Sultan Qaboos University College of Engineering Department of Electrical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sultan Qaboos University College of Engineering Department of Electrical


... will rise up before God (on the Day of Resurrection) like one whom Satan (the ... Holy Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was sent to the people to confirm God's ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sultan Qaboos University College of Engineering Department of Electrical

Sultan Qaboos UniversityCollege of
EngineeringDepartment of Electrical Computer
  • Presented by
  • Arif S. Malik
  • Associate Professor

  • Objective of the Presentation
  • What is Sustainable Development?
  • What is Discounting?
  • Rationale for Discounting
  • Discounting Effects on Project Selection
  • Arguments in Favor of Discounting
  • Arguments Against Discounting
  • Systems Thinking and Discounting
  • Conclusion

What is Sustainable Development?
  • Development that meets the needs of the present
    without compromising the ability of future
    generations to meet their own needs. (Brundtland
    Commission, 1987).
  • A minimum conditions for developments to be
    sustainable, is the requirement that the combined
    capital stock (man-made and natural) should not
    decrease over time.
  • Natural capital stock, in this context, is the
    stock of all environmental and natural resource
    assets, from oil in the ground to the quality of
    soil and groundwater, from the stock of fish in
    the oceans to the capacity of the globe to
    recycle and absorb carbon.

What is Sustainable Development? (Contd)
  • Conserving the natural capital stock will serve
    the following goals
  • Justice in respect of the socially disadvantaged
  • Justice between generations
  • Justice to nature
  • Economic efficiency
  • Aversions to risks (such as droughts, severe
    weather conditions etc.) which may arise if the
    environment is left for degradation.

What is Sustainable Development? (Contd)
  • The emphasis on sustainability implies a greater
    concern for the future and for the future
  • The past models of the development process
    assumed that the future will look after itself,
    whereas, the sustainable development approach
    acknowledges that the ability of the future to do
    this can be seriously impaired by actions taken

What is Discounting?
  • Discounting is a standard technique used for
    making inter-temporal decisions in which future
    is given less weight than the present.
  • Discounting procedures are fundamentals to the
    theory and practice of cost-benefit analysis,
    which is based on the premise that individual
    preferences as measured in monetary term are
    the appropriate standard for evaluating proposed
    projects and public policies.
  • The discount rate is the rate at which society as
    a whole is willing to trade off present for
    future benefits

Rationale for Discounting?
  • The usual and most common argument given is
    because a dollar received today is more valuable
    than one received in the future. There are
    generally three main reasons used for applying a
    positive discount rate.
  • Pure Time Preference humans are generally
    impatient and prefer instant gratification to
    waiting for long-term benefits.
  • Opportunity Cost or Marginal Productivity of
    Capital dollars can be invested today, earning a
    positive rate of return.
  • Risk there is uncertainty surrounding the
    ability to obtain promised future income. That
    is, there is the risk that a future benefit will
    never be realized.

Effect of Discount Rate on project selection
Effect of Discount Rate
Arguments in Favor and Against Discounting (Pure
Time Preference)
  • Arguments Against
  • Arguments in Favor
  • Empirical evidence suggests that humans value
    immediate or near-term resources at higher levels
    than those acquired in the distant future.
  • It is further argued that society, which consists
    of sum of its living individuals, also prefers
    the present to the future.
  • The individual time preference is not necessarily
    consistent with individual lifetime welfare
  • There is a more general view shared by many
    economists that there seems to be no "ethical"
    justification for putting a utility discount into
    the social welfare function

Arguments in Favor and Against Discounting (Pure
Time Preference)
  • Arguments Against
  • Arguments in Favor
  • Furthermore, the dominant underlying value
    judgment of Western economic philosophy is that
    peoples preference should count. Hence it is
    difficult to argue with the proposition that if
    people prefer the present over the future, then
    pure time preference indicates that discount
    rates are positive.
  • The value judgment is improperly expressed. The
    argument is that it is tomorrows satisfaction
    that matters, not todays assessment of
    tomorrows satisfaction
  • Future generations cannot represent their
    interests in todays markets and political

Pure Time Preference
  • But the question is any positive social discount
    rate used in a project that creates costs and
    benefits that are separated over a long period of
    time will discriminate the future generations and
    that is against the very spirit of
    sustainability the definition of which says
    meeting today's needs of development without
    compromising future generations' ability to

