You Have a Story to Tell: Personal Evangelism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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You Have a Story to Tell: Personal Evangelism


You Have a Story to Tell: Personal Evangelism – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: You Have a Story to Tell: Personal Evangelism

You Have a Story to Tell Personal Evangelism
Jerry Lucas Session 2, Friday 330 PM
Who Are YougtWegtMe?(Really)?
All at the Same Time
  • A Sinner
  • A Saint
  • A Child of God, and and Ambassador / Living
    Letter of GOD to the world

What is Evangelism?
  • The preaching of the Gospel by
  • Word and Sacrament Ministry within the Church
  • Proclamation of the Gospel in the Public Forum
  • What kinds of evangelism have you heard of or
    participated in?

Our Objections to Evangelism
  • Our fear of
  • Rejection
  • Insufficient knowledge
  • Loss of control
  • Responsibility belongs to others
  • Time
  • Not a priority
  • Not urgent

What do We Have to Share With the Rest of the
  • The BEST news
  • God loves each one of us
  • Jesus died to forgive all sins
  • He is the ONLY Way to Eternal Life.

How Did Jesus Do it?

He Spoke to Individuals - Nicodemus John
32-21 For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
How Did Jesus Do it?
Referrals from Other Teachers - John the Baptist
Recommended (Andrew Peter) John 135-42 John
stood with two of his disciples. And looking at
Jesus as He walked, he said, Behold the Lamb
of God! The two disciples heard him speak,
and they followed Jesus. One of the two ...was
Andrew. He first found his own brother Simon,
and said to him, We have found the Messiah And
he brought him to Jesus.

How did Jesus do it?
He Worked With Small Groups He called his First
Disciples (Peter, James John) Luke 51-9 He
and all who were with him James and John, the
sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon.
Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch
men. They forsook all and followed Him.
How did Jesus do it?

People Who Came To Know Him Invited Their Friends
- Philip and Nathaniel John 143-51 He found
Philip and said to him, Follow Me.
Philip found NathanielPhilip said to him, Come
and see.
How did Jesus do it?
He Spoke to Strangers at Parties and in Public
Places He Called Matthew, Tax Collectors, and
Sinners Matthew 99-13 He saw a man named
Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to
him, Follow Me. as Jesus sat at the table in
the house, that behold, many tax collectors and
sinners came and sat down with Him and His
disciples... I did not come to call the
righteous, but sinners, to repentance.

How did Jesus Prepare his Disciples to do it?
He prayed for workers and said the task was
urgent Jesus Prays for Workers Matthew 935-
38 The harvest truly is plentiful, but the
labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of
the harvest to send out labourers into His
harvest. The Whitened Harvest John 435-38 Do
you not say, There are still four months and
then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you,
lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for
they are already white for harvest!

How did Jesus Prepare his Disciples to do it?
Jesus promises the Holy Spirit Matthew
1016-26 The Spirit gives us the words and power
over rejection. do not worry about how or what
you should speak. For it will be given to you in
that hour what you should speak for it is not
you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who
speaks in you... do not fear them.

How did Jesus Prepare his Disciples to do it?
Jesus Sends the 12 Matthew 105 - 15 These
twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of
heaven is at hand....

Jesus sends the 70 Luke 10 1-12 After these
things the Lord appointed seventy others also,
and sent them two by two ... whatever house you
enter, first say, Peace to this house.... say
to them, The kingdom of God has come near to
What were the Results?
The Seventy Return with Joy Luke 1017-20

Then the seventy returned with joy, saying,
Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your
name. And He said to them... do not rejoice in
this, that the spirits are subject to you, but
rather rejoice because your names are written in
How Do the Lessons from Why Pray Fit In?
Prayer (or Evangelism) is like sitting on God's
lap Page 34
  • The fields that are ripe for harvest are God's.
    He owns the tractor. He knows where to plough.
  • We need to remember who is in control
  • and trust HIM

Another Voice The Great Omission
Pages 25-26 1...The purpose of missions is to
plant the Church where it does not exist so it
can evangelize the world... 3. Evangelizing the
world is like a relay race. In areas where there
is no Church missionaries run the first lap. Then
we should hand off to local believers to finish
the race...
Another Voice The Great Omission
Page 27 There are far too few Christian
missionaries to evangelize the world. ... But if
we will plant the Church as quickly as possible
where we can, and if we teach them to teach
others, then we can reach the world for Christ
and fulfil our commission.
30 ft 3 Billion
(Only those who have never heard)
6 in 50 Million
100,000 Missionaries x 500 in each flock
Another Voice The Great Omission
Page 48-49 I am convinced that the solution will
require a paradigm shift back to the strategy
that Christ taught and that the early Church used
very effectively... The solution is in the Great
Teach everyone to do just what I am telling you
to do (Matthew 2820 paraphrased)?
Objections of others to Christianity
  • There is No God
  • Jesus is a Made Up Story / Fiction
  • Jesus is Not God / God's Son
  • We Have to Work out Our Own Salvation.

