Title: Quantum Mechanics 102
1Quantum Mechanics 102
- Tunneling and its Applications
2Interference of Waves and the Double Slit
- Waves spreading out from two points, such as
waves passing through two slits, will interfere
Wave crest Wave trough
Spot of constructive interference Spot of
destructive interference
- The probability of finding a particle in a
particular region within a particular time
interval is found by integrating the square of
the wave function - P (x,t) ? Y(x,t)2 dx ? c(x)2 dx
- c(x)2 dx is called the probability density
the area under a curve of probability density
yields the probability the particle is in that
region - When a measurement is made, we say the wave
function collapses to a point, and a particle
is detected at some particular location
4Particle in a box
- Only certain wavelengths l 2a/n are allowed
- Only certain momenta p h/l hn/2a are allowed
- Only certain energies E p2/2m h2n2/8ma2 are
allowed - energy is QUANTIZED - Allowed energies depend on well width
5What about the real world?
- Solution has non-trivial form, but only certain
states (integer n) are solutions - Each state has one allowed energy, so energy is
again quantized - Energy depends on well width a
- Can pick energies for electron by adjusting a
6Putting Several Wells Together
- How does the number of energy bands compare with
the number of energy levels in a single well? - As atom spacing decreases, what happens to energy
bands? - What happens when impurities are added?
7Quantum wells
- An electron is trapped since no empty energy
states exist on either side of the well
8Escaping quantum wells
- Classically, an electron could gain thermal
energy and escape - For a deep well, this is not very probable
9Escaping quantum wells
- Thanks to quantum mechanics, an electron has a
non-zero probability of appearing outside of the
well - This happens more often than thermal escape
10What if free electron encounters barrier?
11What Have You Seen?
- What happens when electron energy is less than
barrier height? - What happens when electron energy is greater than
barrier height? - What affects tunneling probability?
- T ? e2kL
- k 8p2m(Epot E)½/h
12A classical diode
- According to classical physics, to get to the
holes on the other side of the junction, the
conduction electrons must first gain enough
energy to get to the conduction band on the
p-side - This does not happen often once the energy
- barrier gets large
- Applying a bias increases
- the current by decreasing
- the barrier
13A tunnel diode
- According to quantum physics, electrons could
tunnel through to holes on the other side of the
junction with comparable energy to the electron - This happens fairly often
- Applying a bias moves the
- electrons out of the p-side
- so more can tunnel in
14Negative resistance
- As the bias is increased, however, the energy of
the empty states in the p-side decreases - A tunneling electron would then end up in the
band gap - no allowed energy
- So as the potential difference is increased, the
current actually decreases negative R
15No more negative resistance
- As bias continues to increase, it becomes easier
for conduction electrons on the n-side to
surmount the energy barrier with thermal energy - So resistance becomes positive again
16The tunneling transistor
- Only electrons with energies equal to the energy
state in the well will get through
17The tunneling transistor
- As the potential difference increases, the energy
levels on the positive side are lowered toward
the electrons energy - Once the energy state in the well equals the
electrons energy, the electron can go through,
and the current increases.
18The tunneling transistor
- The current through the transistor increases as
each successive energy level reaches the
electrons energy, then decreases as the energy
level sinks below the electrons energy
- Consider photons going through beam splitters
- NO way to predict whether photon will be
reflected or transmitted!
(Color of line is NOT related to actual color of
laser all beams have same wavelength!)
20Randomness Revisited
- If particle/probabilistic theory correct, half
the intensity always arrives in top detector,
half in bottom - BUT, can move mirror so no light in bottom!
(Color of line is NOT related to actual color of
laser all beams have same wavelength!)
21Interference effects
- Laser light taking different paths interferes,
causing zero intensity at bottom detector - EVEN IF INTENSITY SO LOW THAT ONE PHOTON TRAVELS
THROUGH AT A TIME - What happens if I detect path with bomb?
No interference, even if bomb does not detonate!
- Wave theory does not explain why bomb detonates
half the time - Particle probability theory does not explain why
changing position of mirrors affects detection - Neither explains why presence of bomb destroys
interference - Quantum theory explains both!
- Amplitudes, not probabilities add - interference
- Measurement yields probability, not amplitude -
bomb detonates half the time - Once path determined, wavefunction reflects only
that possibility - presence of bomb destroys
23Quantum Theory meets Bomb
- Four possible paths RR and TT hit upper
detector, TR and RT hit lower detector
(Rreflected, Ttransmitted) - Classically, 4 equally-likely paths, so prob of
each is 1/4, so prob at each detector is 1/4
1/4 1/2 - Quantum mechanically, square of amplitudes must
each be 1/4 (prob for particular path), but
amplitudes can be imaginary or complex! - e.g.,
24Adding amplitudes
- Lower detector
- Upper detector
25What wave function would give 50 at each
- Must have a b c d 1/4
- Need a b2 cd2 1/2