Title: Inflation Investments New Risks and Opportunities
1Inflation InvestmentsNew Risks and Opportunities
- July 2007
- Georges Sitbon
- Head of Inflation and Property Derivatives
Tel 00 33 1 41 89 55 22 Bloomberg and Reuters
- Inflation linked products overview
- Fixing inflation dealing with publication lag
- Inflation linked bonds
- Swaps and options market standards
- Structured notes from standards to exotics and
hybrids - Understanding and overcoming inflation products
specific risks - Marking the market how to build a swap curve
- Marking the market Calyon contribution to
transparancy - Seasonality dealing with non financial events
- Credit risk is there a free lunch?
- Unliquidity risk or opportunity?
- Volatility and correlation the new playing area
3Inflation-Linked Products Overview
4Fixing inflation dealing with publication lag
- Difference between CPI and DIR
CPI consumer price index DIR daily index
104.05 (11/31)(104.31- 104.05)
Publication CPI
Publication CPI
Publication IPC février 23/03/02
Publication IPC mars 23/04/02
5AFT fixing contribution
CPI Reference page
All DIR can be found on the treasury web
sites But you can also get it from Reuter pages
6How to find DIRs in Bloomberg
7 Risks embedded in the CPI release
- Independence of the calculation
- The CPI has to be released by an
independent/reliable institution - The CPI calculation methods must be clear and
transparent - Rebasing
- Series rebasing must have no impact on past flows
and forward calculations - Basket rebasing must be frequent, regular and
close to reality - Release delayed
- Can happen in late February
- Confirmations plan substitution by the last fixed
inflation utill the release - Index disruption
- Confirmation plan that both counterparties agree
on a substitution index - If no agreement on substitution index, both sides
must agree on the terms of the contract
8Inflation Linked Bonds
- A fixed coupon on an inflated principal
the inflated principal at maturity.
Compounded inflation
Cash flows overview
9Inflation swaps
Standard swaps
n number of years to maturity.
NBThere is no calculation basis on the
inflation leg. It is an index performance between
two unadjusted dates.The calculation basis on
the fixed leg is 30/360 on unadjusted dates.DIRs
and CPIs are unrevised first publication of
definitive index
10Inflation options
B) Floors
At each period
At each period
Cap buyer pay-off
Floor buyer pay-off
Inflation rate
Inflation rate
11Inflation options
B) Periodical Swaption
Right to enter in m years in a zero coupon swap
of (n-m) years maturity of strike K
Right to enter in m years in a periodical swap of
(n-m) years maturity of strike K
12Standard inflation linked structured notes
ILB style
13 Inflation Hybrids and Exotics
- Interest rate / inflation correlation products
- Inflation boosted coupon min( EuriborX 2
inflation) or min( GearingCMS 2.5inflation)
(floored at 0) - Inflation guaranteed coupon max( CMSX
1.5inflation) (floored at 0) - Inflation / inflation correlation products
- Inflation spread boosted coupon 3.50
Gearing(European inflation French inflation)
(capped at 7 floored at 0) - Inflation best of coupon 1.7 best of
(Italian inflation European inflation)
(capped and floored) - Exotic payoffs
- Inflation range accruals quarterly (n/3)(3M
Euribor X) were n number of times when European
inflation is inside 1.53 in the three last
monthly fixings - Inflation CMS (coming soon) X Gearing
(Inflation CMS10Y - Inflation CMS2Y) - Inflation quantos X US inflation paid in
14Inflation Products Specific Risks
15Building inflation linked swap curve
- When ILB market
- Pricing is dynamic
- ILB Asset Swap is the adjusment variable
Govies real yield
ILB Price
Interbank real yield
Interbank Inflation yield
Interbank nominal yield
Market data
Less Iiquid market data
16 Calyon real time contribution (Reuters)
Coming soon - AFT linkers strips - Caps an floor
17 Calyon real time contribution (Bloomberg)
18European Inflation Linked Bonds
20 Calyon page on ZC swaps (EUR)
21 Calyon page on ZC swaps (Others)
22 Inflation swap curves
Zero coupon curves
23 How to build forward curves
- We know European ex tob APR07 CPI 104.05
- From definition of zero-coupon swap CPIAPR07i
CPIAPR07 x (1ZCi )i - Calyon provides ZCi (CAID Menu)
- One can calculate all the APR forward CPIs
- Then one can calculate all APR annual inflation
24Taking seasonality into account
- Origins of seasonality - winter and
summer sales - - energy, fresh food...
