HANDLING COMPLAINTS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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They said that they would send the luggage to your hotel in the evening. ... the flights and make the reservations at the hotel for a non-smoking room for 2 nights. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


What is a Complaint?
How many types of Complaint?
How to handle Complaint effectively?
RECOVERY Guidelines
5 Coaching Role Play Sessions
For the next 5 sessions, you will be working to
ensure that you become competent and confident in
applying the RECOVERY guidelines.
5 Coaching Role Play Sessions
  • The 5 sessions included
  • Handling Emotions
  • Active Listening/Apology Empathy
  • Clarify
  • Own, Solve and Follow Through
  • Exceed Expectations

Role Play Structure
  • In running a role play, you will go through the
    following steps
  • Goals/Context Know the context and objectives of
    the role play i.e. which skills to practise.
  • Rules Abide by the rules to make everyone
    comfortable in making mistakes and learning (e.g.
    dont be personal but describe specific
  • Roles Be aware of your role (whether as guest,
    Associate or observer) and what you are supposed
    to do during the role play.
  • Demonstrate Observe the Facilitator
    demonstrating the correct way of using the skill
    so that you know what is expected (if
  • Time limit Keep to the time to practise the
    skill (usually not more than 5 minutes).
  • Role play Observe the start and end of the role
  • Debrief Seek comments on what you did right and
    what could be done differently, then think about
    how to improve the second round.
  • Replay Run the role play again, incorporating
    the improvements.

Session 1 Handling Emotions
  • Handling Emotions
  • Active Listening/Apologise Empathise
  • Clarifying the Situation
  • Own, Solve and Follow Through
  • Exceed Expectations

Handling Emotions
  • Listed below is a series of statements relating
    to how you are treated as a customer. Think of
    yourself as a customer and fill in the word that
    best describes how you feel in each of the
    situations. There are no right or wrong answers.
    It is your feeling that counts.
  • When a member of staff uses my name, I feel
  • When someone does not do what they say they were
    going to do, I feel __________
  • When my phone call is returned promptly, I feel
  • When no one listens to what I say, I feel
  • When someone expresses their appreciation of my
    custom, I feel __________
  • When I have to interrupt a shop assistant doing
    paperwork, I feel __________
  • If a sales assistant disagrees with me, I feel
  • When someone acknowledges that Im in a rush, I
    feel __________
  • When my complaint is not answered promptly, I
    feel __________

Know your S IGNALS
T AKE CONTROL of yourself
Do the O PPOSITE of your signals
Handling Emotions Signal Exercise
Remember when you became REALLY ANGRY. Express
your feelings and changes in your body e.g. heart
beats faster. ____________________________________
__ ______________________________________ ________
______________________________ ___________________
___________________ ______________________________
Handling Emotions S.T.O.P. Exercise
Handling Emotions Self-talk
  • Occurs all the time
  • Influences emotions and actions
  • Supports or sabotages
  • Is automatic
  • Can be changed

Handling Emotions Self-talk Cycle
Activating event
Handling Emotions Self-talk Exercise
Managing FEAR
  • Expect complaints.
  • Self-talk that you have control.
  • Realise that the guest is not really angry with
    you but the situation.
  • Remember you are a professional.
  • Dont let yourself be overwhelmed.
  • Practise what you would say.
  • Dont show fear in your body language

Managing ANGER
  • Avoid sarcasm and negative body language.
  • Do not defend yourself or make excuses.
  • Focus on the logical part of the complaint.
  • Excuse yourself if you are about explode.
  • Pray or mediate to give you endurance.
  • Control your self-talk.
  • When you are angry, recognize it and live up to
    your responsibility to stay in control.

  • Maintain a neutral tone of voice and body
  • Avoid looking at the clock, moving around or
  • Ask questions for clarification and make
    realistic suggestions.
  • Empathise with the guest.
  • Paraphrase the guests concern.
  • Do not interrupt unless you want clarification.

  • Avoid showing any outward signs of an upset mind.
  • Avoid nervous laughter or trying to lighten the
  • Keep your eyes on the guest.
  • Try and get them to a private location.
  • Acknowledge their problem and your willingness to
    deal with it.

