Systems Thinking THE Managerial Competence of the Future - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Systems Thinking THE Managerial Competence of the Future


All holidays had been cancelled and new personnel was recruited immediately. ... at the '2 for 1' campaign were stored at home in their kitchens and pantries. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Systems Thinking THE Managerial Competence of the Future

Systems Thinking THE Managerial Competence of
the Future?
Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Günther Ossimitz University
of Klagenfurt, Austria
  • 1st Nordic Conference on Decision Support
  • Technikzentrum Lübeck
  • Oct. 29th 2003
  • Download this presentation at www.guenther.ossimit

Rowing harder does not help if the boat is
headed in the wrong direction. (Keinichi Omahe
Borderless World)
I dont know where to go, but I will be faster
there (Helmut Qualtinger The Crazy Guy on his
Prologue A Systems Tale
  • New CEO of noodle-producer discovers Too much
    spaghetti on stock!
  • CEO calls Marketing Director Make your Job!
  • Marketing Director creates a big campaign Take
    two, pay one.
  • Campaign extremely successful 3 months later
    store is almost empty.
  • CEO to Marketing Director Well done!
  • At the same time Production Accountant reports
    to Production Director Our sales increased
  • The forecast says that in six months our sales
    will have doubled from 200 tons to 400 tons per
    month! We have to increase production
    dramatically to fulfill the increased demand!
  • After seeing the figures the Production Director
    is shocked We are already running two shifts.
    Now we have to introduce a night-shift, too...

(No Transcript)
How did the Production Director react?
  • He recognized the considerable gap between sales
    and production.
  • He concluded that due to the forecast this gap
    apparently will become even bigger.
  • He decided to expand capacities dramatically by
    introducing a third (night) shift. All holidays
    had been cancelled and new personnel was
    recruited immediately.
  • He was absolutely determined to increase
    production by one-third within six weeks.

What actually happened with Spaghetti Sales?
  • Customers ate as much spaghetti as usual.
  • The extra spaghetti packs bought at the 2 for 1
    campaign were stored at home in their kitchens
    and pantries.
  • Thus after the Get 2 for 1 campaign spaghetti
    sales actually decreased dramatically below the
    200 tons p.m. average.
  • The non-systemic forecast led the production
    completely into the wrong direction. At the end
    of June the stock was even higher than before the
    2 for 1 campaign.

PS In June the CEO fired the Marketing Director
who apparently had completely neglected his
duties in the months after the great 2 for 1
The very Beginning of Systems Thinking
An early record of Systems Thinking in Gen 3
Adam Eve in the Garden Eden, just having tasted
from the Tree of Knowledge.
  • God asked Adam Did you eat from the tree I
  • Adam Not I! That wife you gave me told me...
  • God asked Eve What did you do?
  • Eve Not me! The snake....

Adam and Eve invented one of the most powerful
and disastrous systems principles Shifting the
Shifting the Burden
  • Systems Archetype, coined by Peter Senge
  • A quick and dirty solution is applied for a
    short-term benefit, avoiding a painful (but
    necessary) fundamental solution
  • Aspirin against tooth-ache instead of consulting
    a dentist
  • Debt Get the benefit now, pay later
  • Spaghetti Production story with several
    instances of SdB
  • Pyramid Games
  • Pay me 1.000,- and I give you the right to look
    for 3 people who
  • pay you 1,000,- each for the same right to look
    for 3 other people each ... So yours (and their)
    net gain will be
  • 2.000,- each and all will be happy... ???

Shifting the Burden lethally Scylla and
  • Episode from Homers Odysse Scylla is a
    6-headed Monster which required from each passing
    ship a man for each head. Clever captains who
    avoided Scylla little later inevitably run into
    Charybdis, a downward whirl swallowing the whole
    ship and all men.
  • Systems Principle Sometimes painful (but
    limited) sacrifices are necessary in time to
    avoid a total disaster later.

Who avoids Scylla has no problems in the short
term but will surely be destroyed by Charybdis
in the long term.
Systems Thinking Approaches - Overview
My Definition of Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking has four interrelated dimensions
  • Dynamical Dimension - Thinking in dynamical
    processes over time beyond snapshot-thinking
    understanding stocks vs. flows, delays,
  • Model Dimension - Thinking in Models /Awareness
    of Systems mental models, modeling assumptions,
    model-reality qualitative vs. quantitative
  • Feedback Dimension - Thinking in loops and
    networks interrelated structures, indirect
    effects, feedback loops, networks of
  • Pragmatical Dimension - Steering of Systems
    finding the "leverage point", counterintuitive
    behavior, proper intensity and timing of actions.
    Dealing with conflicts and impossible

This Definition integrates different views of
Systems Thinking!
Mental Models What does this Photo show?
  • A Drug Flask with design of 1900s
  • The Bayer-Cross-Logo on top
  • The Text 25 Original Tabletten BAYER
    enthaltend jede 0.0025g Heroin. hydrochlor.
    Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer Co. Leverkusen.

