Title: ICOS
1 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- School Childrens Feedback
2 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- At home
- Mik, water, dilutables (Miawadi, Robinsons, Kia
Ora, Ribena), juices, Yop, Dawn Smooth Juices,
Energy Drinks (Lucozade, BMP), Fizzies (Coke,
7-Up, Fanta, Sprite) - At School
- Milk, Capri Sun, Squeeze, water, juices,
dilutables (brought in own container/ flask) - Most primary schools dont allow fizzies as part
of school lunch policy. However, older kids (12)
are allowed drink fizzies and some buy on site in
canteen or from machine - Kids Favourites
- Younger children opt for milk, water and juices!
- 1011 year olds nominate milk, water, juices and
dilutables - Early teens 12 choose fizzies and water
- Direct link to choice and options that are made
available to them - Highlights autonomy of early teens and their
involvement and level of choice in what they are
3 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Kids assess drinks and brands on a number of
variables when deciding what to consume - TASTE Key factor Primary choice driver
Preference shaped at young age - OCCASIONS Special vs. everyday Weekend vs.
weekday Seasons Sports - CONVENIENCE Whats available Suitable for
lunchbox In the fridge - LASTING POWER Number of drinks from a bottle
Length of time it lasts - BRAND Known and established Quality
Reliability Whats cool - PRICE (12) Not key Secondary choice driver
However, fizzies seen as expensive - POPULARITY Pester power on parents What theyve
tried or seen or heard about What friends have
4 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Spontaneous Milk Associations
- White, Cold, think, natural, filling, good for
growing, good for teeth, cereal, good for you,
calcium, yoghurt drinks, cows, breakfast, lunch,
diner, bedtime, dairy products, healthy, energy,
5 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Milk has an Interrupted Lifecycle
- Baby Essential drink when young. In a bottle
weaning - Toddler Your first drink in a cupMilk good for
youhelps you grow - 4-10 years Lunch..sportplaypart of school
lunch habits - 11-13 Interest dwindlingOwn money
freedomTasteImage conscious - 14-15 Milk being replacedOwn money freedomNew
tastesPeer pressure occurs
6 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Tradition is what gets milk there in the first
place, after that there are many drivers for
keeping it there - Tapping into the key drink choice drivers
- Acceptable taste
- Habit and tradition
- Thirst quenching/ drinkable
- Fit most occasions
- Healthy alternative
- Cost effective/ value
7 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Understanding the key Category Choice Drivers
- Tradition (automatic to an extent)
- Its what you do, its what all kids drink...an
expectation - Replicate their parents own milk consumption
- Encouraged to drink milk from a young age
- All the kids in school drink it (predominant in
primary school pupils) - A staple
- Acceptable Taste (the middle ground)
- Tastes good
- Milky
- Refreshing
- compliment to food
- A crowd satisfier pleaser. Almost everyone will
like milk - Healthy (key benefit)
- Calcium is notably a main ingredient
- Natural
8 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- The Secondary Choice Drivers for Milk
- Cost Effective/ Value (good value)
- Minimal to no outlay for milk provided in school
- 1 carton provides Filling option and Thirst
quencher - Versus fizzies and juices which Cost more Less
healthy option Not as satisfying with food - Fits the Most Occasions (for any time)
- Most Primary schools enforce healthy lunch
standards. Cannot bring Fizzies, Chocolate,
sweets, Crisps - Milk also suitable forLunches TV watching
Sports/play Snacking Homework Breakfast
Bedtime drink - Convenient (Hassle Free)
- Readliy available
- Easy option - no hassle
- Allowed as part of healthy school programme
- Caretakers or teachers ensure that milk is
available - Parents dont have to worry about drink for lunch
box - Thirst Quenching/ Drinkable (functional)
- No fizz means kids can knock it back during
9 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Few Substantial Barriers to Category
- Note We only spoke to non-rejectors
- Most feel that one of the weaknesses for milk is
its imageSeen as a category barrier, especailly
amongst early teens - Image
- Milk competing with offerings that kids aspire to
(esp. Coca Cola!) - Not as interesting or exciting as competitors
just not sexy - Not accompanied by high profile communication,
promotion (versus other categories) - Always there, bog-standard, everyday ? routine
- Kiddy, up to early teensnot really for grown
ups - Refrigeration
- has to be chilled
- doesnt last
- no shelf life
- have to drink all at once
- not portable
- Inaccessibility
- Older kids mostly mention this
10 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
11 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Milk is ingrained in their Routine
- All kids acknowledged milk as a habitual
consumption Its always the same! - Differences noted between school milk and home
