital for art and critique to survive and
    paradoxically become political?

9/11 shook the kaleidoscope cont.
  • But art also offered consolation
  • on the night of 9/11, the BBC Proms programme
    changed to a programme of respectful,
    comforting American Nationalism (e.g. Barbers
  • But the most distasteful paradox of all.....
  • some tried to regard 9/11 itself as a work of art
    - the greatest ever!

E.g. 1 Stockhausen on 9/11
  • Composer Karlheinz Stockhausen was forced to
    apologise for describing the terrorists' attack
    on the World Trade Centre as "the greatest work
    of art one can imagine".
  • (See Kate Connolly, Twin Towers Symbolised
    Arrogance, says Top Designer, The Guardian
  • He actually referred to it as "the greatest work
    of art by Lucifer. In his apology he said that
    his comments had been misconstrued and he had
    been horrified by the atrocity.
  • Beware the dangers of selective quotation!

E.g. 2 Damien Hirst on 9/11...
  • The artist Damien Hirst said...he believed the
    terrorists responsible for the September 11
    attacks "need congratulating" because they
    achieved "something which nobody would ever have
    thought possible" on an artistic level. Hirst,
    who is no stranger to controversy, said many
    people would "shy away" from looking at the event
    as art but he believed the World Trade Centre
    attack was "kind of like an artwork in its own
  • (See Rebecca Allison, 9/11 wicked but a work of
    art, says Damien Hirst, The Guardian 11/9/2002.)

Damien Hirst cont....
  • "The thing about 9/11 is that...it was wicked,
    but it was devised in this way for this kind of
    impact. It was devised visually." Describing the
    image of the hijacked planes crashing into the
    twin towers as "visually stunning", he added
    "You've got to hand it to them on some level
    because they've achieved something which nobody
    would have ever have thought possible. (ibid.)

Damien Hirst cont....
  • Referring to how the event changed perceptions,
    he added "I think our visual language has been
    changed by what happened on September 11 an
    aeroplane becomes a weapon - and if they fly
    close to buildings people start panicking. Our
    visual language is constantly changing in this
    way and I think as an artist you're constantly on
    the lookout for things like that." (ibid.)

Dangers of dehumanised structuralist analysis
  • 9/11 becomes objectified, even commodified
  • described dispassionately as a series of
    structural visual elements utterly removed from
    the context of those visual elements!
  • 9/11 is made into a text
  • Paradox of art decontextualising terrorism and
    appropriating it for itself
  • Inverse of Nazi/Fascist propaganda in which
    terrorism appropriated art for its own ends.

Humanities and ethicsAn ethics derived from
the suspension of ethical engagementAn ethics
derived from balancing thought in both political
and depolitical spacesAn ethics derived from
being still and knowing
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