Title: Presentation by Brendan Smith Galway City Community Forum
1PresentationbyBrendan SmithGalway City
Community Forum
2A Sustainable Integrated Transport Policy for
Galway City
3GalwayCityCommunityForumStrategic Plan
forGalway City2002 -
4Key Aims
- Gaelic Soul Multi-Ethnic Heart
- (preserving medieval city, Gaeltacht,
multi-cultural festivals) - A Celtic Venice (Network of Water Arteries)
- A City of Green Landscapes (Green Network)
- Ample Living Space for Wildlife
- Accessible to All Transport Infrastructure
- (a city-wide pro-Pedestrian, pro-Cycling
- Public Transport network)
- Reduction, Re-Use,Recycling Waste Management
- A City of Urban Villages
5The Community Forumplayed a full role in
creating theStrategy for Economic, Social
Cultural Development ofGalway City 2002-2012 as
published in February 2002
6Galway CityDevelopment Board (CDB) 2002-2012-
Vision (5 values) -
- An Historic, Progressive, Creative City
- An Inclusive People-centred City
- A City with a Sustainable Economy, Community
Environment - An Accessible, Equitable City
7CDBs first Transport Policy Objective is
- To Develop a Safe City-wide
- Pedestrian-friendly Cyclist-friendly
- Disability-friendly
- Child-friendly
- infrastructure
8- CDBs- To Develop an
- Integrated Sustainable Transport Policy
- includes
- Consideration of Pedestrians at top of transport
hierarchy -
- A Public Transport infrastructure
- Availability of bus services every 10 minutes
- Study of a city-wide Light Rail System
- Support the Western Rail Corridor
9- Plus
- Inter-agency annual Car-free Day
- Promotion of alternative transport modes
- Possible reduction of of speed limit to 20mph
- Annual Monitoring Regime
10- Progress on
- Ensuring
- a
- Sustainable Integrated Transport Policy
- is moving too slowly
11Traffic Congestion worse than ever
12Most Roundabouts still anti-pedestrian
13All Roundabouts are anti-cyclist( anti-children)
14No city-wide Bus Corridor network
15Transport Network Killing off Wildlife
16- City Council Transport Policy still too
pro-private car based, as evidenced by proposal
for new Terryland Forest road proposal
17Such transport policy is against CDB Strategy
will also impact negatively on important
sensitive natural heritage areas
18- Unsustainable
- Urban
- Sprawl
- continues as
- key CDB
- policies not
- being
- implemented in
- their totality
19People are demanding implementation of CDB
20Alternative Transport trends being
implemented elsewhere