Title: IRT in Bolton Strengthening Partnerships
1 Identification, Referral and Tracking
(IRT) of Children and Young People
Presentation for Primary Partnership Governors
Open Meeting 27th October 2003 Mike Chapman
- The Laming Report a background.
- Government Response Green Paper consultation.
- Who is Bolton Unlimited?
- What is Bolton Unlimited about?
- What is Bolton Unlimited not about?
- Why are we doing it?
- How are we doing it?
- Schools Pilot.
- Electronic Data Interchange
- What does this mean for schools Key messages
3The Laming Report
- A report into the murder of child abuse victim
Victoria Climbié. - Victoria died of hypothermia and 128 separate
injuries. - Her Aunt and boyfriend were sentenced to life
imprisonment for her murder.
4Victoria Climbié
- Only in the country 10 months
- Known to 6 Local Authorities
- Contacts with -
- 3 Housing Authorities
- 4 Social Services
- 2 Child Protection Teams and Police
- Referral made to NSPCC
- Local Church (Possessed by evil!!)
- Twice in hospital
- Not known to Education
5Could it Happen in Bolton?
6(No Transcript)
7The Laming Report
- 108 recommendations.
- Green Paper proposals in response.
- Local Committees for Families.
- Local Management Board. (to monitor effective
interagency working on child welfare and
protection) - Schools told to step up child protection
efforts. - Creation of a national children and young
peoples data base. (to record every contact with
a member of staff from the police, health and
local authorities)
8Green Paper ResponseEvery Child Matters4 Main
- Supporting parents and carers.
- Early intervention effective protection.
- Accountability integration locally,
regionally nationally. - Workforce reform.
9Every Child MattersSupporting parents and
- Parenting Fund - 25M over 3 years
- Improved Universal Services giving better support
- Targeted and Specialist support
- Compulsory Action
10Green Paper Response Early intervention
effective protection.
- Information sharing, (National Data base put on
hold). IRT system - Single Unique Identity Number
- Common assessment
- Lead professionals
- On the spot service delivery from
multi-disciplinary teams based in and around
schools and childrens centres Extended Schools
11Every Child MattersAccountability
integration locally, regionally nationally.
- Director of Childrens Services
- Lead Council Member for Children
- Childrens Trusts
- Local Safeguarding Children Boards
- Minister for Children, Young People and Families
- Better joined up work
- Integrated Inspection System (OfSTED)
- Children's Commissioner
12Every Child MattersWorkforce reform.
- Workforce reform strategy
- Recruitment Campaign
- New Childrens Workforce Unit (DfES), raising
attractiveness status, improving skills and
collaborative working - Common Core Training
- Sector Skills Council (SCC) for Children and
Young Peoples Services - Leadership Development programme
13(No Transcript)
14Who is Bolton Unlimited?
- Bolton Identification, Referral and Tracking
Project, now called Bolton Unlimited. - One of 10 National Trailblazers.
- Steering Group in place from Oct 02.
- Final Bid submitted Dec 02.
- Project Team in place from Jan 03.
- Responsible to the Children and Young Peoples
Unit (CYPU - part of DfES)
15What is Bolton Unlimited About?
- Sharing important information
- more effectively
- more appropriately
- more securely
- Reducing re-assessment and professional time
- Less intrusive for children, young people and
their families - Frees up professionals to get on with their own
16What is Bolton Unlimited about?
- Closing gaps between services, so that children
dont get lost. - Strengthening and developing the Child Concern
Model. - Building on good practice in Bolton in order to
lead the way nationally. - Increasing positive outcomes for Children and
Young People.
17What is Bolton Unlimited not about?
- Introducing a new computer system.
- Creating new tasks or responsibilities for
schools. - A Big Brother system to track bad kids.
18Why are we doing it?
- Because we have to
- Every UK Authority has to introduce IRT by April
2004. - Every authority can apply for 100k to do so.
- Because we need to
- Many of the recommendations made in the Laming
Report into the death of Victoria Climbie can be
addressed by IRT. The Green paper promotes IRT. - Because it will help to provide better services
for children, young people and their families.
19(No Transcript)
20How are we doing it?
- Govt grant of 1m via the Children Young
Peoples Unit within DfES. - Spend is divided approximately 60/40 between
technical solutions and soft solutions. - Full time project coordinator, full time Child in
Need facilitator, with management team seconded
part time from partner agencies. - Project coordinator reports to the Steering
21How are we doing it?
- Technical solutions
- To allow workers within partner agencies to share
information on children young people at risk
safely, securely, appropriately and with due
regard for data protection and confidentiality - Builds on existing systems does not replace
them - Does not create a new database pulls
information from partner systems
22Simplified Hub System
23Schools Pilot
- 12 Schools Identified and agreed
- Withins Red Lane Top Oth Brow
- Deane St Marys Brandwood
- Smithills Johnson Fold Church Road
- Hayward Lever Edge Sunning Hill
- Sorry, no Farnworth, Westhoughton or Horwich
Schools! No nursery or Special schools either!!
24Schools Pilot FindingsMain Issues
- Child Concern Model Knowledge, use of
consultation. calling Child in Need Meetings, use
of Multi-Agency Referral form. - Lead Practitioners Resources, holidays.
- Workload Training, Teacher cover, answering
unmet need. - Reluctance to Share Information /involve parents
or guardians. - Lack of Knowledge of Services.
- IT issues
- Did not experience difficulty in identifying a
Lead professionals as was anticipated.
25What does Bolton Unlimited mean for Schools?
- All schools and all other services will be
involved from April 2004. - There will then be an alerting procedure for
lower levels of risk. (i.e. Lower than Child
Protection) - Information from other services should be more
readily available contact people known. - Schools will have a way of registering their
concerns for other services to see. - The system will operate electronically thus
saving duplication.
26Key Messages for Schools
- No child in need can be ignored by any service.
- Schools cannot pass the buck nor can anyone
27AVCO Electronic Data Interchange
28Making Use of Electronic Data Exchange
- Many forms will be redundant.
- Reduces duplication.
- Reduces requests to schools for information.
- DfES has a strategy to increase its use.
- Common Transfer file is now a DfES requirement.
- Full information is on the LEA web site.
29Making Use of Electronic Data Exchange
- All schools will need to be making use of
Electronic Transfers of Information. - Electronic Transfers of information rely on
clean, accurate information. - Admin. Time should be saved e.g.. Reduction in
form filling etc. No repeat filling in of basic
information. No repeated requests for the same
30Most important of all
- We need to learn the lessons of the Climbié