Title: Ideas for promoting
1Ideas for promoting the use of ICT in the
2Action Research
- Broad Aim To explore how ICT can be used to
enhance learning and teaching. - Specific Aim To identify ways in which the
use of ICT can help raise achievement for Maori
and Pacific students in the mainstream. - Research Questions
- 1. What are some examples of approaches to
learning and teaching with ICT that can help
raise achievement with Maori and Pacific students
in the mainstream? - 2. What are the school development inputs
required to create an environment whereby the use
of ICT can help raise achievement with Maori and
Pacific students in the mainstream, and how might
these inputs be replicated in other schools?
3Action Research Cycle
Exposed to an idea
Exposed to another idea or plan again
4ICT Expos
5ICT Expos
- Provide a focus
- Celebrate achievements
- Promote collegiality
- Publicity
6ICT Expos
- Inform teachers early
- Form organising group
- Realistic timeline
- Clear expectations tasks
7ICT Expos
- Week 1 Think about display
- Week 2 Decide on idea/topic
- Week 3 Work on display
- Week 6 Finish display
- Week 7 ICT Expo
8ICT Expos
- Inform teachers early
- Form organising group
- Realistic timeline
- Clear expectations tasks
9ICT Expos
Putting it together
- Gather setup displays
- Put in the infrastructure
- Gather setup hardware
- Check everything
- Ensure security
10ICT Expos
On the day!
- Teachers
- released
- fully involved
- Students
- know what to do
- classes scheduled to visit
11Lead Teacher Workshops
- Held each holiday during the year
- Half a day in duration
- Focus on school development topics including
- recording and reporting of student achievement
- school wide approaches to inquiry learning
- school wide approaches to problem solving
- policy and procedure development
- school intranets and websites
- the three modalities of ICT and educating
- etc, etc
12The three modalities of ICT and educating
13School wide inquiry learning step 1
14School wide inquiry learning step 2
15School wide inquiry learning step 2
16School wide inquiry learning step 3
17School wide inquiry learning step 3
18School wide inquiry learning step 4
19School wide inquiry learning step 4
20School wide inquiry learning step 5
21For more information on the ICT project visit
. www.lea.co.nz/ICT www.ratastreet.school.nz