Arguments in Favor and Against Discounting
(Opportunity Cost of Capital)
  • Arguments in Favor
  • Arguments Against
  • The opportunity cost of capital is the expected
    financial return foregone by investing in a
    project rather than in comparable financial
    securities. Theoretically, firms invest up to a
    point where the rate of return on marginal
    projects is equal to the interest rate.
    Consumers plans to save are brought to equality
    with producers plans to invest and the ruling
    interest rate reflects both the time preference
    of consumers and the rate of return on capital
  • The opportunity costs of consumption are
    determined by the marginal return to capital,
    which, in turn, depends on investment levels,
    which depend upon how highly future benefits are
    weighted. If society as a whole valued all future
    periods equally, it would continue to invest
    until the rate of return on those investments
    (and, thus, the opportunity cost) was driven to
    zero. That opportunity costs are the result of
    valuing future outcomes less, not a reason for
    doing so.

Arguments in Favor and Against Discounting
(Opportunity Cost of Capital)
  • But there is an argument against using low or
    zero discount rate that it will encourage more
    investment overall, and this will increase the
    demand for resources and environmental services.
    In authors view this argument is not valid as we
    see that in the case of national economic
    development, the investment portfolio would
    consist of all projects to be carried out within
    the capital budget constraint as determined by
    the availability of the foreign exchange and
    local currency so the investment will only take
    place within the budget constraints and only
    those projects will be carried out that are
    economically justified and environmentally less
    harmful. As far as the private firms and
    businesses are concerned the government can
    impose resource taxes to discourage those
    projects which may harm the environment

Arguments in Favor and Against Discounting
(Opportunity Cost of Capital)
  • On the contrary we can observe that high discount
    rates used in developing countries under the
    prescription of World Bank and other lending
    agencies are a cause of much environmental
    degradation as the selection of such rates opt
    for short-term measures designed to satisfy
    immediate wants, and at the expense of
    sustainable practices. In turn, poor prospects
    arising from environmental degradation actually
    assist in generating the poverty that causes high
    discount rates (poverty-trap).

Arguments in Favor and Against Discounting
  • Arguments in Favor
  • Arguments Against
  • Public projects involve uncertainty and risk.
    When public projects are undertaken there is a
    chance that future benefits will not be fully
    realized or realized at a higher level than
    estimated .The further out into the future these
    benefits are expected to be realized, the greater
    the risk that some unexpected event or factor
    will occur and diminish the value of the future
    benefit. This uncertainty is handled by adding a
    risk premium to the discount rate.
  • While adding risk premium to the discount rates
    it is being assumed that the scale of the risk
    increases exponentially with time. There is no
    reason to believe that the risk factor takes this
    particular form and so the allowance for it
    through a single discount rate adjustment is
    invalid. This argument is widely accepted by
    economists. Usually, the preferred method for
    dealing with uncertainty is directly to adjust
    benefits and costs and not to change the discount

Systems Thinking and Discounting
  • McLaughlin and Davidson 14 describe systems
    thinking as
  • "Seeing Whole Patterns. . . . Its time for us to
    make the next leap in consciousness to wholistic
    thinking to seeing whole patterns. In contrast
    with the prevailing linear paradigm, the New
    Paradigm sees everything as interconnected and
    interdependent . . . .Thus it is critical to keep
    the large picturethe whole systemin mind in
    order to create any kind of lasting solution and
    to avoid undue focus on effects, rather than
    dealing with causes that may be part of another
    system altogether.
  • Wholistic thinking or ecological thinking
    seeing how everything affects everything else
    is finally beginning to influence other national
    policies, such as economics, where piecemeal
    solutions never work, since all sectors of a
    nations economy are interrelated and
    interdependent with the world economy. The
    systems view sees the world in terms of
    relationships and integrated wholes whose
    properties cannot be reduced to those of smaller

Systems Thinking and Discounting (contd)
  • Perhaps, we would have to go a long way to find a
    clearer or more complete exposition of pure
    Systems Thinking than that contained in the
    above slide. The depletion of ozone layer or
    increase in greenhouse gas emissions or the
    pollution of oceans is no more a concern of a
    single society presently living in any country.
    Similarly, society is no more a collection of
    living individuals whose preferences should
    count. Let us investigate the pure time
    preference and opportunity cost of capital
    concepts from the holistic viewpoint.

