Title: Introduction to XML
1Introduction to XML
2Programming models
3Distributed programming modelsTypical Web-based
- Easy to deploy but slow, not great user experience
html browser
- Many programming models
- Servlets
- CGI (python, perl, C)
- Cold Fusion
Dynamically Generated html
plus optionally JavaScript to jazz up html
4Distributed programming modelsTypical Web-based
- Better user experience. Heavier, less portable,
requires socket programming to stream to server.
Dynamically Generated html
html applet
5Direct Connections
Application client
Remote Procedures
Examples Javas rmi, CORBA
6XML basics
7XML Basics, cont
- Most modern languages have method of representing
structured data. - Typical flow of events in application
Read data (file, db, socket)
Marshal objects
Manipulate in program
Unmarshal (file, db, socket)
- Many language-specific technologies to reduce
these steps RMI, object - serialization in any language, CORBA (actually
somewhat language neutral), - MPI, etc.
- XML provides a very appealing alternative that
hits the sweet spot for - many applications
8User-defined types in programming languages
- XML is a text-based, programming-language-neutral
way of representing structured information.
9Sample XML Schema
- In XML, datatype description is called a schema.
- ema"
- elementFormDefault"qualified"
attributeFormDefault"unqualified" -
- type"xsstring"/
- type"xsstring"/
- type"xsinteger"/
- type"xsdecimal"/
Ignore this For now
10Alternative schema
In this example studentType is defined separately
rather than anonymously
type"xsstring"/ type"xsstring"/ type"xsinteger"/ type"xsdecimal"/
new type defined separately
11Alternative DTD
Can also use a DTD (Document Type Descriptor),
but this is probably becoming obsolete (notice
the lack of types) Each XML file is stored in a document whose name
is the same as the root node -- ELEMENT Student (name,ssn,age,gpa) Student has four attributes --
is parsed character data -- ssn (PCDATA) (PCDATA)
12Creating instances of types
In programming languages, we instantiate
objects struct Student s1, s2 s1.name
Andrew s1.ssn123-45-6789 Student s new
Student() s1.name Andrew s1.ssn123-45-6789
. type(Student) s1 s1name Andrew .
13Creating XML documents
- XML is not a programming language!
- In XML we make a Student object in an xml file
(Student.xml) -
- Andrew
- 123-45-6789
- 36
- 2.0
- Think of this as like a serialized object.
14XML and Schema
- Note that there are two parts to what we did
- Defining the structure layout
- Defining an instance of the structure
- The first is done with an appropriate Schema or
DTD. - The second is the XML part
- Both can go in the same file, or an XML file can
refer to an external Schema or DTD (typical) - From this point on we use only Schema
- Excellent tool for both learning and developing
XML. - Many XML books contain free 90-day license.
Otherwise, free 30-day license on web page for
professional and totally free home edition - Try to use XMLSpy to create example just covered.
17Aspects of XML syntax
- It is illegal to omit closing tags
- XML tags are case-sensitive
- XML elements must be properly nested
- XML elements must have a root element
- XML preserves whitespaces
- XML comments
18How is XML Useful
- Part I
- Simple Mortgage Calculator
19Mortgage payment calculator
- Design a simple application which does the
following - Accepts user input
- Loan amount
- Loan term
- Interest rate
- Extras (assessments taxes)
- Returns per-month table of
- total payment
- interest
- Principal
- Some other fun stuff
20Mortgage Calculator General Requirements
- Must be
- Clean simple interface (easy)
- Remotely accessible with security
- Portable
- Not require too much installation on the part of
the user - Sufficiently fast not to be embarrassing
21Some possible architectures
- Web server
- Server-side scripting with pure html
- Server-side scripting with htmljavascript
- Server-side scripting with htmlapplet
- Direct connection
- Raw sockets
- Distributed objects
22Initial architecture
- Front-end pure html form
- Back end python cgi (similar to java servlet)
- Python generates web page dynamically after
making calculations - No use of higher-level web generation libraries
at this point - What are advantages/disadvantages of this
architecture? - Run application
- http//masters.cs.uchicago.edu/asiegel/courses/cs
- Two obvious disadvantages are
- Formatted web content in print statements
low-level, ugly error prone - Data is not decoupled from formatting. What if we
want to switch to an application client? - Several strategies can help with both of these
(higher-level htmlgen libraries, server-side
scripting model, beans, etc.) and XML - We will look at how XML fits in
24XML-based architecture
web browser
hand-rolled XML
File system
python CGI
hand-rolled XML
- What does browser do with XML?
- Can it display
- Does it even understand XML?
- If not, what good is this?
- Do we have to hand roll our programming language
objects from XML?
26Some answers
- Regarding first point, try this with your web
browser - Note that XML is displayed/formatted nicely, but
not nearly to the same level of utility as the
html table - To add formatting instructions, we must associate
a separate XSL file with the XML file. We will
study XSL soon. - Regarding XML-language conversion, we will study
language binding for various high-level ways of
doing this! For now, we will hand-roll ourselves!
- We will not cover details of XSL until the third
week. - However, for now we can easily create XSL at a
high level using XMLSpy - See example application
28Lottery application
29Lottery overview
- Given a list of student members of a dormitory,
perform an ordered randomized sort of the
students to determine a room draft order.
30Lottery details
- Students are defined by
- Last name
- First name
- Seniority
- Quarters in the House
- Quarters in the College
- The sort keys are
- Quarters in House
- Quarters in College
- Random
31Software requirements
- Secure login
- House name
- Password
- Remotely accessible
- Prototypes
- Standalone excel
- Web-based
32Architectural requirements
XML Login Info
Web Server
Web Client
XML Student Data
33Next Step
- Implement Lottery as specified
- You must have the following
- Student Schema
- Password Schema
- Sample student xml
- Sample password xml
- Simple XSL for display