Title: TerritoryWide System Assessment 2006
1Territory-Wide SystemAssessment 2006
2Date 26-27 April 2006 Session AM 830
a.m.1130 a.m. P.M. 130 p.m.
400 p.m. Venue classrooms
About 24 students will be randomly selected. Each
student will attempt one component.
- Individual PresentationPreparation 3
minutesAssessment 2 minutes
- Group InteractionPreparation 3
minutesAssessment 3 minutes
4Individual Presentation
- Bring a pen/ pencil
- Bring your handbook
- Write your school code and class number on the
question paper - You have 3 minutes to prepare for your
5The 3S tips for presentations
- Keep your sentences short
- Keep your words simple
- Make sense
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7Individual Presentation Your class is interested
in learning about festivals in Hong Kong. You
are preparing a two-minute talk about Christmas
in Hong Kong. You can use some ideas from the
following mind map or your own ideas in your talk.
8Marking Scheme for Individual Presentation
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11Group Interaction
- Bring a pen/ pencil
- Bring your handbook
- Write your school code and class number on the
question paper - You have 3 minutes to prepare for your group
12Marking Scheme for Group Interaction
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14Group Interaction
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- bring your pen/ pencil
- bring you handbook
- have lots of eye contact with the examiners
- dont speak Cantonese
- say thank you after the presentation
Useful Website www.systemassessment.edu.hk