  • If you have a bias against a group or an
    individual, acknowledge that this is
  • Avoid stereotypes and making assumptions that
    categorise people.
  • Avoid using racial-biassed viewpoints.
  • Be aware of body language and facial expression
    which give your feelings away.
  • Learn why you feel like that and seek information
    and people that may give you another perspective

Managing SADNESS
  • Identify why you are sad.
  • Change your view of yourself and the world.
  • Share your concerns and frustrations.
  • Avoid self-pity.
  • Recognize your strengths/positive points.
  • Fill your mind with encouraging thoughts.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Read positive books and attend motivational

Handling Emotions Role Play
Guest You are Les Poole, a businessman who is
staying at this Westin for the 8th time. Like
your previous trips, this trip is for meetings
and your stay is for 4 days. On your second day,
after a long day of meetings and carrying a lot
of files, you get to your room but when you try
to open the door, the door doesnt seem to open.
You try several times and conclude that the
keycard does not seem to work. You go to the
front desk to ask someone to change your key only
to have that person ask you if you knew how to
open the door. Saying that you do, the front
desk Associate changes your keycard. You walk
back to your room again and try once more to open
the door but it fails yet again. Youre tired,
frustrated and angry now that you have to walk
back to the front desk with all your files again.
You go to the front desk and shout at the
Associate (who is different from the one who
served you earlier) there.   Associate (Front
Desk) You have just started your shift and was
about to print out the guest arrival list for the
next day when a guest comes up and shouts at you
because he is unable to get into his
room. Notes ____________________________________
________________________ ______________________
______________________________________ ________
Handling Emotions Certification Assignment
Use the S.T.O.P. and Self-Talk methods of
staying calm when a guest confronts you with a
problem three times. For each time
Session 2 Active Listening/Apologise Empathise
  • Handling Emotions
  • Active Listening/Apologise Empathise
  • Clarifying the Situation
  • Own, Solve and Follow Through
  • Exceed Expectations

Active Listening Opening Statement
Im sorry about your experience (or Im sorry to
hear about that). Tell me what happened so I can
help you.
What does it say to a guest? _____________________
__________________ What does it do for an
Associate? _______________________________________
Active Listening Body language
Body Language is the unspoken communication that
goes on in every Face-to-Face encounter with
another human being.  It tells you their true
feelings towards you and how well your words are
being received.
Aspects of Body Language
Posture Concerns the overall bearing of the
body. It comprises the angle of the head,
shoulders, hips and feet, direction and angle of
inclination and position of arms and legs.
Gestures People use their hands and arms in a
variety of was. Some gesticulate frequently
while others hardly at all.
Face Human beings have more control over their
facial muscles than any other animal species on
the planet. As a result, the face is the most
expressive part of our bodies, particularly the
areas around the eyes and mouth.
Eyes Although the eyes are part of the face,
they are important enough to warrant specific
mention. The effect of the eyes can be extremely
subtle or it can be obvious as is the case with
eye contact.
Tone of Voice You've no doubt experienced anger
or hurt stemming not so much from what someone
else said but how they said it. This is because
we infer emotions with the volume, pace and pitch
of the tone of a speaker.
Proximity The use of space to communicate. It
generally conveys intimacy and/or interest (or
lack of it) and will vary depending on the
situation and culture.
Aspects of Body Language
Body Language
Other Active Listening Skills
  • Avoid interruption
  • Words/sounds of understanding and encouragement
    like Let me make a note of that, Uh Huh, I
  • Taking notes (particularly about what the problem
    is, when, where and how it happened and who was

