1Easy GUI Toolkits
- Peter Centgraf
- 05-830 Advanced UI Software
- Fall 2004
2Introduction to the Problem(s)
- How do we define Easy?
- Low developer learning curve?
- Maps well to some metaphor?
- Low working memory load?
- Low configuration/setup overhead?
- No code?
- Usable by ... non-developers? ... children?
3Types of Easy UI Development
- Visual Prototyping
- Used in early design iteration
- Simulates, rather than implements
- Limited interactivity and computation
- Sometimes bridged into RAD systems
4Types of Easy UI Development
- Rapid Application Development
- Buzzword Alert!
- Design priority on high turnaround rather than
unique and complex applications. - "Real" development gt complete applications
- Often focused on corporate IT/database apps
5Types of Easy UI Development
- End User Programming
- "The document is the program
- Simple interactive documents and tools
- Excel spreadsheets are EUP
- ... but so are Access forms!
- ... and Flash animations!
- ... and Alice 3D worlds!
6Are these problems distinct?
- Yes No Sometimes
- Different domains, similar issues
- Complexity/power tradeoffs at different scales
- Remember this? lthttp//www-2.cs.cmu.edu/NatProg/
7Everybody Wants to Rule the World
- Many systems address these problems
- (Developers love to write developer tools!)
- Common design themes are often repeated
- The remainder of this talk will discuss
- The most common approaches
- (Many) systems that exemplify them
8123 Easy
- 1. Edit Visually
- 2. Simplify the Model
- 3. Use a High-Level Language
91. Edit Visually
- Weve seen this all before
- See Lecture 9 for more details
- Editing graphical layouts with a graphical tool
- It just makes sense
- It provides great productivity improvements
- It has been reimplemented ad nauseum
101. Edit Visually
- Some are stand-alone tools
- Glade
- UI Builder for GTK Toolkit
- Code generators for many languages
- Dynamic interface from XML description
- http//glade.gnome.org/
- wxGlade
- UI Builder for wxWidgets Toolkit
- Popular among Python developers
- http//wxglade.sourceforge.net/
111. Edit Visually Glade
121. Edit Visually wxGlade
131. Edit Visually
- Some have additional development features
- Mac OS X Interface Builder
- Apple Cocoa or Carbon Toolkits
- Tied to AppleScript or Objective-C code objects
- Visual elements described in nib resource file
- Component interactions via generated code
- Some auto-generation of database access forms
- Test Mode preview from users perspective
141. Edit Visually Interface Builder
151. Edit Visually
- Some are part of complete IDEs
- Eclipse Visual Editor Project
- Sponsored by IBM
- Supports Swing and SWT
- Bi-directional code and visual editing
- http//www.eclipse.org/vep/
- NetBeans IDE
- Sponsored by Sun
- Supports Swing, JSP, mobile Java
- http//www.netbeans.org
161. Edit Visually Eclipse Visual Editor
171. Edit Visually NetBeans IDE
181. Edit Visually
- And many more
- Visual Basic
- Visual Studio .NET
- Java Studio Creator
- Borland Delphi, Kylix, JBuilder
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Need I go on?
192. Simplify the Model
- Model here refers to the program structure
- A broad class of solutions
- Move toward lower complexity and power
202. Simplify the Model
- Work with primarily static forms
- Match program to capabilities of visual designer
- Dynamic elements limited to widget contents
- Visual Basic is most prominent example
- Sufficient for a wide variety of business apps
- Most successful implementations allow extension
via languages with more dynamic capabilities
212. Simplify the Model Visual Basic
- Visual Basic lt 6
- Second-highest google hit rate of all languages
according to http//www.dedasys.com/articles/langu
age_popularity.html - Visual forms and pure-code modules
- Uses event-based language to script widgets
- Extensive library of COM/ActiveX components
- Common dialog types (OK-Cancel, Yes-No, etc.)
- Web browser
- Database-backed table and tree controls
222. Simplify the Model
- Layout containers
- Adds automatic continuous resizing to forms
- A simple but important upgrade
- More gracefully supports dynamic components
- Also used in more complex toolkits, e.g. Swing
232. Simplify the Model Tk
- Tk
- Created by John Ousterhout, 1988
- Intended to be paired with his TCL script
- Three simple layout managers
- Pack places widgets in a vertical or horizontal
group - Grid aligns widgets in columns and rows
- Place manual absolute positioning
- Nested frames with different layout managers
- Complex layouts possible with simple combination
242. Simplify the Model Tk
252. Simplify the Model WindowsForms
- .NET Windows.Forms
- Used with Visual Basic.NET, C, etc.
