Title: Solving Problems By Searching and Constraint Satisfaction Problem
1Solving Problems By Searching andConstraint
Satisfaction Problem
CS570 Artificial Intelligence
- 2001. 4. 18.
- 20015087 ???
- 20013460 ???
- Solving Problem by Searching
- Problem solving agents
- Problem types
- Problem formulation
- Example problems
- Searching Strategies(Basic search algorithms)
- Constraint Satisfaction Problem
- Introduction
- Solving Techniques
- Applications
3Problem-Solving Agents
- Problem-Solving Agents
- one kind of goal-based agent
- finding sequences of actions that lead to
desirable states. - Steps
- Goal Formulation
- limiting the objectives
- Problem Formulation
- deciding what actions and states to consider
- Search
- looking for the possible action sequence
- Execution
4Formulating Problem - Example
- The eight possible states of the simplified
vacuum world
5Properties of environment
- Accessible vs. Inaccessible
- Deterministic vs. Nonderterministic
- Episodic vs. Nonepisodic
- Static vs. Dynamic
- Discrete vs. Continuaous
6Knowledge and Problem Types (1)
- Single-state problem
- accessible - the agents sensor knows
- which state it is in.
- deterministic - the agent knows
- what each of its actions does
- Action sequence can be completely planned.
- example Right, Suck
7Knowledge and Problem Types (2)
- Multiple-state problem
- inaccessible
- limited access to the world state
- deterministic
- The agent must reason about sets of states that
it mignt get to. - Example
- Right, Suck, Left, Suck
reach a Goal
8Knowledge and Problem Types (3)
- Contingency problem
- inaccessible
- non-deterministic
- sensing during the execution phase.
- most of the real, physical world problems
- Keep your eyes open while walking!
- The agent must calculate a whole tree of actions,
rather than a single action sequence.
9Knowledge and Problem Types (4)
- Exploration problem
- unknown state space (no map, no sensor)
- The agent must experiment, gradually discovering
what its actions do and what sorts of states
10Well-defined Problems and Solutions
single-state problem
- Problem
- a collection of information that the agent will
use to decide what to do - the basic elements of a problem definition
- initial state
- operator (or successor function S)
- goal test
- path cost function(g)
state space
11Problem-Solving Agents - Example
- A simplified road map of Romania
12Problem-Solving Agents Example
- Situation
- On holiday in Romania currently in Arad.
- Flight leaves tomorrow from Bucharest.
- Formulate goal
- be in Bucharest
- Formulate problem
- initial state be in Arad
- state various cities
- operators driving between cities
- Find solution
- sequence of cities, e.g., Arad, Sibiu, Fagaras,
13Measuring Problem-Solving Performance
- Effectiveness of a search
- Does it find a solution at all?
- Is it a good solution (one with low path cost)?
- What is the search cost associated with the time
and memory required to find a solution? - total cost path cost search cost
14Example Problems
- Toy Problems
- concise and exact description
- abstract version of real problem
- Real-World Problem
- no single agreed-upon description
15The 8-puzzle
- problem formulation
- State the location of each of the eight tiles
in one of the nine squares - Operators blank moves left, right, up, or down
- Goal test state matches the right figure
- Path cost each step costs 1, that is the length
of the path
Start state
Goal state
16The 8-queens problem(1)
- problem formulation
- Goal test 8 queens on board, none attacked
- Path cost zero
- States any arrangement of 0 to 8 queens on
board - Operators add a queen to any square
- States arrangements of 0 to 8 queens with none
attacked - Operators place a queen in the left-most empty
column such that is not attacked by any other
17The 8-queens problem(2)
- States arrangements of 8queens, one in each
column - Operators move any attacked queen to another
square in the same column
- problem formulation
- State a cryptarithmetic puzzle with some
letters replaced by digits - Operators replace all occurrences of a letter
with a digit not already appearing in the puzzle - Goal test puzzle contains only digits, and
represents a correct sum - Path cost zero
FORTY Solution 29786 F2, O9, R7, etc.
TEN 850 TEN 850 ------------ --
------- SIXTY 31486
19The vaccum world
- problem formulation ( a single state problem)
- State one of the eight states shown in Figure
- Operators move left, move right, suck
- Goal test no dirt left in any square
- Path cost each action costs 1
20Missionaries and cannibals
- problem formulation
- State the number of missionaries, cannibals and
boats on the bank of the river from which they
started(3,3,1) - Operators either 1 missionary, 1 cannibal, 2
missionaries, 2 cannibals, or one of each across
in the boat. - Goal test 3 missionaries and 3 cannibals in the
other side of the river (0,0,0) - Path cost the number of crossings
21Example Real-World Problems
- Route finding
- Touring and travelling salesperson problems
- VLSI layout
- Robot navigation
- Assembly sequencing
22Searching for Solutions
- Partial search tree for route finding from Arad
to Bucharest.
(a) The initial state (search node)
(b) After expanding Arad
(c) After expanding Sibiu
23Search Strategies
- Criteria
- Completeness
- Time complexity
- Space complexity
- Optimality
- Classification
- Uninformed search ( blind search)
- have no information about the number of steps or
the path cost from the current state to the goal - Informed search ( heuristic search)
- have some information
- example Bucharest is southeast of Arad.
