- To learn about the software life cycle
- To learn how to discover new classes and methods
- To understand the use of CRC cards for class
discovery  - To be able to identify inheritance, aggregation,
and dependence relationships between classes  - To master the use of UML class diagrams to
describe class relationships  - To learn how to use object-oriented design to
build complex programs
3Software Life Cycle
- Encompasses all activities from initial analysis
until obsolescence
4Development Process
- Analysis
- Design
- Implementation
- Testing Â
- Deployment
- Decide what the project is suppose to do
- Output requirements document
- Plan how to implement the system
- Output
- description of classes and methods
- diagrams showing the relationships among the
- Write and compile the code
- Output completed code
- Run tests to verify the program works correctly
- Output a report of the tests and their results
- Install the program and begin using it
10The Waterfall Model
11The Spiral Model
- Describes an iterative process in which design
and implementation are repeated
12The Spiral Model
13Extreme Programming
- Development methodology that strives for
simplicity by removing formal structure and
focusing on best practices
14Extreme Programming
- Realistic planning
- Customers make business decisions
- Programmers make technical decisions
15Extreme Programming
- Small releases
- Release a useful system quickly
- Release updates on a short cycle
16Extreme Programming
- Metaphor
- A shared story to explain the system
17Extreme Programming
- Simplicity
- Design as simply as possible instead of preparing
for future complexities
18Extreme Programming
- Testing
- Programmers and customers write test cases
- Test continuously
19Extreme Programming
- Refactoring
- Restructure the system continuously to improve
code and eliminate duplication
20Extreme Programming
- Pair programming
- Two programmers write code on the same computer
21Extreme Programming
- Collective ownership
- All programmers change all code as needed
22Extreme Programming
- Continuous integration
- Build the entire system and test it whenever a
task is complete
23Extreme Programming
- 40-hour week
- Don't cover up unrealistic schedules with heroic
24Extreme Programming
- On-site customer
- A customer is accessible to the programming team
at all times
25Extreme Programming
- Coding standards
- Follow standards that emphasize self-documenting
26Object-Oriented Design
- Discover classes
- Determine responsibilities of each class
- Describe the relationships among the classes
27Discovering Classes
- A class represents some useful concept
- Find classes by looking for nouns in the task
description - Define the behavior for each class
- Find methods by looking for verbs in the task
28CRC Card
- Stands for classes, responsibilities,
collaborators - Use an index card for each class
- Pick the class that should be responsible for
each method (verb) - Write the responsibility onto the class card
- Indicate what other classes are needed to fulfill
the responsibility - the collaborators
29A CRC Card
30Relationships Between Classes
- Inheritance
- Association
- Dependency
31"Is-a" Relationship
- The "is-a" relationship is inheritance use
extends - a circle is an ellipse
- a car is a vehicle
32"Has-a" Relationship
- The "has-a" relationship is association use an
instance variable - a tire has a circle as its boundary
- a car has a set of tire
33Uses Relationship
- The "uses" relationship is dependency
- an Applet uses a Graphics object
34"is-a" and "has-a"Example
- class Car extends Vehicle //inheritance "is-a"
- ...
