Title: Liaison 2.0:
1Oh, confound it, man! Are you
afraid of success?
- Liaison 2.0
- Connecting Liaison Librarian Programs with the
Academic Enterprise - Wayne State University Libraries University of
Michigan-Flint Library - June 1, 2007
- Jamie Coniglio
2 "You can't compare me to my father. Our
similarities are different."
-- Dale Berra
3- We need to adapt special library
models to academic libraries. - -- Jamie Coniglio, George Mason University,
4But were Academic!
- Some things ARE universal
- Visibility, Value
- Service, Personalization
- Specialized clientele
- Programs, Technology
- Key ingredient ENTREPRENEUR
Holy Cow!
5But were Academic!
Releasing the
Inner Entrepreneur
Is she serious???
6Entrepreneurial Scenario
Come with me
and youll get courage!
Come with me
and youll get a heart!
Come with me
and youll get a brain!
Need Sales
7Entrepreneurial Scenario
Fact No instruction coordinator Fact New
liaisons who are rusty/havent taught in a
while Fact Use borrowed powerpoints and
updated them Fact Frustrated there were no
common tools for basic instruction Solution
masonlibrariesclasspages.pbwiki.com Time taken
1.5 hours, May 24, 2007 Sales Included liaisons
in design functionality, vision Result 2
liaisons used the pages within 2 hours of
completion Result Rave reviews from faculty (4
classes now) Result Happy students (thank you
Need Sales
8Entepreneurial Scenario
Theres ALWAYS a band, kid Solution Sales
9Entepreneurial Scenario
Fact Art faculty needed Chinese Art images she
remembered Art Liaison Librarians ArtStor
demo Fact Art Liaison Librarian showed faculty
how to create instructor account in ArtStor and
how to add images (ArtStor, her own) and annotate
with personal notes about the art for students to
use for study. Fact From her ArtStor account,
she was able to create class quizzes using
selected images Result Happy faculty member
great working relationship for librarian and
faculty member partnering to learn and use this
resource more deeply and effectively in a course
librarian learned from faculty perspective on how
images are used in classes
Solution Sales
10Entepreneurial Scenario
Fezzik, I have no gift for
strategy. I need the Man in
Blackhe can plan my castle onslaught any day.
11Entepreneurial Interlude
Fezzik, I have no gift for
strategy. I need the Man in
Blackhe can plan my castle onslaught any day.
12Why were they successful?
- PLANNED (didnt take days, months)
13Thinking in Threes Target key people
- Who are your key stakeholders?
- Stake of support vs. stake in the heart
14Thinking in Threes Plan
- Youre in sales
- Develop profiles
- ID your products services
- Clearly ID targets
- Determine how to open door(s)
- Make action plan
- Track successes/non-responses
15Thinking in Threes Creating Buzz
- Give your users three reasons to buy your
service/program/idea - Suggest three benefits of your service/program/ide
a - Offer three different ways to obtain/attend/use
your service/program/idea - Obtain three testimonials from satisfied
customers - WOM most powerful marketing tool
16Selling the Sizzle
- Dont underestimate the small stuff
- Dont forget who and what you are
- Not everything is big bang
- Your skills your librarys capacity to support,
develop and deliver (top to bottom)
17How to kill personal marketing
- Thinking you already know everything
- Being confused by the marketing hype (from
others) - Not taking action
- Giving up
- Worrying about/listening to what others think
- Dabbling with it
- Having unreasonable expectations
- Failing to/not wanting to (at least start to)
understand yourself - Not taking responsibility for yourself
18Thinking in Threes Quick Assessment
- What went well?
- What went poorly?
- Whats still left to do?
19- What we have here is a failure to communicate.
20- Whats wrong with this picture?
Title of item I was looking for? Alternative
choices catalog? Local ILL? ILL? Reference
Desk Contact/Liaison Contact? Virtual patrons
need virtual helpsomewhere!
21Exercise Mission Statement Haiku
- Personal mission statements
- Drive inform work life
- Drive inform philosophy
- Basis of the Elevator Pitch
- Haiku you
- Sum up your personal, professional mission in17
- You have to give 100 percent
in the first half of the game.
If that isn't enough, in the
second half, you have to give what is left. - -- Yogi Berra
- Abram, Stephen.
- http//www.sirsi.com/Pdfs/Company/Abram/InfoOutloo
k_Sep2005_1.pdf - http//www.sirsi.com/Pdfs/Company/Abram/InfoOutloo
k_Sep2005_2.pdf - http//www.sirsi.com/Pdfs/Company/Abram/InfoOutloo
k_Sep2005_3.pdf - http//www.sirsi.com/Pdfs/Company/Abram/InfoTech_M
ar2006.pdf - Stephens Lighthouse. http//stephenslighthouse.si
rsidynix.com/ - Edberg, Hendrik. 9 mistakes that can kill your
personal growth. - http//www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2007/03/0
3/9-mistakes-that-can-kill-your-personal-growth/ - Henczel, Susan. The information audit A
practical guide. Information management series,
ed. G. St Clair. Munich Saur, 2001. - http//rochellejustrochelle.typepad.com/copilot/20