Title: Fast FARS
1Fast FARS
- Presentation at National Traffic Records Forum
- August 2005
Cathy Downs, FARS Team Leader
2Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
- The source of information on fatal traffic
crashes in the U.S. - Fatality w/in 30 Days of Crash
- 43,000 fatalities/year
- 150 per fatality
- Covers All 50 States, DC, Puerto Rico and the
Virgin Islands
3Fast FARS
- Reporting of basic information about fatal
crashes in real-time to Agency managers. - Quantifying all fatal crashes within two weeks
after the reporting period - Quantifying all fatal crashes for holiday periods
within 24 hours after the holiday end
4- Describe FARS
- FARS is an End-to-End System
- Data Collection-to-Analysis
- FARS Data
- Describes Environment, Vehicles, Involved
Persons - Use ANSI D-16 Definitions. Example
- 30-day Rule Not result of Natural Disaster
- National Uniform Data Descriptions
5Uses of FARS Data
- BAC from 0.10 to 0.08
- Motorcycle helmet usage legislation
- Repeat offenders
- Restraint usage laws
- The 65 MPH speed limit
- Safety design of cars and light trucks
- Safety of large trucks on the highway
- Airbag effectiveness research
6- 1. When was FARS Created? How often updated
- 1975 (Predecessor Fatal Accident File, 1972)
- File Publications
- File published 8-months after calendar year
- 100 complete (/-)
- Reports to Congress
- Annual Publications
- Etc.
- Final file published 14-months after calendar
year - Early Projection file prepared 6-weeks after ..
- 85 Complete
- Used for early estimations
7 2. Number of Annual Records 42,000
Crashes 60,000 Vehicles 60,000 Drivers 100,000
8- 3. How is Data Collected
- 4. Where is Data Collected
- 5. What are the Sources
- Cooperative Agreements
- State Personnel Gather/Code/Enter
- State Records Files
- Police Crash Reports
- State Vehicle Registration Files
- State Driver Licensing Files
- State Highway Department Data
- Vital Statistics
- Death Certificates
- Coroner/Medical Examiner Reports
- Hospital Medical Records
- Emergency Medical Services Reports
9- 7. What are the Data Elements (138 elements)
- Crash Characteristics
- Describes Crash Environment
- Roadway, EMS, Demographics, etc.
- Vehicle Information
- Characteristics of Vehicles
- Make/Model/VIN, etc.
- Driver Level
- History, Violations, License Status, etc.
- Person Level
- Age/Gender/Ethnicity, Person Type, BAC/Drugs
10FARS is the most referenced motor vehicle crash
data system in the world.
- Even if youre on the right track, youll get
run over if you just sit there. Wi
ll Rogers
11Fast FARS
12Why Fast FARS?
- NHTSA administrator requested a system that would
provide real-time notification of fatalities. - At any time be able to see how many deaths
occurred yesterday. - Identifying where (state, county) the crash
occurred. - How many deaths occurred during a holiday period.
- Date/time of crash.
- Jurisdiction
13Direction of Fast FARS
- Fast FARS Process
- Two Phases
- Data Entry Screen (Case Management System) Manual
entry process. - EDT automatic data entry process.
14Case Management System
- As soon as notified, case entered into FastFARS.
- Allowing FARS cases to be built as information is
received. - A minimum set of data elements.
- Case could roll-up into MDE once minimum data
available. - Ability to provide local reports on this new
timely data. - Fast FARS to become FARS Case Management System,
replacing local logs, case tracking systems,
universally adopted and supported system. - Fast FARS built to accept EDT in phase two.
15How Will Fast FARS Get Started?
- Implement Entry Screen Interface
- Pilot to evaluate application system
- Oct. 2005 4 or 5 States
- Full implementation 1st year Evaluation of
process - Measure against monthly reporting currently
available - Monitor States early notification process at
jurisdiction level
16Early Notification in States
- Conducted a small survey to
- Learn how States are notified of a fatality.
- How soon following a fatal crash.
- What information are they provided.
- Does the State have electronic crash reporting.
- Does the State have their own in-house tracking
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21Challenges to Fast FARS
- 21 State FARS analysts are dependent on other
state agencies for initial crash data. - 16 States do not have early notification.
- 28 States use teletype or fax for early
notification. - 5 States rely on outside media sources.
- 5 States rely on US mail to transport crash data.
- 11 States provide electronic access for early
22Fast FARS EDTElectronic Data Transmission
- Identify States that currently have electronic
crash reporting systems. - How fast is their collection and transmission
of crash data and death notification how
complete is it? - Develop an agreement with those States to access
their system, pulling identified data fields into
23Pilot Program
- Phase 1 Application System Evaluation
- Start Date
- October 2005
- States Involved
- End Date
- December 2005
- Phase 2 Process Evaluation
- All States
- CY 2006
- Monitor Jurisdiction Reporting
24Evaluate Pilot
- Make Corrections
- Bring on More States
- January 1, 2006 all States involved
25Status of Fast FARS
- Near completion on Screen Interface
- Train FARS Analysts (Oct. 2005)
- Establish Procedures in States (back up)
- Gear up team to evaluate/monitor process
- 4 EDT States
26FARS and Fast FARSElements FARS
27Case Management SystemState Benefit
- States can customize their own fields
- Synchronize the data into MDE
28Fast FARS will continue to develop
- Ultimate Goal - EDT for all
- When youre through changing, youre
through. - Bruce Barton