- private Tire tires //association "has-a"
35Association and Dependency
- One class is associated with another if you can
navigate from its objects to objects of the
other class - One class depends on another if it comes into
contact with the other class in some way. - Association is a stronger form of dependency
36UML Notation for Inheritance and Association
37UML Relationship Symbols
38Five-Part Development Process
- Gather requirements
- Use CRC cards to find classes, responsibilities,
and collaborators - Use UML diagrams to record class relationships
- Use javadoc to document method behavior
- Implement your program
39Printing an Invoice - Requirements
- Print billing address, all line items, amount due
- Line item contains description, unit price,
quantity ordered, total price
40Sample Invoice
- Sam's Small
- Appliances   Â
- 100 Main Street  Â
- Anytown, CA
- 98765Â
- Description Price Qty Total
- Toaster 29.95 3 89.85
- Hair dryer 24.95 1 24.95
- Car vacuum 19.99 2 39.98   Â
- Amount Due Â
- 154.78Â Â
41Printing an Invoice - CRC Cards
- Discover classes
- Nouns are possible classes
- Invoice Price
- Address Quantity
- Item Total
- Product AmountDue
- Description
42Printing an Invoice - CRC Cards
- Classes after a process of elimination
- Invoice
- Address
- Item
- Product
43CRC Cards for Printing Invoice
44CRC Cards for Printing Invoice
45CRC Cards for Printing Invoice
46CRC Cards for Printing Invoice
47Printing an Invoice - UML Diagrams
- The relationship between Invoice classes
48Printing an Invoice - Method Documentation
- Use javadoc documentation comments to record the
behavior of the classes - Leave the body of the methods blank
- Run the javadoc utility to obtain a formatted
version of the documentation in HTML format
49Method Documentation Invoice class
- /
- Describes an invoice for a set of purchased
products. - /
- class Invoice
- /
- Adds a charge for a product to this
invoice. - _at_param aProduct the product that the
customer ordered - _at_param quantity the quantity of the product
- /
- public void add(Product aProduct, int
quantity) -
- /
- Formats the invoice.
- _at_return the formatted invoice
50- /
- public String format()
- /
- Computes the total amount due.
- _at_Return the amount due
- /
- public double getAmountDue()
51Method Documentation - Item class
- /
- Describes a quantity an article to purchase
and its price. - /
- Class Item
- /
- Computes the total cost of this item.
- _at_Return the total price
- /
- public double getTotalPrice()
- /
- Formats this item.
- _at_Return a formatted string of this item
- /
52 53Method Documentation - Product class
- /
- Describes a product with a description and a
price - /
- class Product
- /
- Gets the product description.
- _at_Return the description
- /
- public String getDescription()
- /
- Gets the product price.
- _at_Return the unit price
- /
- public double getPrice()
54Method Documentation - Address class
- /
- Describes a mailing address.
- /
- Class Address
- /
- Formats the address.
- _at_Return the address as a string with 3
lines - /
- public String format()
55The Class Documentation in the HTML Format
56Printing an Invoice - Implementation
- The UML diagram will give instance variables
- Look for associated classes
- They yield instance variables
- Invoice is associated with Address and Item
- It will have Address and Item instance variables
- An Invoice has one Address.
- Declare one Address instance variable.
- private Address billingAddress
- An Invoice has multiple Items.
- Use an ArrayList to hold Items.
- private ArrayList items
60File InvoiceTest.java
- 01 import java.util.Vector
- 02
- 03 /
- 04 This program tests the invoice classes by
printing - 05 a sample invoice.
- 06 /
- 07 public class InvoiceTest
- 08
- 09 public static void main(String args)
- 10
- 11 Address samsAddress
- 12 new Address("Sam's Small
Appliances", - 13 "100 Main Street", "Anytown",
"CA", "98765") - 14
- 15 Invoice samsInvoice new
Invoice(samsAddress) - 16 samsInvoice.add(new Product("Toaster",
29.95), 3) - 17 samsInvoice.add(new Product("Hair
dryer", 24.95), 1)
61- 18 samsInvoice.add(new Product("Car
vacuum", 19.99), 2) - 19
- 20 System.out.println(samsInvoice.format())
- 21
- 22
62File Invoice.java
- 01 import java.util.ArrayList
- 02
- 03 /
- 04 Describes an invoice for a set of
purchased products. - 05 /
- 06 class Invoice
- 07
- 08 /
- 09 Constructs an invoice.
- 10 _at_param anAddress the billing address
- 11 /
- 12 public Invoice(Address anAddress)
- 13
- 14 items new ArrayList()
- 15 billingAddress anAddress
- 16
- 17
63- 18 /
- 19 Adds a charge for a product to this
invoice. - 20 _at_param aProduct the product that the
customer ordered - 21 _at_param quantity the quantity of the
product - 22 /
- 23 public void add(Product aProduct, int
quantity) - 24
- 25 Item anItem new Item(aProduct,
quantity) - 26 items.add(anItem)
- 27
- 28
- 29 /
- 30 Formats the invoice.
