Title: Chapter 3:Hydrology
1Chapter 3Hydrology
- Water use and availability
- The hydrologic cycle
- Rainfall
- Surface water
- Draught
- Reservoirs
- Groundwater
- Relevant websites
- Water Use and Availability
- WATER USE IN 1990 USGS fact sheet
- About 339,000 million gallons per day (Mgal/d)
- about one quarter of the national renewable
supply - about 220 billion gallons per day (70) was
returned to streams after use. - 1990 withdrawal were about 7 percent lt during
1980, - Four major water-use categories
- Domestic and commercial,
- irrigation and livestock,
- industrial and mining, and
- thermoelectric power.
8a.htmltable1 Surface-water indicators Streamflow
Reservoir storage, construction, sedimentation,
and removal Storage in large lakes, perennial
snowfields, and glaciers Ground-water
indicators Ground-water-level indices Changes in
ground-water storage Number and capacity of
supply wells and artificial recharge
facilities Water-use indicators Total withdrawals
by source hydropower) Reclaimed
wastewater Conveyance losses Consumptive uses
Hydrologic Cycle
Pre-event Water
Return Flow
Upper Soil Storage
Saturated Area
Lower Soil Storage
Subsurface Flow
Total Event Runoff
6(No Transcript)
- Depth inches, cms
- Volume depth Area
- Intensity Depth per unit time
- Recurrence Interval return period 10-year storm
- Probability of Occurrence 1/return period
- Intensity Duration Frequency Relationship
Available from National Weather service. Patterns
vary for climate and location X axis mm/hr Y axis
Duration I A/(tB) I in mm/h, t min A and B
constants - Rainfall Maps and Classification Return period
Vs duration severity index in log
8Surface Water
- Watersheds Drainage basin, Drainage divide, Use
topomaps - Streamflow Flow rate or discharge Lag time,
Peak, mean flow, timing to peak - Hydrographs
- Gauging Stations
9Three Attributes of Streamflow
1. Peak Flow
2. Mean Daily Flow Total Q/t
Streamflow (Q) M3/sec
3. Time to Peak
Time (t) days
10Hydrologic cycle as integrator of processes of
land-water interaction
Floods Water quality Sediment Habitat ...
- MA7CD10 Flow Minimum Average 7-consecutive day
10 year flow - Means 90 of times the flow will be greater than
7 day minimum flow
- Reservoirs Conservation , multipurpose,
Distribution storage, detention storage - Dams have environmental impacts
- Summation Hydrographs
- S curve
- Reservoir capacity curve X vol Y surface
13Case Study
- Aquifers
- Groundwater flow
- Permeability
- Darcys Law V(flow vel.) K(perm) Slope
- Static level before pumping begins
- Drawdown cone of depression
- Radius of influence
- Safe yield
- Specific yield withdrawal rate/Draw down
16Related Web Sites
- American water Resources Association
- Bureau of Reclamation
- EPA Surf your watershed
- USGS Hydrology Primer
- USGS Water Resources of the US
- National Weather Service office of hydrology
- National Ground water Association
- Hydrogeologists Home Page
- Hydrology Laboratory
17Other aspects
- Integrated perspective
- Linking past present and future
- Link the cause effect relationship
- Water has three attributes
- Quantity, quality and timing
- Hydrologic Change management
- Water Quality Management Plan as a way to control
water quality