Title: Rooms Management and Guest Accounting Applications
1Chapter 5
- Rooms Management and Guest Accounting Applications
2Rooms Management and Guest Accounting Applications
- Identify features and functions of the rooms
management module of a hotel property management
system. - Define room status terms and explain the
importance of eliminating room status
discrepancies - Explain how managers can use various reports
commonly generated by the rooms management module
of the hotel PMS. - Identify features and functions of the guest
accounting module of the hotel PMS. - Describe different types of folios that a guest
accounting module can prepare for hotel
operations - Explain how managers can use various reports
commonly generated by the guest accounting module
of the hotel PMS.
3Rooms Management Module
- Room Status Report
- Information about future availability
- Discrepancy report refers to situations
housekeeping's status differs with the front
desks status - Room and rate assignment at check-in
- In-house guest information functions
- Housekeeping functions
- These reports help management to efficiently
schedule housekeeping staff and review detailed
productivity reports - Auxiliary services
- Generation of management reports
4Rooms Management Module Reports
- Rooms allotment report
- Number of committed or books rooms
- Expected arrival/departure report
- Registration progress report
- Lists present check-ins,number of occupied rooms,
names of guests with reservations who have not
registered, and rooms available for sale - Rooms activity forecast
- Expected arrivals, departures, stayovers, and
vacancies - Actual departures report
5Rooms Management Module Reports
- Housekeeper assignment report
- Housekeeper productivity report
- Provides a relative productivity report for each
housekeeper listing the number of rooms cleaned
and the amount of time to clean each room - Rooms productivity report
- Rooms history report
- Both productivity and room history provide
revenue, type of room, and percent occupancy
6Guest Accounting Module
- Various types of guest accounts (folios)
- Common procedures for posting charges to folios
- Individual folios
- Master or group folios
- Non-guest folios
- Employee folios
- Control folios used by revenue centers
- Semipermanent used to track bill-to accounts
receivables - Permanent folios used to track guest folio
balances that are used to settled to a credit
card company
7Guest Accounting Module Reports
- Ledger summary report
- Tracks present guest, non-guest, and credit card
activity by - Beginning balance
- Cumulative charges
- credits
- Revenue center report
- Guest check control report
- Transfer report