Title: Increase Giving in Your Church
1Denny Wright Cooperative Program Missionary
Increase Giving in Your Church
2Why do people give?
- Involved in leadership
- Serve as a leader
- History of being involved
- Gifts are recognized
- Get personal benefit
- Respect of church in the community
- Regard for minister(s)
- Belief in churchs mission
- Interest in a program
- Matching gifts
- To challenge others
- Uniqueness of project
- Churchs fiscal stability
- Tax considerations
- Guilt Feelings
3Why do people give?
- Involved in leadership
- Serve as a leader
- History of being involved
- Gifts are recognized
- Get personal benefit
- Respect of church in the community
- 2. Regard for minister(s)
- 1. Belief in churchs mission
- Interest in a program
- Matching gifts
- To challenge others
- Uniqueness of project
- 3. Churchs fiscal stability
- Tax considerations
- Guilt Feelings
4- Recipients
- 1.9 Intl Affairs
- 2.7 Envir., Animals
- 4.8 Public Safety
- 5.1 Arts, Culture
- 7.7 Human Services
- 7.8 Health
- 13.1 Education
- 21.7 Foundations
5- Religion
- 35 Now
- 20 Years Ago?
- 40? 45?
50? 55? - 60
610 Great Ways to Generate Generous Givers in the
NeXt Generation
7Single mom, 20,000/yr, 24,000 debt, 3
children Began to tithe budget, paid off debt
in 3 years
keep the congregation informed where the money is
going tell your stories
Tell stories of how God is creatively stretching
your financial resources
A Sunday School teacher telling about the
children learning about Noah and obedience
8Give generously to your church Share your
stewardship testimony with your congregation
pastor must tithe exemplify whole life
Barna 52 of people who read Bible on own
give Encourage people to personally read study
Bible verses 40/baptism 275/prayer 350/faith
650/love 2,350 relate specifically to finances
and possessions
85 of Pastors feel unequipped
uncomfortable teaching on finances giving
report giving records at least 6 times per year,
young members monthy
20-35 of church attendee giving records are
blank 0 of recorded offerings given
Use the envelope mailing program Every member /
quarterly or monthly
say thank-you often
Always send a thank-you letter And a success
story with giving records
every member invited to a membership
class completes an estimated giving card
You have not because you ask not. All charities
11Americans spend more on legalized gambling (2500
per person) than on groceries
- strongly encourage members to attend regular
on-going financial management classes
Average Credit Card debt per U.S. household is
95 of Christian Educational Institutions offer
NO personal or ministry financial curriculum
12Record 1.66 million bankruptcies in 2003 More
than ENTIRE decade of the 1960s
- strongly encourage members to attend regular
on-going financial management classes
Financial Problems are the largest
contributing cause of marital stress divorce
Average college student carries 4 credit
cards with unpaid balances of 2327
13How to Take the STEW Out of Stewardship
- strongly encourage members to attend regular
on-going financial management classes
Sunday School How to Have Joy through Truth
Worship How to Have Joy through Giving
Evening How to Have Joy through Spending
15Project Jubilee Helping Church Members Conquer
Debt Become Wise Managers
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enliven the offering time stewardship witness
moments be personal!
Use PowerPoint slides To emphasize biblical
Read scripture referring to generous giving Every
A youth who went on a Mission Trip
A testimony of someone Who started tithing
22promote tithing as the benchmark consistently
newsletters, sermons, classes, testimonies
Barna Who gives to the church 31 of
Busters 43 of Baby Boomers 54 of Builders 61
of Seniors
23promote tithing as the benchmark consistently
newsletters, sermons, classes, testimonies
In 1999, 3 Billion given to 600 Christian
mission agencies Compared to 58B soda
products 24B jewelry sales 8B movie
theatres 13B chocolates 38B vending
machines 11B video games 7B greeting cards 23B
toys 91B lawn garden 23B pets
24promote tithing as the benchmark consistently
newsletters, sermons, classes, testimonies
Theres been a 30 year Decline in the
Christians give 1-3.5 Depending on
the Denomination
25promote tithing as the benchmark consistently
newsletters, sermons, classes, testimonies
In 2000, 12 of born again Adults tithed to local
church In 2001, it rose to 14 In 2002, it
dropped to 6 A 62 drop!
2610 Reasons to Teach People to Give 10 or More to
the Lord
- Tried Proven Method. Mal 37-15
- Reverence for God. Dt 14.23
- Brings Gods Wisdom Order. Mt 6
- Reminds of Gods Ownership. Ps 241
- Experience Gods Creative Care. Pr 39f
- Encourages Spiritual Growth Trust. 2 Co 85
- Ensures Treasure in Heaven. 1 Tm 618f
- Strengthens the Church. Ac 242ff 2 Co 912f
- Provides for Pastor Missionaries. 1 Co 99ff
- Helps Accomplish Building Projects. 2 Ch 24
2710 coins
teach children youth!
Lawn mow
Write check
28reacte to need / Proactive teaching
initiatives on calendar
build with bonds or mortgages / Biblically-based
Giving Drives
Aim for transformed lives, Not institutional survi
missions giving low priority / Strategic Missions
TOP Priority
church needs / Christians need biblical
financial teaching
bills, budgets, buildings / Stewardship a vital
aspect of discipleship
leaders not required to give / Faithful
Giving ONE of Requirements
avoid support the institution language
announcements / Dramas, Skits, Testimonies,
No ones job / Stewardship chairman or staff
giving ignored / Giving integrated into
membership orientation
peoples debt problems / Small groups, Seminars,
Debt Counselors
preach once year / Principles woven into
messages, series
29What would you do if you had extra finances?
pastor must build relationships with generous
disciples - people give to people
- Generous Giving - GenerousGiving.org
- Southern Baptist Stewardship Development
Association SBSDA.net - Financial Peace DaveRamsey.org
- Family Budgeting - Crown.org
- The Blessed Life - GatewayPeople.org
- This Is Who I Am Harbingeronline.com
- Brian Kluth Kluth.org
- State Convention ABSC.org
31Thoughts on Biblical StewardshipFound
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