Systems Thinking and Discounting (contd)Pure
time Preference
  • When the pure time preference argument is looked
    from the holistic viewpoint a question can be
    asked whose time preference are we talking about
    whose capital and wealth are linking whose time?
    Is it the present society living in USA or Canada
    or is it in some African country? And what about
    the generations to come who will take care of
    their time preferences? Therefore, from holistic
    point of view pure time preference argument is
    ethically and morally indefensible in the
    selection of discount rate.

Systems Thinking and Discounting
(contd)Opportunity Cost of Capital
  • Before analyzing the opportunity cost of capital
    concept with holistic viewpoint let us first
    examine the practical implication of this concept
    for selecting discount rates in different
    countries. Since the opportunity cost is linked
    to the prevailing conditions within a given
    country, the discount rate tends to vary, often
    significantly, from country to country. For
    developing countries the discount rate used is
    much higher than the industrialized countries to
    reflect the scarcity of capital and the much
    larger profitability of new investment projects
    that compete for limited financial resources.

Systems Thinking and Discounting
(contd)Opportunity Cost of Capital
  • Now as we see we have different discount rates
    for different countries so a project considered
    good in USA may not be economically justified
    in India. For example, a large coal-fired power
    plant which generates millions of tons of
    greenhouse gases annually may be economically
    justified in one country but may not be a good
    project in another country because of the use of
    different discount rates for selection of the
    project. Consider the holistic approach and we
    see that the harm to environment is the same
    whether such kind of project is carried out in
    USA or in India. So in this regard the discount
    rate should not be linked to opportunity cost of
    capital in a country but in sustainability
    context to environment.

  • The paper has argued against using the practice
    of discounting. It has been shown intuitively
    that both the time preference and the opportunity
    cost of capital arguments are in conflict when we
    take the holistic approach to the environment.
  • When the pure time preference argument is looked
    from the holistic viewpoint the question is whose
    time preference we are talking about a society
    living in a developed world or a society living
    in less developed world or a society yet to come.
  • When the opportunity cost concept is seen from
    holistic approach we find that there are
    different opportunity costs for the same project,
    having same global environmental impacts, done in
    developed world or in some underdeveloped world
    and hence there is no agreement on the same
    discount rate.

Conclusions (Contd)
  • What is clear from this is that we need a
    paradigm shift a complete change in
    perspective. There is a need to engage
    meaningfully with a complex systems approach to
    social and natural systems. While the full
    implications of the quantum change in perspective
    have yet to filter down to the level of general
    consciousness the forest has been cleared and the
    path is open
  • No doubt there may be reluctance due to powerful
    vested interests related to both cognitive belief
    systems and to the institutional position. But
    with courage and commitment the harmful effects
    of untrue economic theory can be challenged. Both
    the time preference and the opportunity cost
    concept are the tools to support the institution
    of interest. But as we see both cannot stand in
    the way of systems thinking.

Conclusions (Contd)
  • Interest and usury cause injustice and major
    financial inequality in the society.
  • The practice of usury lending money and
    accumulating interest on the loan can be traced
    back 4,000 years. But it has always been
    despised, condemned, restricted or banned by
    moral, ethical, legal or religious entities.
  • Let us see what great religious scriptures say
    about usury.

Quran on Usury
  • Those who take usury will rise up before God (on
    the Day of Resurrection) like one whom Satan (the
    Evil One) by his touch has driven to madness.
    That is because they claim "Trade is the same as
    usury." But God has permitted trade and forbidden
    usury. Those who after receiving admonition from
    their Lord, desist, will be forgiven for the
    past their Judge is God. But those who go back
    to usury are companions of the Fire they will
    abide therein for ever.  
  • Qur'an 2 275

Quran on Usury
  • God will deprive usury of all growth, but will
    bless deeds of charity with increase. For God
    does not like the ungrateful sinners. Qur'an 2
  • O ye who believe! fear God and give up what
    remains of your demand for usury if ye are indeed
    believers. Qur'an 2 278
  • O ye who believe! devour not usury doubled and
    multiplied but fear God that ye may
    prosper. Qur'an 3 130

Prophet Muhammads Last Sermon
  • ..Remember that you will indeed meet your
    LORD, and that HE will indeed reckon your deeds.
    God has forbidden you to take usury (riba),
    therefore all riba obligation shall henceforth be
    waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep.
    You will neither inflict nor suffer inequity. God
    has judged that there shall be no riba and that
    all the riba due to Abbas ibn Abd al Muttalib
    shall henceforth be waived..