Negative Listening Habits
The Pretender All the outward signs are there
nodding, making eye contact, and giving the
occasional uh huh. However, the pretender isnt
concentrating on the speaker. His mind is
elsewhere The Interrupter This person doesnt
allow the speaker to finish and doesnt ask
clarifying questions or seek more information
from the speaker. Hes too anxious to speak his
words and shows little concern for the
speaker. The Intellectual This person is always
trying to interpret what the speaker is saying
and why. He is judging the speakers words and
trying to fit them into his logic box. He rarely
asks about the underlying feeling or emotion
attached to a message.
Negative Listening Habits
The Disguiser This person uses the speakers
words only as a way to get to his message. When
the speaker says something, the disguiser steals
the focus and then changes to his own point of
view, opinion, story, or facts. Favourite
disguiser lines are, Oh, thats nothing, heres
what happened to meI remember when I was The
Arguer This person only listens long enough to
form a rebuttal. His point is to use the
speakers words against him. At his worst, he is
argumentative and wants to prove you wrong. At
the least, the person always wants to make the
speaker see the other point of view. The
Advisor Giving advice is sometimes helpful
however, at other times, this behaviour
interferes with good listening, because it does
not allow the speaker to fully articulate his
feelings or thoughts it does not help the
speaker solve his own problems it prohibits
venting it could also belittle the speaker by
minimizing his concern with a quick solution.
Why should we apologise, especially if we didnt
cause the service breakdown? _____________________
___________ ________________________________ _____
Apology statement
Im truly sorry, ltMr./Ms./Mrs./Mdm. Namegt
Other ways you can apologise ____________________
_____________________ ____________________________
_____________ ____________________________________
Why is it important to show empathy before acting
on the problem? ________________________________ _
_______________________________ __________________
Empathy Reflecting
Repeating key words/phrases and acknowledging
emotions (reflecting)   Below are statements
which could be made by any guest. Create a
reflective response.   Example I had many
problems trying to access the internet in my
room Im sorry that you experienced
difficulties in accessing the internet.
Empathy Reflecting
Im not one to complain normally, but I feel so
worried at how potentially dangerous these types
of flipchart stands are. ________________________
______________________________ ___________________
___________________________________ ______________
________________________________________ I
made a reservation two days ago for 8.00 pm, but
youre telling me that you cant find my
reservation and I need to wait for another 15
minutes to get a table? Id like to know why I
have to waste my time. __________________________
____________________________ _____________________
_________________________________ ________________
Empathy Reflecting
Id like your help please. Im having trouble
with the air-conditioning in my room. I couldnt
sleep all night as it was too cold. Ive tried
adjusting the thermostat to the highest
temperature of 30? but its still very cold.
___ ______________________________________________
_______ __________________________________________
___________ It was so embarrassing. Just when
I was about to make the presentation, the power
cut off and I couldnt continue. This was a
really important meeting it was for a client
and it was incredibly important to me. I felt
like such a fool. _______________________________
______________________ ___________________________
__________________________ _______________________
Active Listening/Apologise Empathise Role Play
Guest You are Mr. Menon. You are running a
training session in one of the function rooms and
came by the business center yesterday to get some
help to make photocopies of a document for the
participants. You specifically told them not to
staple the documents and wanted them to remain as
loose sheets so that you can easily hand out the
relevant sheets throughout the session. You also
asked them to leave the sheets in the function
room. The sheets were there when you ran the
session today but it was stapled. You had to
undo the documents one by one during the
training, which wasted time and was embarrassing
for you. You drop by the business center to tell
someone about your experience. Associate
(Business Centre) You are manning the business
center alone while everyone else has gone for
lunch. While typing in a letter for a guest,
another guest walks up to you to share a service
experience he had with the business center
yesterday (which was your day off) that had
disappointed him. Notes _______________________
___________ ___________________________________
_________________________ ______________________
Active Listening/Apologise Empathise
Certification Assignment
Get a buddy who has gone through STAR RECOVERY
to observe (and take notes of) you handling a
service breakdown situation with a guest this
week. Get him/her to give you feedback on the
Active Listening/Apologise Empathise
Certification Assignment
Session 3 Clarify
  • Handling Emotions
  • Active Listening/Apologise Empathise
  • Clarifying the Situation
  • Own, Solve and Follow Through
  • Exceed Expectations

2 types of information to find out
  • The problem i.e. what went wrong
  • What other questions could you ask?
  • ____________________________________________
  • The expectations i.e. what should have happened
  • What other questions could you ask?
  • ____________________________________________