24Breadth-first Search
Searching Strategies
- Properties
- Complete Yes (if b is finite)
- Time complexity 1bb2bd O(bd)
- Space complexity O(bd) (keeps every node in
memory) - Optimal Yes (if cost1 per step) not optimal in
general - where b is branching factor and
- d is the depth of the search tree
25Uniform cost Search (1)
Searching Strategies
- Expand least-cost unexpanded node
- the breadth-first search is just uniform cost
search with g(n)DEPTH(n)
26Depth-first Search (1)
Searching Strategies
27Depth-first Search (2)
Searching Strategies
- Properties
- Space complexity O(bm)
- i.e., linear space
- Time complexity O(bm)
- where m is the maximum depth
- Complete, Optimal No
- fails in infinite-depth spaces, spaces with loops
- Modify to avoid repeated states along path
- ? complete in finite spaces
28Depth-limited Search
Searching Strategies
- Depth-first search with depth limit l
- Properties
- Complete Yes
- Time complexity O(bl)
- where l is the depth limit
- Space complexity O(bl)
- Optimal No
29Iterative Deepening Search (1)
Searching Strategies
- Choose the best depth limit by trying all
possible depth limit
30Iterative Deepening Search (1)
Searching Strategies
- Limit0
- Limit1
- Limit2
- Limit3
31Iterative Deepening Search (2)
Searching Strategies
- Choose the best depth limit by trying all
possible depth limit - Breadth-first search Depth-first search
- Properties
- Optimal , Complete Yes
- Time complexity
- (d1)b0db(d-1)b21bd O(bd)
- Space complexity O(bd)
32Bidirectional Search (1)
Searching Strategies
- Simultaneously search
- forward from the initial state
- backward from the goal
- stop when the two searches meet in the middle.
33Bidirectional Search (2)
Searching Strategies
- Several issues
- Operators are reversible.
- Many goal states ? multiple state search
- Properties
- Complete Yes
- Time complexity O(2b(d/2)) O(b(d/2))
- Space complexity O(b(d/2))
- Optimal Yes, if step cost 1
- Can be modified to explore uniform-cost tree
34Comparison Search Strategies
Searching Strategies
- Evaluation of search strategies.
- b is the branching factor
- d is the depth of solution
- m is the maximum depth of the search tree
- l is the depth limit.
35Avoiding Repeated States
- Three ways to deal with repeated states
- Do not return to the state you just came from.
- Do not create paths with cycles in them.
- Do not generate any state that was ever generated
36Overview CSP
- Constraint Satisfaction Problem
- The Solution of CSP
- Solving Techniques
- Consistency techniques
- Search
- Example
- Applications
37Constraint Satisfaction Problem(1)
- CSP A special kind of problem that satisfies
some additional structural properties beyond the
basic requirements for problems in general - CSP is defined as
- a set of variables X x1 , x2 , x3 xn
- for each variable, xi , a finite domain Di
- Discrete or continuous
- a set of constraints restricting the values that
the variables can simultaneously take - Unary Constraints
- Binary Constraints
- High order Constraints
- Absolute constraints vs. preference constraints
38Constraint Satisfaction Problem(2)
- Example 8 queens problem
- Variables the locations of each of the eight
queens - Domains squares on the board
- Constraints no two queens can be in the same
row, column, or diagonal - V1 the row that the
- first queen occupies
- V2 the row that the
- first queen occupies
- Domain 1,2,3,,8
- Constraints
- (1,3),(1,4),(2,4),(2,5),
39The Solution of CSP
- If use DFS in 8 queens problem Search space
will be 88 - Too huge!
- In CSP, the goal test is decomposed into a set of
constraints on variables rather than being a
black box. - Solutions specifying values for all the
variables such that the constraints are satisfied
40Solving Technology
- Consistency Techniques
- Systematic Search
- Generate-and-Test (GT)
- Generate each possible combination of the
variables and then test to see if it satisfies
all the constraints. - The first combination that satisfies all the
constraints is the solution. - The number of combinations the size of the
Cartesian product of all the variable domains - Generator merged with tester
- Look back schema
- Look ahead schema
41Consistency Techniques
- Removing inconsistent values from variable domain
- Graph representation - constraint graph
- Consistency Techniques are not complete
Consistent pairs of values
removed by AC
a b c
a b c
42Systematic Search (1)
- Generator merged with tester
- Look back schema
- Backtracking, Backjumping, Backmarking,
Backchecking - Look ahead schema
- Forward checking (FC) , Look Ahead (LA)
Look Back Schema
- Incrementally extending a partial solution(DFS)
- When conflict occurs, choose another value for
inconsistent variable - Drawbacks
- Thrashing
- Redundant work
- Late detection of collision
- Exponential time complexity
44Example - Backtracking
- There is no legal position available on the next
row on the board below - As a result the queen on the
- fifth row will be removed and
- a new position for it will be sought.
- If all legal positions on the row
- lead fail to a solution, the queen
- on the row above will be moved
- to a new legal position, and
- the search for a solution
- will proceed.
Look Back Schema
- Avoid trashing
- most recent conflicting variable instead of
immediate past variable
46Backchecking, Backmarking
Look Back Schema
47Look Ahead Schema
- Prevent future conflict
- Examples of Look Ahead Schema
- Forward Checking
- When an assignment, X/a occurs, temporally delete
all values from other variable domain - Look Ahead
48Example Forward Checking
49AC Look Ahead
- When a queen is placed on the board all squares
that are threatened by that queen are marked to
be ignored - When considering where to place the next queen it
uses Arc Consistency to ensure that there are
legitimate positions for each pair of queens to
be added, and marks any positions that fail the
test to be ignored.
Arc (Vi, Vj ) is arc consistent if for every
value x in the current domain of Vi there is some
value y in the domain of Vj such that Vi x and
Vj y is permitted by the binary constraint
between Vi and Vj
50not yet instantiated variables
already instantiated variables
partial look ahead full look ahead
checked by backtracking
forward checking
51Systematic Search (2)
- Smart generator
- Heuristic Method
- Hill-climbing
- Min-conflict (MC)
- Random walk
- Tabu search
- Traditional Operational Research (OR)
- Planning
- Scheduling
- Optimization
- NP-Hard