- 31 _at_return the formatted invoice
- 32 /
- 33 public String format()
- 34
- 35 String r " I N V
O I C E\n\n" - 36 billingAddress.format()
64- 38 for (int i 0 i lt items.size() i)
- 39
- 40 Item nextItem (Item)items.get(i)
- 41 r r nextItem.format() "\n"
- 42
- 43
- 44 r r "\nAMOUNT DUE "
getAmountDue() - 45
- 46 return r
- 47
- 48
- 49 /
- 50 Computes the total amount due.
- 51 _at_return the amount due
- 52 /
- 53 public double getAmountDue()
- 54
- 55 double amountDue 0
- 56 for (int i 0 i lt items.size() i)
65- 58 Item nextItem (Item)items.get(i)
- 59 amountDue amountDue
nextItem.getTotalPrice() - 60
- 61 return amountDue
- 62
- 63
- 64 private Address billingAddress
- 65 private ArrayList items
- 66
66File Item.java
- 01 /
- 02 Describes a quantity an article to
purchase and its price. - 03 /
- 04 class Item
- 05
- 06 /
- 07 Constructs an item from the product and
quantity - 08 _at_param aProduct the product
- 09 _at_param aQuantity the item quantity
- 10 /
- 11 public Item(Product aProduct, int
aQuantity) - 12
- 13 theProduct aProduct
- 14 quantity aQuantity
- 15
- 16
- 17 /
67- 18 Computes the total cost of this item.
- 19 _at_return the total price
- 20 /
- 21 public double getTotalPrice()
- 22
- 23 return theProduct.getPrice()
quantity - 24
- 25
- 26 /
- 27 Formats this item.
- 28 _at_return a formatted string of this item
- 29 /
- 30 public String format()
- 31
- 32 final int COLUMN_WIDTH 30
- 33 String description theProduct.getDescr
iption() - 34
- 35 String r description
- 36
68- 38
- 39 int pad COLUMN_WIDTH -
description.length() - 40 for (int i 1 i lt pad i)
- 41 r r " "
- 42
- 43 r r theProduct.getPrice()
- 44 " " quantity
- 45 " " getTotalPrice()
- 46
- 47 return r
- 48
- 49
- 50 private int quantity
- 51 private Product theProduct
- 52
69File Product.java
- 01 /
- 02 Describes a product with a description and
a price - 03 /
- 04 class Product
- 05
- 06 /
- 07 Constructs a product from a description
and a price. - 08 _at_param aDescription the product
description - 09 _at_param aPrice the product price
- 10 /
- 11 public Product(String aDescription, double
aPrice) - 12
- 13 description aDescription
- 14 price aPrice
- 15
- 16
- 17 /
70- 18 Gets the product description.
- 19 _at_return the description
- 20 /
- 21 public String getDescription()
- 22
- 23 return description
- 24
- 25
- 26 /
- 27 Gets the product price.
- 28 _at_return the unit price
- 29 /
- 30 public double getPrice()
- 31
- 32 return price
- 33
- 34
- 35 private String description
- 36 private double price
71File Address.java
- 01 /
- 02 Describes a mailing address.
- 03 /
- 04 class Address
- 05
- 06 /
- 07 Constructs a mailing address.
- 08 _at_param aName the recipient name
- 09 _at_param aStreet the street
- 10 _at_param aCity the city
- 11 _at_param aState the 2-letter state code
- 12 _at_param aZip the ZIP postal code
- 13 /
- 14 public Address(String aName, String
aStreet, - 15 String aCity, String aState, String
aZip) - 16
- 17 name aName
- 18 street aStreet
72- 19 city aCity
- 20 state aState
- 21 zip aZip
- 22
- 23
- 24 /
- 25 Formats the address.