Let me make sure I understand the situation
clearly. Is that correct?
Clarify Role Play
Guest You are Paul McBride from New Zealand.
Upon arrival at the airport, you find out that
the airlines had misplaced your luggage and told
you to go to your hotel first. They said that
they would send the luggage to your hotel in the
evening. Reluctantly, you go to the hotel and
check in. In the evening, you call the airlines
to find out the status of your luggage, and they
said that they had sent it to your hotel 30
minutes ago. At once, you hang up and call the
concierge.   Associate (Concierge) Its been a
busy day with 120 check ins and 100 departures,
and theres only been 3 people on duty today.
Your shift is about to end in half an hour when
you receive a phone call from an irate guest who
is looking for his luggage. Notes ______________
_____________ _______________________________
______________________________ ________________
_____________________________________________ _
Clarify Certification Assignment
Paraphrase your understanding of the problem in
the following situations For Example
Guest Firstly, I ordered the steak
forty-five minutes ago and asked that he hurry as
Im really hungry. He told me that it would be
here in 30 minutes. Its late! I also
specifically told him that I wanted it cooked
medium-rare because I dont like my steak too
tough. But look at it - its well
done! Associate Im truly sorry for the delay
in getting your meal Mr. Lim, especially since
youre hungry. Let me make sure I understand the
situation clearly. You ordered a medium-rare
steak 45 minutes ago but its turned out well
done. Is that correct? May I offer you
something to eat from the mini-bar, a chocolate
bar or a packet of chips, to eat while waiting
for us to prepare the steak? I will see to it
personally that your steak will get here within
the next 20 minutes. My name is Tim and you can
reach me at extension 322.
Clarify Certification Assignment
Guest I had called at about 9 this morning to
ask for someone to help improve the reception on
my TV. They told me that someone will be up
within 10 minutes. Its now 9.30. Associate
______________ __________________________________
____________________________ Guest I went to
my room this morning but the room key card
wouldnt work. I came back 5 minutes ago and
told them this. The person changed my key card
and I walked all the way back to my room but it
still wouldnt work! Can you please make sure
that I get a key card that works! Associate
______________ _________________________________
Session 4 Own, Solve, Follow Through
  • Handling Emotions
  • Active Listening/Apologise Empathise
  • Clarifying the Situation
  • Own, Solve and Follow Through
  • Exceed Expectations

Triggers Calmers
Getting Agreement
  • Focus on what you CAN do, not on what you cant
  • Involve guest in finding the solution
  • Offer several options as solution
  • Offer solution in a positive manner
  • Get support or agreement

Getting Agreement Exercise
Getting agreement by providing solution options
in a positive manner.
 Example   Situation Its already midnight and
the guest needs something from his safe deposit
box by tomorrow afternoon. You ascertain that he
doesnt need it now and its not necessary to
page for the maintenance engineer in the middle
of the night.   Associate I can have someone
fix your safe deposit box first thing tomorrow
morning or sometime later in the morning. Which
is more convenient and would work for you?
Getting Agreement Exercise
Getting agreement by providing solution options
in a positive manner.   Situation 1 Would like
to have an extra bottle of water in his room as
he gets very thirsty in the middle of the night.
He told the Housekeeper earlier this morning but
it was not placed there after she cleaned the
room.   Associate _______________________________
__________________   ____________________________
_____________________      Situation 2 Guest
requested a non-smoking room but the room has a
stale smoke smell. There are no more non-smoking
single rooms.   Associate _______________________
__________________________   ____________________
Follow Through
  • Update guest no longer than 30 minutes from the
    time the problem is highlighted
  • How can you make sure you dont forget?
  • ______________________________________________
  • Once resolved, call guest to confirm satisfaction
    and provide your contact
  • What can you say?
  • ______________________________________________
  • ______________________________________________

Own, Solve, Follow Through Role Play
Guest You are Mr. Belvedere and you were asked
to meet a regional client two days ago. You got
your secretary to arrange for the flights and
make the reservations at the hotel for a
non-smoking room for 2 nights. Unfortunately,
your flight was delayed at the airport for almost
two hours and youre a bit hungry and tired when
you arrive at the hotel at 2 pm. You walk to the
front desk to check in but find out that your
room is not ready.   Associate (Front Desk) The
hotel is running at 97 occupancy due to a large
convention as well as the grand prix thats
taking place in the city. The only rooms left
are smoking rooms. A guest has just walked in to
check in but his room is not ready as the
outgoing guest just checked out at 1.30 pm (its
now 2 pm). Notes _______________________________
____________________________ __________________
_________________________________________ _____
____ __________________________________________
_________________ _____________________________
Own, Solve, Follow Through Certification
Write down what your guest would likely say or
do ______________________________________________
________________________ _________________________
_____________________________________________ ____
________________ Write down how you should
respond __________________________________________
____________________________ _____________________
____________________ Write down what you would
say during your follow up phone
call _____________________________________________
_________________________ ________________________
______________________________________________ ___
Session 5 Exceed Expectations
  • Handling Emotions
  • Active Listening/Apologise Empathise
  • Clarifying the Situation
  • Own, Solve and Follow Through
  • Exceed Expectations

