Title: Providing Title I Services to Children Attending Private Schools
1Providing Title I Services to Children Attending
Private Schools
2Title I Services For Children Enrolled In Private
- California Co-operative Directors Association
Fall Institute - Embassy Suites Hotel
- South Lake Tahoe, California
- September 27, 2006
3Title I Services For Children Enrolled In Private
- Presenters
- Anne Just
- Administrator
- Title I Policy and Partnerships Office
- And
- Jyoti Singh
- Education Programs Consultant
- Title I Policy and Partnerships Office
- California Department of Education
- Title I Policy and Partnerships Office
4Title I Services For Children Enrolled In Private
- No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
- Title I, Part A, Section 1120
- Private School Participation
5Law and Resources on Equitable Participation
- Section 1120
- Final Title I regulations
- Non-regulatory guidance
6NCLB, Title I, Part A for Private School
- Provisions in Title I include
- A written affirmation signed by officials for
each participating school that the required
consultation has occurred - An option to determine poverty counts every two
years - Equitable participation requirement for private
school teachers and families
7Program Elements
- Consultation
- Equitable participation
- Eligibility for funding
- Eligibility for services
- Supplemental
8Program Elements (continued)
- Professional development
- Parent involvement
- Program evaluation
- Timely
- Before decisions are made
- And meaningful
- Not unilateral local educational agency (LEA)
offer without opportunity for discussion - Final decision by LEA
10Consultation (continued)
- Students needs
- Types of services
- How, where, and by whom services will be provided
- Assessment of services
- Size and scope of equitable services
- Method and source of poverty data
11Consultation (continued)
- Third party providers
- Thorough consideration of private school
officials views - Written analysis from LEA for denying this
delivery method - Written record for appeal
12Consultation (continued)
- Services provided to students, teachers, and
families - Ongoing coordination between LEA Title I staff
and private school staff
13Consultation (continued)
- Documentation
- Written affirmation signed by private school
officials - When planning and design of program completed
14Equitable Participation
- Equitability for funding
- Equitability for services
- Equitability for professional development and
parent involvement
15Reservation of Funds and Equitability
- LEAs are required to reserve funds Off the Top
of the Title I allocation for numerous
district-wide activities.
16Reservation of Funds and Equitability
- If an LEA reserves funds for instructional and
related activities, the LEA must also provide
from these funds, as applicable, equitable
services to eligible private school children.
17Reservation of Funds and Equitability
- Applies to reservations for
- - Professional development
- Parent involvement
- Summer school
- Instructional activities
18 Reservation of Funds and Equitability
- Does not apply to reservations for
- - Supplemental educational services
19Reservation of Funds and Equitability
- If LEA reserves funds for parental involvement or
professional development - Then the LEA must allocate proportional amount to
private schools
20Reservation of Funds and Equitability
- LEA reserves 1 of 500,000 allocation for
parental involvement, or 5,000. - If 5 of low-income families are from private
schools, then 5 of 5,000 must be used for
families of participating private school
21 Generating FundsFor Title I Services
- The private school child must
- Reside in a public school Title I attendance area
- And
- Meet the poverty criteria agreed upon during
22Private School Poverty Data
- May be collected annually or biennially
23Private School Poverty Data
- LEA may use the following methods to obtain
poverty data about private school children - - Data from the same source used by the
LEA - - Comparable data, such as home survey
24Private School Poverty Data
- LEA may use the following methods to obtain
poverty data about private school children - - Survey with extrapolation
- - Proportionality
25Eligibility for Services
- The private school child must
- Reside in a public school Title I attendance area
- And
- Must be failing or at risk of failing to meet
academic performance standards
26Eligibility for Services
- Poverty is NOT a criterion for receiving Title
I, Part A services.
27Eligibility for Services
- Student selection for services based on
- Multiple
- Educationally related
- Developmentally appropriate criteria
28Services Must Be
- Secular
- Neutral
- Non-Ideological
- Supplemental
29Delivery of Services
- Who is responsible for providing these
services? - The LEA in which the child resides is
responsible for providing Title I supplemental
30Delivery of Services
- Service delivery options include
- Direct services from LEA of residence
- Through a third party contractor
- Another LEA
31Types of Services (Examples)
- Direct instruction
- Extended day program
- Take home computers
- Computer-assisted instruction
- Family literacy
32Professional Development
- Title I, Part A, Sections 1119 and 1120
- Equitable participation of private school staff
who work with private school Title I students - Equitable participation of parents of private
school Title I students - Public school teachers who provide Title I
services to private school students
33Parent Involvement
- Title I, Part A, Section 1118 requires
- Activities designed in consultation with private
school officials and parents - Annual parent Title I meeting
- Parent involvement activities
- Parent input on Title I program/school plan
34Annual Evaluation
- The LEA is accountable for the annual progress of
Title I services at private schools. - The LEA must assess all students receiving Title
I services. - Type of student assessment is determined during
35Annual Evaluation
- Test results are used for Title I purposes only.
- Results of the assessments are used to modify and
improve Title I services.
36Annual Evaluation
- Evaluation Consultation Includes
- Assessment instrument to be used (Specify name of
the test.) - Determination of performance standards ( e.g.,
test scores will increase by 5 percentile points) - Annual progress measure (e.g., 70 of students
served will gain 5 percentile points) -
37Annual Evaluation
- Percent of students achieving the performance
standard (e.g., 50 of the students served,
gained 5 percentile points) - Review and analyze data
- Modify Title I program per data analysis
38Annual Evaluation
- Evaluation Consultation
- Assessment instrument
- Performance standard
- Annual progress measure
39Public Control of Funds
- LEA retains control of
- Funds
- Materials
- Equipment
- Property
40Title I Funds May Not Benefit A Private School
- Funds must
- Provide supplemental educational services and
not supplant the basic program - Benefit students
- But not
- Meet general needs of a private school
41Complaint Process
- Title I, Part A, Section 1120 (b)
- A private school official shall have the right
to complain to the State Educational Agency that
the LEA did not engage in a meaningful and timely
consultation or did not give due consideration
to the views of the private school official.
42Complaint Process
- To file a complaint with California Department of
Education (CDE), LEAs and private schools - Follow Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Provide basis for complaint to CDEs Complaints
Management Office
43 Web Site http//www.cde.ca.gov/sp/sw/t1/privat
- Jyoti Singh
- Education Programs Consultant
- Title I Policy and Partnerships Office
- (916) 319-0372
- Jysingh_at_cde.ca.gov