- 26 _at_return the address as a string with 3
lines - 27 /
- 28 public String format()
- 29
- 30 return name "\n" street "\n"
- 31 city ", " state " " zip
- 32
- 33
- 34 private String name
- 35 private String street
- 36 private String city
- 37 private String state
73An Automatic Teller Machine - Requirements
- ATM has
- Keypad
- Display
- Buttons A,B,C
- The button function depends on the state of the
- ATM is used by bank customers. A customer has a
- Checking account
- Savings account
- Customer number
- Pin
- At start up the customer is expected to
- Enter customer number
- Press the A button.
- The display showsEnter Customer Number A OK
- The customer is expected to
- Enter a PIN
- Press A button.
- The display showsEnter PINA OK
- Search for the customer number and PIN
- If it matches a bank customer, proceed
- Else return to start up screen
- If the customer is authorized
- The display shows Select AccountA Checking
- B SavingsC Exit
- If the user presses C
- The Atm returns to the start up screen
- If the user presses A or B
- The ATM remembers which
- The display shows Balance balance in selected
accountEnter amount and select transactionA
WithdrawB DepositC Cancel
- If the user presses A or B
- The value entered is withdrawn or deposited.
- The ATM reverts to previous state.
- If the user presses C
- The ATM reverts to previous state.
81User Interface of the Automatic Teller Machine
82An Automatic Teller Machine - CRC
- Nouns are possible classes
- ATM Bank account
- User - same as Customer Checking account
- Keypad Savings account
- Display - use JTextArea Customer
- Display message - use Strings Customer number
- Button - use JButton PIN
- State Bank
83CRC Cards for Automatic Teller Machine
84CRC Cards for Automatic Teller Machine
85CRC Cards for Automatic Teller Machine
86CRC Cards for Automatic Teller Machine
87ATM States
- START Enter customer ID
- PIN Enter PIN
- ACCOUNT Select account
- TRANSACT Select transaction
88State Diagram for ATM Class
89The Relationships Between the ATM Classes
90An Automatic Teller Machine - Method
- Use javadoc documentation comments to record the
behavior of the classes - Leave the body of the methods blank
- Run the javadoc utility to obtain a formatted
version of the documentation in HTML format
91Method Documentation ATM Class
- public class ATM
- /
- Gets PIN from keypad, finds customer in
bank. - If found sets state to ACCOUNT, else to
START. - /
- public void selectCustomer()
- /
- Sets current account to checking or
savings. Sets - state to TRANSACT
- _at_param account one of CHECKING_ACCOUNT or
- public void selectAccount(int account)
- /
- Withdraws amount typed in keypad from
current account. - Sets state to ACCOUNT.
- /
- public void withdraw()
- /
- Deposits amount typed in keypad to current
account. - Sets state to ACCOUNT.
- /
- Public void deposit()
- /
93- _at_param state the next state
- /
- public void setState(int newState)
94An Automatic Teller Machine - Implementation
- Start implementation with classes that don't
depend on others - Keypad
- BankAccount
- Then implement Customer which depends only on
BankAccount - This bottom-up approach allows you to test your
classes individually
95Implementation for ATM class
- Associated classes in UML diagram give instance
variables - private Bank theBank
- private KeyPad pad
96Implementation for ATM class
- Other instance variables needed
- private int state
- private Customer currentCustomer
- private BankAccount currentAccount
97File ATMSimulation.java
- 01 import javax.swing.JFrame
- 02
- 03 /
- 04 A simulation of an automatic teller
machine - 05 /
- 06 public class ATMSimulation
- 07
- 08 public static void main(String args)
- 09
- 10 JFrame frame new ATM()
- 11 frame.setTitle("First National Bank of
Java") - 12 frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EX
IT_ON_CLOSE) - 13 frame.pack()
- 14 frame.show()
- 15
- 16
98File ATM.java
- 001 import java.awt.Container
- 002 import java.awt.FlowLayout
- 003 import java.awt.GridLayout
- 004 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent
- 005 import java.awt.event.ActionListener
- 006 import java.io.IOException
- 007 import javax.swing.JButton
- 008 import javax.swing.JFrame
- 009 import javax.swing.JOptionPane
- 010 import javax.swing.JPanel
- 011 import javax.swing.JTextArea
- 012
- 013 /
- 014 A frame displaying the components of an
ATM - 015 /
- 016 class ATM extends JFrame
- 017
99- 018 /
- 019 Constructs the user interface of the
ATM application. - 020 /
- 021 public ATM()
- 022
- 023 // initialize bank and customers
- 024
- 025 theBank new Bank()
- 026 try
- 027
- 028 theBank.readCustomers("customers.txt
") - 029
- 030 catch(IOException e)
- 031
- 032 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
- 033 "Error opening accounts file.")