milk. Some complaints of taste differential due
to lack of refrigeration. - Habitual Consumption Everyday Foundation
beverage Central to repertoire Numerous usage
occasions Versatile product. - But
- Complacent Acceptance Taken for granted
Subconscious back of mind - Opportunity to remind kids of category benefits,
and role and its - importance to them
12 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Understanding Milk Competitors
13 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Milk Product Attributes How do children view the
functional brand offering? - Product
- Taste Refreshing Pleasant with food Drinkers
love it Non-drinkers find it too milky prefer
non-diary drinks Acquired at an early age
However, if bad experience e.g. sour milk, hard
to persuade re-trail - Milk Types Expect full fat fresh milk Dominant
and preferred option (appearance taste) Slim
line negatively perceived Little awareness of
Super/Bio variants Some awareness of flavoured
milks Some consumption, but criticism of
unnatural taste - Health All claim Milk is good for you and
provides numerous benefits Particular focus on
bones, teeth and growth Minority mentioned
awareness of intolerance and allergies - Colour Attractive White Natural
- Quality Good overall Rarely a problem, unless
out of date or left out
14 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Carton
- Size For most adequate serving (189 ml) Some
boys claimed larger carton would be welcome. - Design Boring Dull Unattractive
- Packaging Issues Easily damaged Leakage can
occur Disposal problems smells up your bag
Environmentally friendly queries raised - Promotion
- Advertising Some older children recalled them
bones and the dating couple No recent
campaigns Ads focus on healthy benefits
Somewhat dated and unoriginal American dairy
campaign recalled and enjoyed Sense milk hasnt
done anything, spoken to them in a long-time
Fading into the shadows - Brand
- Key Spontaneous mentions Avonmore Champion
Dawn - Children Ready for Something New?
15 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Milk Persona Drinker- Imagery Some Positives
to Build On - Milk Persona Primarily positive (although back
of mind) Healthy Fit Active Traditional
Popular Easy going Reliable Irish Boring
Routine Everyday - (In the background, but still a personality kids
identify with) - Milk Drinker Imagery Children struggle to define
a specific Milk drinkerto them it is universal
and enjoyed by all! If pushed key Milk drinkers
are identified as Babies Younger kids Sports
people - (Healthy attributes skewing to sports and younger
people) - Potential to develop and strengthen positive
16 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
17 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Awareness of School Milk Scheme
- 8-9 Year olds
- School milk is free
- Caretaker or teacher looks after the milk and
distributes to children - Set routine established
- Milk handed out mostly at little break
- Children have to consume milk at their desk,
cannnot bring it into the yard - Most expressed disappointment if scheme were to
stop - Sometimes bring in dilutables or juices for lunch
- 10-11 year olds
- Parents pay for school milk each term
- Most unaware of exact cost but assume average of
4 euro per term - Milk distributed by peers rather than school
staff - 11.00 Break
- Acknowledge fall off in numbers taking school
milk, especially in older classes (4th 6th) - Main reasons for this are that milk is warm in
the summer time and some dont like taste
18 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Awareness of School Milk Scheme Cont
- 12-15 year olds
- Parents pay each term or for the school year
- Unsure but cost for the year claimed to be 30
35 Euro - Water is the drink of choice
- Boys consume most milk
- Left in trays for pupils to take at break time
- Wont drink if milk is warm
- Uncool image of milk
- Age plays a key role in experience of School Milk
19 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Perceptions of the Scheme
- In general, kids are ambivalent towards the
scheme. They are used to receiving the milk and
take its presence in school for granted. - As they get older they have more choice about
their drinks consumption and can exert pester
power on parents for their own drink preference - Older kids acknowledge that it is good to have
such a scheme because of - Choice
- Convenience
- Some kids may not get milk otherwise
- Ambivalence expressed by all towards scheme
20 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Perceptions of the Scheme Cont.
- All kids maintain that milk tastes better at
home. Its seen as cooler and fresher. - Health benefits of milk are the key drivers to
consumption and all acknowledge that milk is very
good for you and especially for younger children
as it helps them to grow. Positive associations
with sports and fit people! - Key brands associated with the scheme are
- Avonmore (Dublin, Mullingar and Galway)
- Dawn (Galway Cork)
- Champion (Mullingar)
- Minority mentioned Oranmore/ Dairyland in
Galway. - Regional bias is evident with brand association.