Relational Evangelism Aid
What has our experience been at Bethany?
Information in this section is from 2003 - 2005
Bethany Neighborhood
How Many Contacts
  • 515 doors we have knocked on
  • no one home at 231.
  • please come back at 88
  • asked not to come back at 55
  • unable to share the Gospel at 36 due to
    a language barrier.
  • 31 Spanish, 2 Hindi / Urdu, and
    one each Korean, Lao, and Senegalese.
  • We did present the Gospel to 70 households!

Who Are They?
  • We spoke with 284 individuals
  • 73 Self identified as Christians
  • 28 Catholic
  • 13 Lutheran
  • 11 Baptist,
  • 9 Methodist,
  • 5 Episcopalian
  • one each Presbyterian, Orthodox, Salvation Army,
    Pentecostal, Church of God, Assembly of God, and
    Non Denominational).
  • 21 Others 6 Muslim, 2 Muslim/Christian
    households, 4 Mormons, 3 Jewish, 2 Jehovah's
    Witness, 2 Unitarian, 1 Agnostic, and one
  • Faith and Worship Status of the Christians
  • Many not currently active
  • Many trusting in their own goodness
  • Many uncertain of their salvation.
  • Some provided a wonderful witnesses to their

Neighborhood Needs
No, Nothing, Don't Know 56 Youth I
Teenagers I Gangs 9 Fix the
Street I Manhole I Lights I Stop Signs
9 Community Service I Connect people
6 Outreach for Hispanics 5 Evangelize
more 5 Cut my Grass
3 Invite 2 Block party
2 Food Bank I Clothing 2 Help the
Homeless 2 Classes (pottery)
2 Portable power washer for graffiti
1 Provide ESL 1 Daycare
1 After School Care 1 Crisis Pregnancy
Support 1 Clean the creek
1 Community service Info for people who don't
know 1
Your Needs
No / Nothing 63 Get support from our
own church 9 Prayer
5 Preschool 4 Classes for
children 1 If we have problem, will
contact you 2 Special needs
children 1 Family Doctor
1 Cut Grass 1 ESL
1 Small Group Ministry 1 Someone to
talk to / Stephen Ministry-type Problems 1
Is there a god?
What Are You Trusting?
Christian core, may be unsure or trusting in
works etc 34 Obviously solid Christian
faith 21 Says many of the right I close to
words but not Christian 13 Mormon I Jehovah's
Witness I Unitarian I Other Believes in God and
Jesus but not much detail 5 God is a
creative Force, He spoke through various
people long ago, not just Christian. Do not
subscribe to any organized religion. If you
search for the truth god will reveal it to you.
Jesus is the I a son of God. Not sure about
eternal life. God in general, not any particular
vision, may have gone to 4 church at one time,
everyone has their own opinion of how to get
right with him, sometimes bad people are
involved with religion. God is kind and just,
not sure who Jesus is. 4 Believe in God and
Jesus, but when you are dead you are
2 dead. Lost faith in Church, not God
2 Jewish 2 Atheist, no god, when
you're dead are dead. 1 Spiritualist
1 Agnostic 1 Whatever the
Catholic Church says 1 Total
Field Hand's Guide
Some Plough the Field
  • What is your field?
  • Determine where you will concentrate your witness
  • Who will you be talking to and What are their
    known needs?
  • Demographics can help here
  • What materials will you use
  • Forms
  • Pamphlets
  • Gospels
  • Databases

Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Prayer
  • Lord, I know that I am a sinner, and my sin
    separates me from you.
  • I believe you died on the cross for me, and I
    join you in death to sin
  • I believe you rose from the grave for me, and I
    join you in your resurrection, the eternal life
    you give. through faith.