- 034
- 035
- 036 // construct components
100- 038 pad new KeyPad()
- 039
- 040 display new JTextArea(4, 20)
- 041
- 042 aButton new JButton(" A ")
- 043 aButton.addActionListener(new
AButtonListener()) - 044
- 045 bButton new JButton(" B ")
- 046 bButton.addActionListener(new
BButtonListener()) - 047
- 048 cButton new JButton(" C ")
- 049 cButton.addActionListener(new
CButtonListener()) - 050
- 051 // add components to content pane
- 052
- 053 JPanel buttonPanel new JPanel()
- 054 buttonPanel.setLayout(new
GridLayout(3, 1)) - 055 buttonPanel.add(aButton)
- 056 buttonPanel.add(bButton)
101- 058
- 059 Container contentPane
getContentPane() - 060 contentPane.setLayout(new
FlowLayout()) - 061 contentPane.add(pad)
- 062 contentPane.add(display)
- 063 contentPane.add(buttonPanel)
- 064
- 065 setState(START_STATE)
- 066
- 067
- 068 /
- 069 Sets the current customer number to
the keypad value - 070 and sets state to PIN.
- 071 /
- 072 public void setCustomerNumber()
- 073
- 074 customerNumber (int)pad.getValue()
- 075 setState(PIN_STATE)
- 076
102- 078 /
- 079 Gets PIN from keypad, finds customer
in bank. - 080 If found sets state to ACCOUNT, else
to START. - 081 /
- 082 public void selectCustomer()
- 083
- 084 int pin (int)pad.getValue()
- 085 currentCustomer
- 086 theBank.findCustomer(customerNumbe
r, pin) - 087 if (currentCustomer null)
- 088 setState(START_STATE)
- 089 else
- 090 setState(ACCOUNT_STATE)
- 091
- 092
- 093 /
- 094 Sets current account to checking or
savings. Sets - 095 state to TRANSACT
- 096 _at_param account one of CHECKING_ACCOUNT
103- 098 public void selectAccount(int account)
- 099
- 100 if (account CHECKING_ACCOUNT)
- 101 currentAccount currentCustomer.get
CheckingAccount() - 102 else
- 103 currentAccount currentCustomer.get
SavingsAccount() - 104 setState(TRANSACT_STATE)
- 105
- 106
- 107 /
- 108 Withdraws amount typed in keypad from
current account. - 109 Sets state to ACCOUNT.
- 110 /
- 111 public void withdraw()
- 112
- 113 currentAccount.withdraw(pad.getValue())
- 114 setState(ACCOUNT_STATE)
- 115
- 116
104- 118 Deposits amount typed in keypad to
current account. - 119 Sets state to ACCOUNT.
