Title: INP 150: Web Coding I
1INP 150 Web Coding I
- Lecture 19 Advice for a fledgling creative
2Web design is more than coding
- You may think that web design is a simple matter
of coding, but if you look at examples of good
design (alistapart.com, wired.com, blogger.com,
etc.), you may be left with the feeling - Where do I start? Do I have to be born with that
sort of design ability?
3A note of reassurance...
- Most excellent websites are teams of designers,
coders, photographers, information architects,
SEO experts, programmers and administrators,
usually tied together with production managers.
- ... it is an uphill battle to get recognized and
gain work. - A little understanding of the many knowledge
domains will offer you a context - To get a job, you need a decent portfolio. To
have a decent portfolio, you need to develop your
design skills.
5Where to start?
- Learn a little about digital graphics! Purchase
software (or download free software, e.g., GIMP),
and try out a few tutorials - Look through some books (or articles) on
Information Architecture and web usability - Learn the basics of typography, look at examples
(print and web) for inspiration - Learn the basics of color choice, choose colors
wisely - cont'...
6Where to start? (cont')
- Slump around online... a little each day!
- Read articles at alistapart.com, wired.com,
adaptive path, other design resources - Read essays from the leaders Tim O'Reilly, Jakob
Nielson, Tim Berners-Lee, Eric Costello, etc. - Learn to write for the web!
- The best way is to read on the web
- Learn new technologies, new languages (Javascript
is a good place to start)
7Some collected advice
- I've collected advice from a variety of sites and
articles, and would like to share the value of
keeping up with web issues
8Creating the grid
- Design a grid! Think before you design...
- Your text and images should create hard edges
that direct the eye and suggest structure...
Image source http//www.webstyleguide.com/page/gr
9The fold
- Mind the fold...
- Assume you have less than 600 pixels above the
fold, which should be rich in meaningful images - Vertical scrolling should be used for getting
supplementary information the essentials should
be above the fold
Image source http//www.webstyleguide.com/page/gr
10Relinquishing control
- The belief that the web page should be controlled
down to the pixel is a natural result of a deep
heritage of print design - Many forum questions regard how to force a
certain look across browsers and platforms - Create adaptive web pages, which will in turn be
accessible - Use relative font sizes, create fluid (hence
scalable) layouts, and give the control back to
the user the web is not print!
Article A Dao of Web Design, alistapart.com
11People do read online!
- One day, the bad Internet fairy shut down all
online organizational and company sites. - Developers thought too bad, no more web, slept
in late, nibbled on their low-fat bagels, went
back to bed - However, the users still stayed online, reading
and writing, laughing and cheering, sending
email, blogging - After a few days, the Internet fairy put the
sites back online. Hooray said the developers!
They immediately started designing and after
finishing their sites, they hired writers to fill
in the gaps on their pages. As dumb as a sack of
Article A Fairy, a Low-Fat Bagel, and a Sack of
Hammers, alistapart.com
12Asynchronous web towards a platform
- People come to expect more responsiveness from
web applications, as opposed to the standard HTTP
response - Creating pages that can asynchronously download
content does not require brand-new technologies
or proprietary stacks a combination of
Javascript, HTML, CSS and the XMLHttpRequest is
enough - Though the components of AJAX have existed for a
while, we have online started to apply them in
meaningful ways - Google has pioneered many of these new
discoveries with web applications like Gmail and
Google Maps
Article AJAX A New Approach to Web
Applications, adaptivepath.com
13Users adding value
- The traditional model of the web is providing
access to content - However, the most successful sites of late have
come from giving up content to users, e.g.,
Wikipedia (and all wikis), blogging sites
(blogger, myspace, etc.), and social bookmarking
(del.icio.net), peer news (digg, slashdot), image
sharing (flickr), etc. - Pay attention to the long tail, providing
services instead of canned software, and
lightweight development/business models
Article What is Web 2.0, Tim O'Reilly,
14Don'ts by the infamous Jakob Nielson
- Don't have long paragraphs of unbroken text...
text should be scanable and meaning should be
apparent without reading the text - Don't design content to look like ads, including
banners, animation and pop-ups... users will tune
it out - Don't use small, fixed fonts
- Don't offer search unless you keep statistics on
usage and constantly tweak it - Keep forms as simple as possible cut out every
field that isn't necessary - Don't hide contact information hurts your
credibility - Source Various articles, Jakob Nielson,
15I'm counting to 5ms...
- Studies should that 5 milliseconds of exposure to
a web site is all it takes for a user to
determine how they feel about a site - There is not, of course, any standard rule for
creating a site with impact - The best practices include good color choice,
minimalistic designs and user testing discount
testing if you can't afford the real thing! - Source Create Sites with Impact,
16In conclusion
- The details are very important you must pay
attention to color, spacing, font choice, layout,
accessibility and presentation without losing
track of quality content and user needs - Solid coding techniques, such as using CSS for
style, using XHTML for thin markup, and other
more advanced topics will help you create
successful sites