Some Water and Weed
  • Immediate Follow-up
  • Set up Calls
  • Phone Call
  • Letter
  • Invite, Invite, Invite

Some Reap the Harvest
  • Adult Confirmation
  • Assimilation
  • Intentional Introduction to Groups with Shared
  • Ongoing Welcoming by Congregation
  • Sponsor Families
  • Discipling
  • One on One spiritual Maturity to the point of the
    new member being able to witness his / her faith
    to others.
  • Continuing Worship and Education

Lord, Set Our Hearts Ablaze!
  • For those who are interested
  • Meet at an agreed time
  • Experience a walk through a local neighbourhood
    doing evangelism
  • Share the results with a local congregation for
    their follow - up

Supplemental Material for Speakers Bureau
  • This material is not intended for the SED Tending
    the Flame conference, but is background
    information on Ablaze for the SED Speakers
  • It is hidden, but can be inserted as needed.

What is this Ablaze thing and how does it fit in?
Information in this section is from the 2003
Igniting A Vision ABLAZE CD that is still
available at the LCMS web site.
Praying to the Lord of the Harvest, LCMS World
Mission, in collaboration with its North American
and worldwide partners, will share the Good News
of Jesus with 100 million unreached or
uncommitted people by the 500th anniversary of
the Reformation in 2017. --LCMS World Mission
Purpose Statement
As of June 13, 2008 8,648 ,245
How much heat does it take to melt 100
million hearts? What a fire that would be!
  • A fire capable of
  • Penetrating the unreached areas of the world
    where people have never heard the name of Jesus.
  • Of 3,843 people groups in the world, less than
    50 percent of these total populations have had
    the Gospel proclaimed to them.

How much heat does it take to melt 100
million hearts?
  • A fire capable of
  • Piercing the hearts of the uncommitted in
    post-Christian cultures.
  • It is estimated that 1.2 billion or 60 percent of
    Christians are nominal or non-practicing
    millions more trust in their own good works
    rather than in Gods grace through Jesus for

How much heat does it take to melt 100
million hearts?
  • A fire capable of
  • Adding disciples to our own church body, The
    Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod.
  • Between 1970 and 2000, the U.S. population grew
    by 72 million. In the same time period,
    membership in the LCMS declined by 350,000.

How much heat does it take to melt 100
million hearts?
  • A fire capable of
  • Reaching all ethnic immigrant groups in the North
    American population.
  • The most significant U.S. population growth today
    is due to immigration.

Join us, as together with our Lutheran partners
around the world, praying to the Lord of the
Harvest and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we work
  • Create a worldwide Lutheran mission movement
    dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus with
    100 million with unreached or uncommitted people.

Now that same day two of them were going to a
village called Emmaus, about seven miles from
Jerusalem. They were talking with each other
about everything that had happened. As they
talked and discussed these things with each
other, Jesus himself came up and walked along
with them. Luke 2413-15
  • Commit to the task of adding 1,000 new
    congregations and preaching stations to the LCMS
    and work with our worldwide partners to add 3,000
    in Africa, Asia and Latin America by 2017.
  • Add 4,000 new Lutheran pastors and missionaries
    at home and around the world and equip 30,000
    laypeople for evangelistic outreach and church

And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets,
he explained to them what was said in all the
Scriptures concerning himself. Luke 2427
  • Deploy the LCMS career missionary force to train
    national leaders and join hands with our partner
    churches to increase effectiveness.
  • Increase the number of long-term LCMS volunteer
    missionaries, so that thousands of LCMS members
    have experience in crossing cultural borders to
    share the Good News of Jesus.

As they approached the village to which they
were going, Jesus acted as if he were going
farther. But they urged him strongly, Stay with
us, for it is nearly evening the day is almost
over. So he went in to stay with them. Luke
  • Gather and deploy the financial resources God has
    given to His people to use in His
    servicesecuring resources for today and
    tomorrow, stabilizing mission-funding, and
    ensuring and strengthening ongoing financial
  • Work in collaborative partnerships with LCMS
    members, congregations, districts, auxiliaries
    and mission societies to involve the whole church
    in mission through the seven mission responses
    Go, Pray, Learn, Give, Tell, Send and Celebrate.

When he was at the table with them, he took
bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it
to them. Then their eyes were opened and they
recognized him, and he disappeared from their
sight. They asked each other, Were not our
hearts burning within us while he talked with us
on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?
Luke 2430-32,34
Didnt our hearts burn within us? Have you met
the resurrected Christ?
Does His Holy Spirit make your heart burn with
His passion for those whose hearts have not yet
been changed by Him?