- 120 /
- 121 public void deposit()
- 122
- 123 currentAccount.deposit(pad.getValue())
- 124 setState(ACCOUNT_STATE)
- 125
- 126
- 127 /
- 128 Sets state and updates display
message. - 129 _at_param state the next state
- 130 /
- 131 public void setState(int newState)
- 132
- 133 state newState
- 134 pad.clear()
- 135 if (state START_STATE)
- 136 display.setText("Enter customer
number\nA OK")
105- 138 display.setText("Enter PIN\nA
OK") - 139 else if (state ACCOUNT_STATE)
- 140 display.setText("Select Account\n"
- 141 "A Checking\nB Savings\nC
Exit") - 142 else if (state TRANSACT_STATE)
- 143 display.setText("Balance "
- 144 currentAccount.getBalance()
- 145 "\nEnter amount and select
transaction\n" - 146 "A Withdraw\nB Deposit\nC
Cancel") - 147
- 148
- 149 private class AButtonListener implements
ActionListener - 150
- 151 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent
event) - 152
- 153 if (state START_STATE)
- 154 setCustomerNumber()
- 155 else if (state PIN_STATE)
- 156 selectCustomer()
106- 158 selectAccount(CHECKING_ACCOUNT)
- 159 else if (state TRANSACT_STATE)
- 160 withdraw()
- 161
- 162
- 163
- 164 private class BButtonListener implements
ActionListener - 165
- 166 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent
event) - 167
- 168 if (state ACCOUNT_STATE)
- 169 selectAccount(SAVINGS_ACCOUNT)
- 170 else if (state TRANSACT_STATE)
- 171 deposit()
- 172
- 173
- 174
- 175 private class CButtonListener implements
ActionListener - 176
107- 178
- 179 if (state ACCOUNT_STATE)
- 180 setState(START_STATE)
- 181 else if (state TRANSACT_STATE)
- 182 setState(ACCOUNT_STATE)
- 183
- 184
- 185
- 186 private int state
- 187 private int customerNumber
- 188 private Customer currentCustomer
- 189 private BankAccount currentAccount
- 190 private Bank theBank
- 191
- 192 private JButton aButton
- 193 private JButton bButton
- 194 private JButton cButton
- 195
- 196 private KeyPad pad
108- 198
- 199 private static final int START_STATE 1
- 200 private static final int PIN_STATE 2
- 201 private static final int ACCOUNT_STATE
3 - 202 private static final int TRANSACT_STATE
4 - 203
- 204 private static final int CHECKING_ACCOUNT
1 - 205 private static final int SAVINGS_ACCOUNT
2 - 206
109File KeyPad.java
- 001 import java.awt.BorderLayout
- 002 import java.awt.GridLayout
- 003 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent
- 004 import java.awt.event.ActionListener
- 005 import javax.swing.JButton
- 006 import javax.swing.JPanel
- 007 import javax.swing.JTextField
- 008
- 009 /
- 010 A component that lets the user enter a
number, using - 011 a button pad labeled with digits
- 012 /
- 013 public class KeyPad extends JPanel
- 014
- 015 /
- 016 Constructs the keypad panel.
- 017 /
110- 018 public KeyPad()
- 019
- 020 setLayout(new BorderLayout())
- 021
- 022 // add display field
- 023
- 024 display new JTextField()
- 025 add(display, "North")
- 026
- 027 // make button panel
- 028
- 029 buttonPanel new JPanel()
- 030 buttonPanel.setLayout(new
GridLayout(4, 3)) - 031
- 032 // add digit buttons
- 033
- 034 addButton("7")
- 035 addButton("8")
- 036 addButton("9")
111- 038 addButton("5")
- 039 addButton("6")
- 040 addButton("1")
- 041 addButton("2")
- 042 addButton("3")
- 043 addButton("0")
- 044 addButton(".")
- 045
- 046 // add clear entry button
- 047
- 048 clearButton new JButton("CE")
- 049 buttonPanel.add(clearButton)
- 050
- 051 class ClearButtonListener implements
ActionListener - 052
- 053 public void actionPerformed(ActionEv
ent event) - 054
- 055 display.setText("")
- 056
112- 058 ActionListener listener new
ClearButtonListener() - 059
- 060 clearButton.addActionListener(new
- 061 ClearButtonListener())
- 062
- 063 add(buttonPanel, "Center")
- 064
- 065
- 066 /
- 067 Adds a button to the button panel
- 068 _at_param label the button label
- 069 /
- 070 private void addButton(final String
label) - 071
- 072 class DigitButtonListener implements
ActionListener - 073
- 074 public void actionPerformed(ActionEv
ent event) - 075
- 076
113- 078 if (label.equals(".")