Severity Level Definitions
LOW Minor incidences that slightly annoy or
inconvenience guests
MEDIUM Problems that cause guests to lose time
or reduce the enjoyment of their hotel stay
HIGH Problems that prevent guests from obtaining
the bare necessities of their hotel stay
CATASTROPHIC Problems that cause severe
emotional and/or physical distress to our guests.
Severity Levels Decision Tree
Did problem cause severe emotional and/or
physical distress to our guest?
Did problem prevent guest from getting the basic
Did problem cause guest to lose time or reduce
the level of enjoyment?
Did problem merely annoy or inconvenience guest?
Severity Levels
  • Severity Levels may still move up or down after
    using the decision tree based on various factors,
    some of which are
  • industry standard or whats reasonable e.g.
    brownish water due to local public works
  • impact on guest e.g. second time same problem has
  • emotional distress e.g. shock reaction

Severity Levels Responsibilities
LOW Associate is responsible for both handling
and resolving the problem and deciding whether a
gift is appropriate, and also informs duty/
department manager
MEDIUM Associate is responsible for both
handling and resolving the problem and deciding
whether a gift is appropriate, and also informs
duty/ department manager
HIGH Associate is responsible for handling the
problem and the duty/department manager is
responsible for resolving the problem and
deciding if a gift is appropriate. The GM is
informed and may need to contact the guest
directly where appropriate.
CATASTROPHIC GM is advised immediately and is
directly responsible for both problem handling
and resolution and deciding if a gift is
Severity Levels Exercise
4 scenarios Decide which severity level each
situation should be in.   1.      The handle of
one of the guests luggage is accidentally broken
while being carried by the bell hop. The guest
acknowledges that there was already a crack and
was expecting it to break soon. ________________
___________________________________________   2.  
    During breakfast, a guest notices that the
glass of water she had been drinking from had
lipstick stains on it. She gets really upset
says that its spoilt her appetite.   ___________
3.      After filling the bathtub and sitting in
it for 5 minutes, a gust notices that the water
level keeps going down. Upon checking, he finds
that the stopper for the bath is not work
properly and is letting water through.   ________
_ 4.      While swimming with some friends, a
guest gets out to take a sip from his drink near
the deck chair he was using. While hurrying
there, he cuts his foot on the slate. His toe
needs a stitch. ________________________________
Gift Guidelines
The gift is NOT the solution to the problem.
Any problem should be resolved quickly
first. Once the problem has been resolved to the
guests satisfaction, the gift is to exceed
expectations and create loyalty!
Gift Guidelines
The guidelines for gifts in this property
are LOW ___________________________ MEDIUM
________________________ HIGH
___________________________ CATASTROPHIC
Note The recommended gifts corresponding to the
severity levels are only guidelines (and not to
be taken as strict policy).
REMEMBER Whatever the gift, the guest
appreciates the apology and sincerity of making
right the problem far more!
Gift Guidelines Exercise
4 scenarios Think about 3 possible gifts
appropriate for that situation.   1.      The
handle of one of the guests luggage is
accidentally broken while being carried by the
bell hop. The guest acknowledges that there was
already a crack and was expecting it to break
soon. __________________________________________
_________________   2.      During breakfast, a
guest notices that the glass of water she had
been drinking from had lipstick stains on it.
She gets really upset says that its spoilt her
appetite.   _____________________________________
______________________ 3.      After filling
the bathtub and sitting in it for 5 minutes, a
gust notices that the water level keeps going
down. Upon checking, he finds that the stopper
for the bath is not work properly and is letting
water through.   ________________________________
___________________________ 4.      While
swimming with some friends, a guest gets out to
take a sip from his drink near the deck chair he
was using. While hurrying there, he cuts his
foot on the slate. His toe needs a
stitch. ________________________________________
Exceed Expectations Role Play
Guest Youre Simon Wong, an account manager with
an IT company, who has come to town to have a few
meetings with some clients. Youve stayed at the
Sheraton many times before and your experience
has been for the most part, reliable. After a
late night entertaining a client, you ask for a 7
am wake up call the next day to go to another
client meeting at 8 am. However, you suddenly
wake up at 7.30 and realized that you never got
the wake up call. You scramble to the meeting,
barely getting there on time but embarrassingly
wet with perspiration from the rushing. Coming
back to the hotel at 10 am, you walk to the find
the front desk to give them a piece of your
mind.   Associate (Front Desk) You are
approached by a very upset looking guest. He
tells you that he did not get the wake up call at
7.30 am this morning as he was supposed to. This
almost made him late for an important meeting and
certainly embarrassed him in front of his client.
He shares his frustration with
you. Notes _____________________________________
_____________________ _________________________
_________________________________ _____________
_____________________________________________ _
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