He said to them, This is what I told you while
I was still with you Everything must be
fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of
Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. Luke 2444
Didnt our hearts burn within us? Have you met
the resurrected Christ?
What is His Holy Spirit moving your heart to do
for the glory of Gods eternal kingdom?
Then he opened their minds so they could
understand the Scriptures. He told them, This is
what is written The Christ will suffer and rise
from the dead on the third day, and repentance
and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his
name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You
are witnesses of these things. Luke 2445-48
How do you start a fire with water?
It happens with every Baptism It happened
with yours!
All authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of
all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you. And surely I am with you always, to the very
end of the age. Matthew 2818-20
How are we Doing in the South Eastern District?
Most of this information is from notes taken at
meetings in 2004, updates from 2008 follow.
We were not doing very well when we began to take
this up in 2003
2003 SED Convention Resolution 03-01-01
BE IT RESOLVED that congregations, schools and
circuits be encouraged to work together ... to
develop realistic goals, strategies, materials,
and training opportunities so that the Gospel is
proclaimed to people living in their communities.
SED STRAEGIC INTENTS for Congregations
  • Disciple-Making Centres of Mission
  • Unity
  • Abundant Resources
  • Well Equipped Servant Leaders

SED Spiritual Climate
  • Five States Population 27 Million
  • SC, NC, VA, MD, DE, DC, York City PA
  • 12,690,000 Unchurched (47)?
  • 2,700,000 Uncommitted (10)?
  • 215 Congregations
  • 93 Schools

How are we Doing? (SED)?
  • Average worship attendance for the last three
    years has stayed the same (155)?
  • In 2004 congregations gained 543 non-Lutheran
    adults, representing 19 of their total new
    member gains.

How are we Doing? (SED)?
  • 1 had 20-29 Adult Confirmations
  • 5 had 10-19 Adult Confirmations
  • 8 had 5-9 Adult Confirmations
  • 5 had 1-4 Adult Confirmations
  • 81 had NO Adult Confirmations

How are we Doing? (SED)?
  • Cumulative communicant membership declined by
    1500 from 2003 to 2004

We are all very busy, but what is happening for
the kingdom?
How are we Doing? (SED)?
  • There was an average attendance of 532 in new
    missions in 2004 (in a total of 20 mission
    congregations so 532/20 26 average in each
    individual mission service)?
  • We have 123 documented opportunities for new
  • 21 are schools and early childhood opportunities
  • 34 are ethnic ministries (we have 29 ethnic
    workers in the field)?
  • 60 are new missions (potential congregations)?
  • 1 is a social ministry

How are we Doing? (SED)?
  • New member growth in our congregations is largely
    due to transfer - from other LCMS churches
    (42), or other Lutheran bodies (14). Adult
    confirmation accounts for 26 of new members.
  • A total of 2477 new members were reported in 2004.

How are we Doing? (SED)?
  • The ratio of confirmed members to unchurched gain
    is 761
  • This is an improvement, it was 1011
  • 5 congregations (2) confirmed 20 or more
    unchurched people
  • 62 congregations (30) reported 0 new members
    through adult confirmation.
  • 52 congregations (26) did not submit a report

SED Goals
  • 3000 prayer partners (prayer teams for each SED
    Potential Mission
  • 2.5 million Critical (witness) Events
  • 60 Outreach Teams

Pray the Numbers... Pray the Spirit... and the
  • 39 Currently Supported Ministries by the District
  • 60 Leadership / Mission Teams - Goal
  • 91 Schools and Early Childhood Centers Currently
  • 171 Mission Opportunities to be begun
  • 204 Congregations in the SED currently
  • 3000 Prayer Partners Goal
  • 72,000 Baptized souls, 55,000 Confirmed Members
  • 2,500,000 Critical Contacts Goal

SED Goal 1 2008 Update
  • Goal 1 3000 Mission Prayer Partners
  • We have 1023 of our 3000 goal, retreats, events,
    classes on spirituality are popping up all over
    the district Mission and Ministry Facilitator Art
    Umbach is providing leadership in this area
  • The District Board of Directors is studying and
    practicing using prayer and spiritual tools in
    corporate decision making
  • A second Congregational Prayer Resource will be
    printed in January
  • We will now begin to focus on developing prayer
    teams for each mission as well as recruiting the
    other 2000 prayer partners

