Title: Cause and Effect
1Cause and Effect
- Comprehension Skill
- First Grade Unit 1 Week 6
- Created by Kristi Waltke
2Lets Review
3Characters are people or animals in stories.
4The setting of a story is where and when the
story happens.
5Summarizing a story means telling the story in a
short way making sure to tell the important parts.
6- The main idea of a story is what the story is
mostly about.
7Realism and Fantasy
- A realistic story could happen.
- A fantasy could not happen.
8Cause and Effect
The cause is the girl swings the club and hits
the ball.
The effect is the ball moves.
- A cause is something that makes something else
happen. - An effect is what happens.
9- Good readers ask themselves why things happen in
a story. Asking why will help you figure out
cause and effect!
When you see the hippo in the pond, you can ask
yourself why he got in there. He is probably in
the water to cool off. This is cause and
effect. The hippo was hot. He got in the water.
10When you see the kids picking up the trash on the
beach, you can ask yourself why. You know that
some people must have been messy at the beach
before the kids got there. This is cause and
effect. People left trash on the beach. The kids
cleaned up the beach.
11Think about the story.Pick out the correct
- Sam ran away.
- The boy ran after him.
- The woman called the fire department.
12Think about the story.Pick out the correct
- Pig ate too much.
- Pig felt sick.
- Pig danced a jig.
13Think about the story.Pick out the correct
- Mom and Pop need to go to town.
- Mom drives the car.
- Ox helps.
14Think about the story.Pick out the correct
- It is not safe for the kit to play on the rocks.
- The kits Mom gets him.
- The kits Mom plays with him.
15Think about the story.Pick out the correct
- A big twig hit the nest.
- The egg rolled out of the nest.
- The big red bird is in its nest.
16Thinking about cause and effect will help you
become a super reader!