Title: International aquaculture extension
1International aquaculture extension
- Kevin FitzsimmonsUniversity of Arizona
- 3rd National Aquaculture Extension Conference
- Tucson Arizona
- April 2003
- Discuss benefits and concerns
- How to get involved
- What to expect
3Benefits (industry and personal)
- Learn about other aquaculture
- Improve professional and personal skills
- May be able to supplement income
4Aquaculture roots
- Asia
- Europe
- Most of industry is not in the US
5Global economy
- Familiar with competitors regulations, business
models and future directions - Understand future industry trends and be able to
share with domestic clients - May develop customers for US suppliers
(equipment, feeds, technology)
6Concerns (industry and personal)
- Sharing US industry info with competitors
- Employed by government agencies
- Time is diverted from domestic clients
- May be physically dangerous
7How to get involved with international work
- Peace Corps
- Agency for International Development
- USDA and Sea Grant
- JICA, DANIKA, CSIRO, other national agencies
- Multinational agencies (UN-FAO, Fish Center -
International Aquaculture - Non-governmental organizations
- Private sector and development banks
8US Agency for International Development
- 1. Aquaculture CRSP
- 2. Farmer to Farmer Program
- 3. Florida AM
- 4. Land o Lakes Foundation
9Private sector consulting
- Vendors - (Feed companies, equipment vendors)
- Producers
- Foreign governments
10What to expect
1. Chance to see many types of aquaculture not
practiced in US (hi-tech and low-tech). 2.
High class living and rough subsistence
living. 3. Willingness to be out of loop (not
understanding language, culture, traditions)
and out of control. 4. Long hours, poor travel
conditions, away from family 5. Develop
appreciation for other cultures 6. Appreciate
home 7. Complaints from clientele that what you
were doing was detrimental to them
11What to expect
- Great opportunities for personal and professional
growth - Opportunity to benefit your clientele
- Some clientele will criticize
- Not for everyone
- Chance to see the world, help the poor and feel
that you have made a difference