Title: The Dulcimer
1The Dulcimer
2The Sheitholt?!
- Between 1681 and 1770, German pioneers brought an
instrument called the sheitholt to the
Appalachian region through the Pennsylvania wagon
road. It was a small, rectangular stringed
instrument, thought to be the predecessor of the
3The three most common shapes for a dulcimer are
tear-shaped, rectangular/trapezoid, and oval.
4The dulcimer is played by strumming the Right
Hand and fretting the Left Hand. The
traditional dulcimer technique includes noting
or playing the Left Hand notes with a small
hickory stick. Other players prefer to use their
Left Hand fingers.
5In the ballad The Banks of the Ohio, played by
David ODell, the dulcimer shows its versatility.
First, the melody is played without
accompaniment. Then, the accompanying chords are
added. Notice the instruments quiet,
distinctive sound
- Information and Dulcimer demonstration courtesy
of Marshall University College of Fine Arts
CD-Rom Arts Resources - Dulcimer pictures courtesy of http//www.cottageso