- 079 display.getText().indexOf("
.") ! -1) - 080 return
- 081
- 082 // append label text to button
- 083 display.setText(display.getText()
label) - 084
- 085
- 086
- 087 JButton button new JButton(label)
- 088 buttonPanel.add(button)
- 089 ActionListener listener new
DigitButtonListener() - 090 button.addActionListener(listener)
- 091
- 092
- 093 /
- 094 Gets the value that the user entered.
- 095 _at_return the value in the text field of
the keypad - 096 /
114- 098
- 099 return Double.parseDouble(display.getTe
xt()) - 100
- 101
- 102 /
- 103 Clears the dislay.
- 104 /
- 105 public void clear()
- 106
- 107 display.setText("")
- 108
- 109
- 110 private JPanel buttonPanel
- 111 private JButton clearButton
- 112 private JTextField display
- 113
115File Bank.java
- 01 import java.io.BufferedReader
- 02 import java.io.FileReader
- 03 import java.io.IOException
- 04 import java.util.ArrayList
- 05 import java.util.StringTokenizer
- 06
- 07 /
- 08 A bank contains customers with bank
accounts. - 09 /
- 10 public class Bank
- 11
- 12 /
- 13 Constructs a bank with no customers.
- 14 /
- 15 public Bank()
- 16
- 17 customers new ArrayList()
116- 18
- 19
- 20 /
- 21 Reads the customer numbers and pins
- 22 and initializes the bank accounts.
- 23 _at_param filename the name of the
customer file - 24 /
- 25 public void readCustomers(String filename)
- 26 throws IOException
- 27
- 28 BufferedReader in new BufferedReader
- 29 (new FileReader(filename))
- 30 boolean done false
- 31 while (!done)
- 32
- 33 String inputLine in.readLine()
- 34 if (inputLine null) done true
- 35 else
- 36
117- 38 new StringTokenizer(inputLine
) - 39 int number
- 40 Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.ne
xtToken()) - 41 int pin
- 42 Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.ne
xtToken()) - 43
- 44 Customer c new Customer(number,
pin) - 45 addCustomer(c)
- 46
- 47
- 48 in.close()
- 49
- 50
- 51 /
- 52 Adds a customer to the bank.
- 53 _at_param c the customer to add
- 54 /
- 55 public void addCustomer(Customer c)
- 56
118- 58
- 59
- 60 /
- 61 Finds a customer in the bank.
- 62 _at_param aNumber a customer number
- 63 _at_param aPin a personal identification
number - 64 _at_return the matching customer, or null
if no customer - 65 matches
- 66 /
- 67 public Customer findCustomer(int aNumber,
int aPin) - 68
- 69 for (int i 0 i lt customers.size()
i) - 70
- 71 Customer c (Customer)customers.get(
i) - 72 if (c.match(aNumber, aPin))
- 73 return c
- 74
- 75 return null
- 76
119File Customer.java
- 01 /
- 02 A bank customer with a checking and
savings account. - 03 /
- 04 public class Customer
- 05
- 06 /
- 07 Constructs a customer with a given
number and PIN. - 08 _at_param aNumber the customer number
- 09 _at_param PIN the personal identification
number - 10 /
- 11 public Customer(int aNumber, int aPin)
- 12
- 13 customerNumber aNumber
- 14 pin aPin
- 15 checkingAccount new BankAccount()
- 16 savingsAccount new BankAccount()
- 17
120- 18
- 19 /
- 20 Tests if this customer matches a
customer number - 21 and PIN.
- 22 _at_param aNumber a customer number
- 23 _at_param aPin a personal identification
number - 24 _at_return true if the customer number and
PIN match - 25 /
- 26 public boolean match(int aNumber, int
aPin) - 27
- 28 return customerNumber aNumber pin