Title: RELAP5-3D in Fortran 90
1RELAP5-3D in Fortran 90
RELAP5 International Users Seminar Nov 18-20,
2008 Idaho Falls, ID
- High-level description of conversion
- Database executable code conversion
- Effect of conversion on users and development
- Current status
- Alpha version tentative release schedule
- Summary
3F90 Project High-Level Description
- Like working on the Winchester House
4The Winchester House
- Sarah Winchester, heir to Winchester Gun Fortune,
built the Winchester Mansion until 1922. - Believed she couldnt die while house under
construction. - Builders worked 24 hours/day, every day, for 38
years. - Room elevations vary within a story, stairs cross
stories or lead nowhere, doors open into walls,
etc. - Registered as California Historical Landmark with
the National Park Service as "a large, odd
dwelling with an unknown number of rooms. - First count 140 rooms, later counts up to 160.
5Winchester House
- Floor plan developed daily as needed. No
overarching plan. - So convoluted, people got lost. Like a 3D maze.
- Despite construction and labyrinth, Sarah
entertained visitors and gave tours.
6RELAP5-Winchester F90 Analogy
- RELAP5-3D had a maze-like floor plan (database)
- has a huge number of rooms (subroutines)
- with ongoing construction (by code developers)
- and visitors and tours (users, code usage)
- Riemke Repairs Davis Doors Weaver Windows
- Excavator Ed Fisher Fascia Judd Additions
Nestle Nooks
7The Winchester Fortran 90 Analogy
- Fortran 90 Project is analogous to
- Replace ALL plumbing wiring (convert to F90)
- Without affecting the work crews (developers)
- Or impacting the owner (users)
8Fortran 90 Other Objectives
- Decomplexify the 3D labyrinth into a clear floor
plan. Translation Make an elegantly simple
database. - Fix long-standing problems left by previous
builders Translation Solve some User Trouble
Reports. - Dont slow down anyone elses work
Translation Dont impact code runtime - When done, every room left exactly as before
Translation ALL test problems must work with no
changes to the calculations - Sound like a job youd want?
9Why Convert to Fortran 90?
- Numerous advantages to users
- Listed later in presentation
- Easier to read and develop
- Better for VV
- Reduced maintenance costs
- Increase code longevity
10Decomplexifying the Database
- Eliminate all equivalence statements
- These create multiple names for a
- single memory location
- Accidental data destruction
- Real equivalent-to integer created
- severe complications
- Derived type arrays organize the data w/in a group
11Decomplexifying the Database
- Example original component database
- Number of components
- Data common to all components
- Index array of component start indices
- Variable length component data stored
- contiguously OR a referral index
- Problems correct indexing, overruns
- Derived types and sub-derived types simplify data
grouping and accessing
12Decomplexifying the Database
- Convert comdecks to modules with
- 1. Derived type and other data
- 2. Data dictionary and other
- documentation within file
- 3. Service subroutines process
- modules data
- Constructors and Destructors
- Restart Read and Write
- Some have other auxiliary routines
13Converting Source Code
- Major aspects of conversion - Declarations
- Modules replace COMDECKS for data access.
- Introduction of derived types to organize data
into efficient and logical data groupings. - Declarations with universal numeric types to
reduce numeric precision problems. - Elimination of real-to-integer equivalences.
14Converting Source Code
- Major aspects Executable Code
- Internal subroutines used to simplify code
- Restart controlled by subroutines dedicated to a
group of data rather than entire database. - Fortran 90 pointers introduced
- Case and multi-else if-statements introduced
- Array processing replaces loops in places
- Complete rewrites of some subroutines.
15Converting Source Code
- Fortran conversion - Statements
- Obsolescent coding eliminated or replaced.
- Machine dependent coding replaced by Fortran 90
intrinsic functions and subroutines. - IF-THEN and IF-THEN-ELSE constructs replace most
GO TO statements. - ENDDO and ENDIF replace most CONTINUE statements
- USE statements replace INCLUDE statements
16Converting Source Code
- Derived type references replace FA-
- equivalent arrays.
- Ordinal indexing replace fa-indices, simplifies
loops. - Fortran 90 pointers replace fa-index based
pointers, greatly simplifies pointers.
17User Advantages
- Machine independent plot file
- Can write a plot file on a Windows or Linux
platform with any chip - After binary transfer, can use file to make plots
on any other such platform - Self-sizing memory
- No longer will your code run out of memory before
your machine does. - Memory is allocated according to the size
requirements of your input
18User Advantages
- Some previously unrecognized problems corrected
- For example, time-step lower limit enforced.
- PVM multiple-RHS limit with BPLU solver fixed.
- Source Code Users
- Can now read and understand code better
- Simpler to add new data to database and program
data services - Simpler to add new code that uses new or old data
- Documentation easier to find and read
19User Advantages
- Longevity
- Obsolete and machine-specific coding removed
- Adjusting code to new machine chips and operating
systems simpler in F90 - Easier to train new team members (even if they
only know C or Java but not Fortran) - The code will last
20Features not currently available
- RGUI RELAP5-3D Graphical User Interface
- Used to show transient calculations in 3D and
color, to make movies of the screen display, etc. - Conversion postponed
- The following will not be converted
- Severe Core Damage Model coding (SCDAP)
- IAEA Graphical User Interface
- Nuclear Plant Analyzer
21Status of Current Version 2.8.3
- An INL internal version created Nov 1, 2008
- Converted gt do not reference Fortran77 database.
- 81 of all 643 relap files
- 100 of 135 envrl files
- Transient semi-implicit solution fully converted
- V2.8.3 Runs all previous test cases and new ones.
- Answers same as earlier version except where
modified for code physics developments or bug
22Status of Current Version 2.8.3
- - INL internal version, Nov 1, 2008
- Code speed affected by remaining transfers
- Slowdown Time(v2.8.3) / Time(v2.4.1.2) 1
- tank.i 0, typp12002.i 36
- worst case pb_ss_air.i 133
- Most transfers are in syssol.F.
- Plan to eliminate all transfers and regain
virtually all speed.
23Tentative Development/Release Schedule
- Version 2.8.3 - INL internal version, 11/08
- Transient semi-implicit solution free of FA array
- Version 2.8.4 - INL planned internal version,
12/08 - Transient free of FA array
- Version 2.8.5 - INL planned internal version,
1/09 - Fortran 90 conversion complete
- Version 2.9.0 tentative external release, 2/09
- ALPHA version
- Will run all previous test cases and new ones.
24Thanks to F90 Project Contributors
- Dr George Mesina PI
- Dr. Richard Riemke
- Nolan Anderson
- Hope Forsman
- Richard Moore
- Dr. Paul Murray
- Consultants Richard Wagner, Dr. Walt Weaver
- Summer students Joshua Hykes, Riley Cumberland