- - taxes (tobacco) and more
- Seasonality factors CPI Linear CPI ( 1
month factor )
- Products in which seasonality pricing is
essential Asset swaps, backward start, short
period, Livret A, etc... - Once one know all MAR forward CPIs and
seasonnality parameters, one knows all forward
CPIs - Seasonality factors are very volatile and forward
are based on average rules. - One will find as many methods and factors as
banks. - Seasonality behaviour is a local data.
25Hedging seasonal fixings
Calendar spreads
Futures on Eurpean inflation ex-tobacco
- Very illiquid
- Only on European inflation ex-tob
- Only 12 next CPI
Calendar spreads are the best solution (EU XT
26Inflation linked bond credit specificity
Buying ILB/ Selling Nominal Bond
Nominal bond
27ILB ASW is there a free lunch?
28Unliquidity risk or opportunity?
- Bid offer spreads reflect
- Existance of ILB or not
- Short term (1Y, 2Y) is less liquid than longer
term - 10bp bid/offer on a 1Y ZC swap means 10ct
bid/offer on next year CPI release while on a 5Y,
it means around 50ct on the five year forward
CPI. - Market is unbalanced due to
- Poor natural offer on the offer side on
derivatives except project finance and utilities - All EMTN deals produce a bid interest on the swap
curve - Big size on the French inflation swap due to
Livret A (French saving accounts) indexation on
inflation - High forwards on French inflation contaminate
correlated curves - The only offer comes on the bond side
- The ILB ASW results much cheaper than the nominal
one only because of swap expensivness - Unliquidity provides arbitrage opportunities.
29Macroeconomic historical data
Take profit from liquidity gaps
Example the inflation spread boosted coupon
15Y Maturity 4.80 first 1Y 4.80 10(European
inflation French inflation) (capped
at 7.6 floored at 2)
- The European Inflation French Inflation
spread value is currently 58 bps (Apr 07) and
74 bps (May 07). - Last 10Y historical average 40 bps
- 90 of the last 10Y historical fixings are more
than 10 bps.
30Economists expectations
- All european domestic inflations should converge
to european average - This european averages includes
- Traditional countries inflations like France
and Germany - border and new entrants inflations
- The first category is structurally lower than
the second. - To stay competitive with low production costs at
new entrants, France wages should not be
inflationist - May tax harmonisation occur, taxes are higher in
France than average. - French Social VAT hike, if occur, would come
with deflationist measure to keep purchasing
power stable
- Rather than narrowing the spread between French
and European inflations should widden
31Market forwards compared to expectations
- French saving accounts are indexed on inflation
- Hedges are 5Y to 15Y maturity
- Size to hedge are much more important than what
the market can absorb - Forwards are artificially high because of
liquidity lag - From 1Y to 5Y threat of inflationist impact on
social VAT
32Volatility and correlations
- The inflation options market stated with additive
inflation EMTN because the coupon (Xinflation)
must be positive and can be capped. - Contrary to nominal market, far from the
money strikes are more liquid than ATM ones. - Difficulty stands in bulding an ATM volatility
matrix - 3 factcors model is commonly used in the market
as we know - Nominal yield volatility (nominal bonds)
- Real yield volatility (ILB)
- Real yield / nominal yield correlation
- CPI volatility
- We deduce CPI ratio volatility
- Correlation are calculated on the forwards
historical data - When ATM matrix in defined, a SABR methods can be
used to calibrate other strikes - 2007 the year for inflation options market
liquidity growth. Now we have enough points in
the ATM matrix to be able get rid of 3F model to
build it. - TOTEM is starting contributing a cube (strike,
maturity, price) every month on Eurpean and
French inflations caps and floors.
33Macroeconomic and historical data
Take profit from market regulations trough options
The Stabilizer
5y maturity (Euribor 60bp) ? n ? 12 (standard
fixed rate 4.4) n number of months over the
period when EMU yoy inflation is within the
1.50 - 2.80 range
- This strategy is based on the fact that ECB
target is 2. - The European inflation is currently 1.83 (May07)
and 1.85 (Apr 07). - Since 2000, European inflation has been within
the 1.50 2.80 range more than 90 of the
time. - The market forward prices bet on European
inflation will remain within the range.
34 Conclusion
- Calyon international franchise and know how
allow to provide taylor made inflation
opportunities and solutions. - Calyon has a strong commitment in this asset
development and therefore, will contribute to
pricing transparancy - Seasonality is the trader input and will lead to
prices dispersion till consensus appears - Credit risk on linkers obliges to a very
specific focus. - Unliquidity should not be considered only as a
risk but as well as a way to create value for the
end user. - As volatility market is developping, the product
catalog will enlarge in the next years. - CALYON is the ONE-STOP-SHOP for Global Inflation
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