Usury in Western Philosophy
  • Many of the early Western philosophers including
    Plato, Aristotle, Cato, Cicero, Seneca and
    Plutarch were critics of usury. In the legal
    reforms (Lex Genucia) of the Roman Republic (340
    BC), usury and interest were banned. However, in
    the final period of the Republic, the practice
    was common. Under Julius Caesar, a limit of 12
    per cent was imposed due to the great number of
    debtor, and under Justinian it was set at a mean
    between 4 per cent and 8 per cent
  • Reference http//

Old Testament on Usury
  • Nehemiah 57I pondered them in my mind and then
    accused the nobles and officials. I told them,
    "You are exacting usury from your own
    countrymen!" So I called together a large meeting
    to deal with them
  • Nehemiah 510I and my brothers and my men are
    also lending the people money and grain. But let
    the exacting of usury stop!
  • Nehemiah 511Give back to them immediately their
    fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, and
    also the usury you are charging themthe
    hundredth part of the money, grain, new wine and

Old Testament on Usury (Contd)
  • Psalm 155who lends his money without usury and
    does not accept a bribe against the innocent. He
    who does these things will never be shaken.
  • Ezekiel 188He does not lend at usury or take
    excessive interest. He withholds his hand from
    doing wrong and judges fairly between man and
  • Ezekiel 1813He lends at usury and takes
    excessive interest. Will such a man live? He will
    not! Because he has done all these detestable
    things, he will surely be put to death and his
    blood will be on his own head.

Old Testament on Usury (Contd)
  • Ezekiel 1817He withholds his hand from sin and
    takes no usury or excessive interest. He keeps my
    laws and follows my decrees. He will not die for
    his father's sin he will surely live.
  • Ezekiel 2212In you men accept bribes to shed
    blood you take usury and excessive interest and
    make unjust gain from your neighbors by
    extortion. And you have forgotten me, declares
    the Sovereign LORD.

Usury on the Cross
  • Holy Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was sent
    to the people to confirm God's commandments and
    remind them the Message of God. According to
    Matthew's Gospel, Jesus said "Do not think I
    have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I
    have come, not to destroy, but to fulfill. The
    Bible, Matthew 517

Usury on the Cross (Contd)
  • The prohibition of usury was adopted as a major
    campaign by the earliest Christian Church,
    following on from Jesus' expulsion of the
    money-lenders from the temple.
  • The decrees of the Hebrew Bible were revived and
    a new reference to usury in the New Testament was
    added. Based on the authority of those texts, the
    Catholic Church of the 4th century AD banned the
    clergy from charging interest, a rule that was
    later extended in the 5th century to the laity.
  • In the 8th century, under Charlemagne, usury was
    declared a criminal offense. The anti-usury
    movement gathered force in the late Middle Ages
    and reached its peak in 1311 when Pope Clement V
    totally banned the practice and declared null and
    void all secular law defending it.

Oldest References to Usury
  • The oldest references to usury are found in
    religious manuscripts of India, dating back to
    2000-1400 BC where the 'usurer' is associated
    with any interest lender. In the Hindu Sutra
    (700-100 BC) as well as in the Buddhist Jatakas
    (600-400 BC) there are many references to the
    payment of interest, along with expressions of
    disdain for the practice.
  • Reference http//

Demon on the Move
  • This 'demon' governs current global relations,
    condemning most of the world population to living
    under the sign of debt i.e., each person born in
    Latin America owes already 1,600 in foreign
    debt each individual being conceived in
    Sub-Saharan Africa carries the burden of a 336
    debt, for something that its ancestors have long
    ago paid-off. In 1980 the Southern countries'
    debt amounted to 567 billion since then, they
    have paid 3,450 billion in interests and
    write-offs, six times the original amount. In
    spite of this, that debt had quadrupled by the
    year 2000, reaching 2,070 billion.
  • Reference http//

Conclusions (Contd)
  • God does not want to see such circumstances
    between humankind, created by human greed. It is
    very clear from the Jewish, Christian and Muslim
    religious scriptures that social values built on
    the structure of usury certainly cause God's
  • Eliminate the interest and we see that there is
    no need of discounting. By eliminating the
    interest we are
  • Reducing the environmental risk
  • Reducing the poverty in developing world
  • Reducing the gap between rich and poor
  • Reducing the unemployment problem
  • Reducing the problem of inflation
  • Increasing the economic efficiency
  • Safeguarding the interest of future generations
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