Title: La Costa Meadows Elementary
1La Costa Meadows Elementary
- Budget Meeting
- and
- Letter Writing Campaign
- April 30, 2009
2Why Are We Here? (again)State Budget Revenue
Three-year shortfall totals 31.4 billion
3Impact of State Budget Crisis
- Revenue Reductions this year (2008-2009)
- Revenue Reductions next year (2009-2010)
- Cash flow issues
42008-09 District Reductions
- Elimination of K-8 Home to School Transportation
- Reduction of Secondary School Counselors (5)
- Reduction of Secondary Dean of Students (1)
- Reduction of School Resource Officer (SRO) (1)
- Reduction of Elementary Assistant Principals (.5)
- Reduction of Intervention Specialists (1.5)
- Elimination of District Office Management
Positions (3) - Raised class size at Middle and High School
Levels - Reduction of work year by 2 days for CNS
employees - Reduction in Instructional Aide positions (33)
52008-09 District Reductions Cont
- Reduction of Custodians (5)
- Reduction of Psychologists (1)
- Reduction of Librarians (2)
- Elimination of Middle School Sports
- Elimination of funding for Japanese Student
Exchange Program - Outside funding for Welcome Back Breakfast
- Elimination of Employee Recognition Dinner
- Funding for Ed-Connect covered by PTOs
- Discontinuation of Business Buzz Articles
- Summer School run by the district office staff
62008-09 Reductions for LCM
- Elimination of full time Reading Intervention
Specialist - Elimination of Computer Lab Tech
- Elimination of Kindergarten Aides(3)
- Reduction in ELD instruction time from 3 days to
2 days - Covered the cost of one PE aide
- Reduction of 118,039 in categorical funding to
the site
7 2008-09 Mid Year District Cuts
- Reduce .68 COLA ( 655,700)
- Rev. Limit Cuts (2,701,300)
- Categorical Cuts (1,145,600)
- Total cuts (4,502,600)
- No midyear layoffs madeused reserve
- Includes some flexibility in categoricals
- Retro to July 1st
- Includes cash deferrals
8Current District Budget Outlook for Next Year
- Projected Deficit 9,444,000
- Revenues
- Categorical Flex 1,600,000
- Stimulus Sp. Ed. 1,000,000
- CSR Flex 650,000
- State Fiscal Stabilization Funds ??????
- Total 1 time dollars 3,250,000
- Expenditure Reductions
- Sup/Asst. Sups (13/8 unpaid furlough days)
22,000 - IS Director 100,000
- Elementary APs (2.5) 300,000
- MS PE teachers (3) 180,000
- 241 Grades 12 700,000
- MS/HS class size 720,000
- SRO 255,000
- HS Clerk, pt time (2) 34,000
- Campus Sup (7) 70,000
- Unfilled positions (2) 62,000
- Inst. Aides, pt time (5) 75,000
92009-10 Projected District Reserves
- Restricted Reserves -
- 3 Required Reserves 4,200,000
- Other Restricted Reserves 2,924,000
- Available Reserves -
- Unappropriated Fund Balance 6,905,000
- Expenditure adjustments 621,000
- Income Adjustments 635,000
- New School Start-up (released) 245,000
- Staff Development (released) 500,000
- Categorical Balances (Sweep - released)
1,700,000 - 2008-09 Available Reserves 10,606,000
- 2009-10 Projected Budget Deficit (2,971,000)
- 2009-10 Available Res. Balance 7,635,000
10Unappropriated Fund Balances
- 2006-07 12,397,629
- 2007-08 10,304,670
- 2008-09 (march) 6,905,000
- Adjustments (April) 3,701,000
- 2008-09 Adjusted 10,606,000
- 2009-10 Deficit ( 2,971,000)
- 2009-10 Projected 7,635,000
- After mid-year cuts and reduction of Deferred
Maintenance matching deposit etc..
11Projected Budget for LCM 2009-10
- Categorical Budget 4,168
- General Supply Budget 25,013
- Total for 09-10 29,181
- 112,858 less than 08-09
- 216,812 less than 07-08
12Projected Reductions to LCM
- Elimination of Music Program
- Elimination of ELD Teacher (2 days)
- Elimination of part time Reading Teacher
- Elimination of all Professional Development Time
for teachers - Reduction in supplies and materials
- Possible elimination of PTO funded positions.
- 2 Reading Intervention Aides
- Science Garden Instruction
13What Our PTO Supports for 08-09
- Salary Donations
- Reading Aides, PE Aide, Music, Science Garden,
Computer Planning Committee - Curriculum Support
- Library Support, Instructional Materials for
classrooms, Running Program, Safety Patrol, etc - Instructional Supplies
- General office supplies, Art supplies, copies,
etc - Equipment
- Replacement parts for projectors, computer
projectors, document cameras, sound system - Recognition
- Dog tags, awards, etc..
- PTO Activities
- Family nights
- PTO Expenses Total 118,600
- Projection for 09-10 88,000
14What Our Parents Also Support
- Time
- Volunteering for PTO
- Volunteering in classrooms
- Special Events
- Home projects
- Supplies to classrooms
- Paper, pencils, tissue, etc
- Thank youThank youThank you!
15What are OUR options?
- Say enough is enough to the State
- Letter writing campaignSign one tonight!
- Phone calls, faxes and emails
- Political Action Committee
- Find Alternative Sources of Funding
- Local Business Support
- Corporate Donations
- New ideas????
- Get involved
- PTO can always use your help! See Hilary Pathe
to sign up.
17Thank You for Attending
- Let every action aim solely at the
- common good. Marcus Aurelius