- Adds dynamic layout via dock and anchor
- Docked widgets snap to edge of frame
- When edge moves, widget resizes
- Anchored widgets are fixed relative to edge
- When edge moves, widget moved an equal distance
262. Simplify the Model WindowsForms
272. Simplify the Model WindowsForms
282. Simplify the Model
- Stack of Cards Metaphor
- Pioneered by Apple HyperCard
- SuperCard, MetaCard, PythonCard, Dreamcard
- Emphasis on data navigation and persistence
- Stack can take different forms
- Each card has a different layout, different
functionality - Each card has the same layout, different data
- Easily navigate forward/back or follow links
- Persist all data in widgets with a single command
292. Simplify the Model Revolution
- Runtime Revolution
- Cross-platform development environment
- Professional version of Dreamcard
- Combines stack metaphor with dynamic OO scripting
302. Simplify the Model
- Use High-Level Components
- Provide complex functionality in discrete units
- Isolate intensely graphical or interactive code
- Embed major portions of other applications
- Best used in combination with
- Visual Layout
- Event-based Languages
- Object-Oriented Languages
312. Simplify the Model Mozilla Control
- Provides a full web rendering component
- Similar to MS Internet Explorer control
- Exposes events and methods
- Respond to user action
- Manipulate HTML DOM
322. Simplify the Model PDFKit
- Provides a full PDF rendering view
- Exposes document structure via methods
- Table of Contents
- Bookmarks
- PDFView no-code viewer w/ printing, etc.
- Separate projects for
- Mac OS X 10.4
- GNUstep
332. Simplify the Model
- Address a highly-specific domain
- Limit the scope of the toolkit
- Support a particular niche
- Database editing forms
- 2D animations for children
342. Simplify the Model Access Forms
- MS Access
- Visual form builder tool
- Similar to VB layout tool
- No scripting required
- Widgets populated from a database or query
352. Simplify the Model HANDS
- Programming for children
- Cards represent data
- Scripts animate objects
- Language innovations
- Aggregate operators
- Tabular queries
36Quick Break 5 Minutes
373. Use a High-Level Language
- Simplified languages for simplified toolkits
- Reduce complexity
- Increase code readability
- Code in terms of user mental model
- Encourage fast and loose development
- Provide a structured, graphical code editor
383. Use a High-Level Language
- Wrapper libraries
- Expose a friendlier API to an existing toolkit
- Hide some features, automate others
- EasyGTK
- Dramatically reduces initialization code
- Provides sane defaults for complex components
- Simple Hello World from 30 lines to lt 10
393. Use a High-Level Language EasyGTK
- include "easygtk.h"
- GtkWidget win, box, text, button
- void main(int argc, char argv)
- gtk_init(argc, argv)
- win e_window_create("Hello World", 400, 200,
100, 100, exit) - box e_box_create(win, E_VERTICAL, 2)
- text e_text_create(box, FALSE, "Hello World!",
E_NO_FUNC) - button e_button_create(box, "Close", exit)
- gtk_main()
403. Use a High-Level Language
- English-like syntax
- Intends to emulate natural language
- No special symbols
- Optional articles, prepositions a, the,
of, to - Enhances readability
- Statements are imperative verb clauses
- Most code has direct spoken equivalent
413. Use a High-Level LanguageAppleScript
- AppleScript
- Designed by Apple as end user scripting language
- Send messages via tell block
- Respond to events via on block
- Handle errors with try on error blocks
- on clicked theObject
- tell window of the object
- try
- set theRate to the contents of text field
"rate" as number - set theAmount to contents of text field
"amount" as a number - set the contents of text field "total" to
423. Use a High-Level Language Transcript
- Native language of Runtime Revolution
- Provides high-level facilities
- Events
- Aggregate operators
- Regular expression matching
- if workQueue is not empty then
- send "doWork" to me in .0001 seconds
- put the result into gWorkMessage
- else
- close file gLogFile
- enable group "optionalControlGroup"
- end if
433. Use a High-Level Language
- Event-based languages
- Almost all languages support this style
- Some make events and handlers first-class
- VB Event handlers are primary code entry points
- AppleScript on and tell blocks
- Transcript send command
- EasyGTK callback functions
- SUIT Interest procedures
- Maps to stimulus-response mental model
443. Use a High-Level Language
- Dynamic typing and conversion
- Common among scripting languages
- Automatically converts data types when needed
- Encourages focus on action rather than data
- Examples
- VB Variant type
- All AppleScript variables
- Global variables
- All AppleScript variables
- Tk components in TCL container heirarchy
- .window.frame.button.label Click Me!
453. Use a High-Level Language
- Structured, graphical code editors
- Replace code with graphical blocks and menus
- Syntax errors are impossible!
- Can reduce semantic errors via static analysis
- Visibility of options is extremely high
- Slows down fast typists
463. Use a High-Level Language Alice
- Alice
- Interactive 3D programming
- Targeted to beginning programmers (early teens)
- Supports
- Events
- Concurrency
- Functional abstraction
- Visual, guided debugging
473. Use a High-Level Language Alice
483. Use a High-Level Language AgentSheets
- AgentSheets
- Sets of dynamic, interacting agents
- Combines spreadsheet metaphor and productions
- Spreadsheet organizes agents
- Productions provide behavior
- Similar to events, provides explicit
stimulus-response - Block editor for productions
- Less rigid than Alice
- Allows typing of expressions and values
493. Use a High-Level Language AgentSheets
- Easy is not a simple thing
- Tradeoffs between power and simplicity
- Different target audiences with different skills
- Common issues and related solutions
- Multiple Approaches
- Simplify the frameworks capabilities
- Simplify the development language
- Many ways to do both