SED Goal 2 2008 Update
  • Goal 2 2.5 Million Faith Sharing Moments
  • Faith-Sharing reporting on the LCMS Web Site
    indicate 19 SED Ministries and 396 faith-sharing
    events recorded
  • New missions are reporting faith-sharing moments
    as a result of the quarterly reports, 187,208
    faithsharing moments reported so far
  • Quarterly Mission Site reports 2600 (plus 50,000
    from radio ministry)?
  • Lutheran Mission Society 126,909
  • Established Ministries 1,000 (plus 396 on the
    Ablaze web site)?
  • Lutheran Schools 1663
  • National Youth gathering 4500
  • Story telling is a key to this becoming a
    comfortable way to communicate the Gospel. This
    must be modeled throughout the church by pastors
    and congregational leaders.

SED Goal 3 2008 Update
  • Goal 3 100 New Starts
  • As Mission Prayer Partners lift up opportunities
    and pray for presence, people, and the Spirit we
    are beginning to see God move in a mighty way.
  • Last year 220,000 from the Ablaze For Gods
    Mission Funding Campaign was released to assist
    10 new ministries. These are ministries in
    addition in addition to new ministries supported
    through the regular mission and ministry budget.
    In 2008, we are anticipating financial
    partnerships with 34 ministries.

SED Goal 4 2008 Update
  • Goal 4 Training Leaders For Outreach
  • Training offerings continue to reach and equip
    leaders throughout the SED.
  • Pastor Vic Belton leads the next session.
    (Ablaze at your Doorstep 2 Feb)?
  • The Spring Leadership workshops will be held via
    teleconferencing technology and will focus on
    ministry to Spanish speaking people
  • At the 2007 LCMS Convention a resolution was
    passed establishing a Specific Ministry pastor
    program. We anticipate a number of people from
    the SED to participate in that program
  • The SED continues to support the Ethnic Immigrant
    Institute of Theology (EIIT). In 2007 4
    graduates were placed in the SED. We anticipate
    a 5th in 2007.
  • The Mission Vicar program continues to grow,
    there are 4 this year amd we are anticipating 6
    in 2008, 2009.

SED Goal 5 2008 Update
  • Goal 5 60 Mission Outreach Teams
  • The first 3 teams are beginning their last course
  • Each of these teams (Upper Marlboro Md,
    Statesville NC, and Jefferson NC) are holding
    regular bible study and worship services.
  • Four new teams will begin in January 2008
    (Norfolk Va, Kent Va, Weddington NC, and North
    High Point NC)?
  • Each team will be assigned a coach who will work
    with them through the learning process and into
    the second year of the team's work.
  • Training for coaches will be done by Dr. George
  • We celebrate the awarding of a 3 year Thrivent
    grant of 132,000 for the continuing development
    of the MDA program

October 31, 2017
  • 500th
  • Anniversary
  • of the
  • Reformation
  • 12 8 years from now!

It will take Every One of Us
  • Laity
  • Men
  • Women
  • Children
  • Church Workers
  • Ordained
  • Commissioned

New Reformation?
  • 1517 Reformation was about the CHURCH
  • 2017 Reformation is about MISSION

Mission or Maintenance? Lets Dive In!
LCMS Resources
  • 50 Days Ablaze!
  • Groups Ablaze!
  • Friendships Ablaze!
  • Harvesters for Christ
  • Website / Partner Organizations

SED Resources
  • Worship Bible Study
  • Workshops
  • Leadership Conferences
  • Training (TLO)?
  • Idea Bank (Website)
  • Speakers Bureau?
  • More to Come...

Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Survey
Some Plant the SeedThe Gospel Presentation
Some Plant the SeedThe Gospel Presentation
Some Plant the SeedThe Gospel Presentation
Some Plant the SeedThe Gospel Presentation
Some Plant the SeedThe Gospel Presentation
Some Plant the SeedThe Gospel Presentation
Some Plant the SeedThe Gospel Presentation(Super
Bowl Illustration)?
For more information call 1-800-433-3954. Send
e-mail inquiries to Or visit,
  • Break into Teams
  • Take Materials
  • Agree to Return

  • What Worked
  • What didn't work
  • Can we do anything about it
  • Would you like to continue in this effort?
  • Would you like to lead people as more learn to
    speak the Gospel?
  • Share your experiences
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