What today is considered a dangerous illegal
drug, was invented by Bayer and one of their
best selling medicaments!
The History of Heroin
  • Invented on Aug 11th 1897 by Felix Hoffmann at
    Bayer in Leverkusen.
  • Aim a non-addictive substitute for Opiates
  • Heroin became one of the best selling products of
    Bayer Tons of Heroin were prescribed for an
    amazing variety of diagnoses.
  • Taken orally no side effects and no addictive
  • Misuse started in the 1920ies in the USA by
    injecting high doses of Heroin intravascular.
  • In the 1930ies Bayer silently withdrew from
  • Heroin is still used in GB as one of the best
    oral anti-pain-drugs.
  • Today Bayer produces Methadon as a substitute for

Only 11 days after having invented Heroin the
same Felix Hoffmann synthesized for the first
time Acetylsalicylacid Aspirin. It became
popular only after the decline of Heroin.
Dynamical Thinking Discerning stocks and flows
Arrivals and Departures in a Hotel Dec 18 - Jan
Arr Dep
When was the number of Hotel guests a maximum?
Give your answer just by a quick glimpse at the
diagram without any tedious calculations!
Intersection Dec 27-Dec 28
Correct lt 20
Dynamical Thinking The Disappearing Multiplier
Gross National Income Y
s marginal
Savings quota
ca. 0,1 - 0,2
c marginal
C Y - S
consumption quota
S sY
ca. 0,8 - 0,9
Investments I
Savings S
Consumer Expenses C
Equilibrium Y CI C Y-S ? I S
Multiplier effect We
I and Y in Equilibrium (Yeq)
increase I by a. Then Ygl
I S und S sY ?Yeq 1/sI
increases by 1/s a
Basic Keynesian Economy Example
Gross National Income Y
s marginal
savings quota
ca. 0,1 - 0,2
c marginale
C Y - S
consum quote
S sY
ca. 0,8 - 0,9
Investments I
Savings S
Consumer Expenses C
Equilibrium Y CI C Y-S gt I S
Multiplier Effect We
I and Y in Equilibrium (Yeq)
increase I by a. Then
I S und S sY gtYeq 1/sI
Yeq increases 1/s a
  • Y 1000 s0,1 ? S 100, C 900 ? Equilibrium
    at I 100
  • I will be increased by 10 up to 110
  • New Equilibrium at Y1100, S110, C990
  • Multiplier effect an Increase of I by 10
    increases Yeq by 1010100!

The Multiplier Effect in practical Politics
  • Key question Must the higher (additional)
    investment be made only once or permanently every
    period (month)?
  • Background in a statical model this question
    does not even appear, because the model contains
    no dynamics over time.
  • A Dynamical Model can easily made with Excel!
  • The result of the dynamical modelling is
    shocking The higher investment must be done
    permanently each month in order to approach the
    higher level of Equilibrium after about 3 years!

Systemic Escalations A Couple in Trouble (Paul
HE "I go to the pub, because you are always
complaining!"SHE "Im just complaining, because
you always leave me alone!
Both sides try to solve the problem (which is
seen in the other person!)
Systemic Structure Escalating Feedback Loop!
The Couple in Trouble Behind the Scenes
  • The systemic view reveals the escalation feedback
  • More of the same or When the solution is
    the problem
  • The systemic solutions are exactly the opposite
    of the non-systemic solutions
  • he stays home (ignoring her quarreling) or
  • she stops quarrelling although he is going to the
  • The Couple in Trouble is a prototype of an
    Aporetic Conflict
  • two contradicting positions
  • BOTH are true or legitimate
  • Both depend on each other one cannot exist wo.
    the other
  • Aporetic Conflicts contradict the laws of Logic!
  • Apories cannot be solved by means of a Hierachy!

How can we learn Systems Thinking?
  • The first step is Awareness of Systems
  • Systems Thinking needs systemic denotations,
    models and tools! (CLDs, Stock-Flow-Diagrams,
    simulation models...)
  • Quantitative Systems Modelling expands Systems
    Thinking capabilities drastically!
  • Practical Systems Management very often has to
    deal with aporetic situations, which are
    logically impossible and cannot be solved by
    delegation in a Hierarchy!

Eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge is
not enough! Essential for successful Systems
Thinking is Metanoia - the willingness to shift
fundamentals of our thinking radically!
Further Reading and Information
  • Peter Senge The Fifth Discipline (dt. Die
    fünfte Disziplin)
  • Dietrich Dörner Die Logik des Misslingens (The
    Logic of Failure)
  • Michael De Ridder Heroin. Vom Medikament zur
    illegalen Droge.
  • Gerhard Schwarz Konfliktmanagement.
  • For more Systems Papers and Materials visit my
    website at or mail me at

Thank you very much!
  • Any comments and questions are welcome!

Thinking in Models Heroin Market 1
Price Elasticity of Heroin
10 kg Heroin available 50.000 /kg 0.5 Mio
9 kg Heroin available 100.000 /kg 0.9 Mio
Revenue !
Thinking in Models Heroin Market 2
Lessons from the Heroin Models
  • Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs) are useful tools!
  • CLDs help to discuss a situation. Different
    viewpoints can be clarified and checked more
  • The same situation can be modeled in different
  • CLDs allow a reflection of model assumptions.
  • Small differences in a model might have
    dramatical consequences.
  • What appears to be the solution at first sight,
    might (via feedback) make the problem even more

Proper tools for systemic descriptions and
modeling (e.g. CLDs) are essential for systems
thinking abilities!
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