- Taste differential health benefits acknowledged
21 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Key Drivers of the Scheme
- The main drivers associated with the School Milk
Scheme are - Convenience
- Milk is good for you
- Healthy drink option
- Goes well with food
- Fills you up
- Satisfying
- Tasty
22 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Key Barriers to the Scheme
- One of the barriers to consumption in primary
school are the limits set on where you can drink
the milk - On lino floor area
- Segregated area in classroom.
- Kids dont like being set apart from their peers
and would prefer to consume milk with rest of
class - Another issue that arose was the uncool image
of milk and the slagging that occurs in older age
groups if a lot of milk is consumed Farmer
and bogger were common insults among boys - However, the key drawback to the scheme cited
throughout the groups regardless of age - Lack of refrigeration
- Warm milk unpleasant taste
- Tastes different to milk from home
- Goes off or sour in the summer
23 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Risk of Participants Becoming Complacent
- Participants (Established relationship but
functionally based and lacks involvement) - Usually a long standing relationship Kids grow
up withfrom babies - Satisfaction with product ensures repeat
consumptionhabitual, automatic - When they look at the future of milk in schoolas
with category as a whole, future consumption
will diminish significantly as kids
choiceincreasecategory lapsing! - Non-Participants (Refrigeration provides the
best opportunity to capture non-drinkers in the
future) - All tried in the past, rejected due to Taste
kids dislike, prefer another Quality of product
in school. Some feel milk is too different when
warm. - Many open to future trial Chilled New flavours
Promotion - Need to reinforce relationship with drinkers
24 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Suggested Improvements x Age
- Younger children noted that key ways to improve
the scheme could involve - Bright colourful cartons with pictures or
cartoons - Straws attached
- Plastic reseal able Bottle (similar to Yop)
- Trendier packaging
- Flavoured milk esp. chocolate
- Some mentioned larger carton (mainly boys)
- Older children also mentioned these options and
included - Refrigeration
- Cool bottle design similar to water with finger
grips - Scratch or peel off labels
- Zany vending machines with swipe cards or pin
numbers - Tokens for collectibles footballs, games,
radios, toys - Cool slogan or motto on the carton (e.g.. Sprite
25 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Suggested Improvements x Age Cont.
- Early teens suggested
- Environmentally friendly packaging
- Celebrity endorsements
- Giant cooler for dispensing milk, similar to
Ballygowan - Small mini fridges for each classroom
- Add-ons or collectibles mobile phones,
competitions, - Better advertising
- Peel off labels to win stuff like Watches,
Tickets to concerts, Shopping vouchers, Music
26 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Flavour Carton Improvements
- Spontaneously kids of all ages call for new
flavour ideas, some more adventurous than others.
Ideas werent too innovative, but include - Chocolate
- Strawberry
- Banana
- Mint
- Orange
- Note kids did not respond well to exotic
flavours like mango, peach or kiwitoo sweet
adult flavours
27 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Flavour Carton Improvements Cont.
- In general, younger kids associate cartoons
strongly with the cereal market and all enjoy
their use in communication - Eye-catching
- Fun
- Aimed at them
- Add fun and sense of energy
- Opportunity to bring cartons to the fore
- Younger kids mentioned putting mazes and puzzles
onto the carton which would enhance their fun
factor - Further investigation required into flavour or
carton options - but clearly opportunity for activity here
28 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Key Differences Across the Sample
- Key differences emerged across the school
children sample - Younger children (8-9 years old) had the most
straightforward and simplistic repertoire of
drinks. - The range of drinks consumed became more
sophisticated as the children got older. - 14-15 year olds enjoyed the most extensive range
of drinks and options. - Across all the groups boys claimed to be drinking
more milk than girls Both in school and at home
Larger volumes of milk consumed Stronger liking
for milk expressedMay be linked to idea of milk
as fattening amongst older girls - Early teens (12years) and upwards acknowledged
that milk is not cool and peer pressure is
recognised. - Seasonal milk consumption occurs
29 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Moving School Milk Forward for 8-11 year olds
- Image
- Build on youthful healthy associations Inject
more fun, liveliness energy excitement into
milk - Advertising
- Re-launch the Bones song sticks in kids heads
message appreciated. - Introduce new fun characters
- Potential for cartoons
- Celebrity endorsements e.g. Brittany Spears,
Justin Timberlake, Colin Farrell, Sports Stars - Health
- Continue to acknowledge as key message
- Bones/teeth and growing associations should
continue to be stressed.
30 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Moving School Milk Forward for 8-11 year olds
Cont - Promotion
- Idea starters Flasks Cups Straws Collectibles
- Floavour
- Introduce new options
- Desire for chocolate and strawberry variants,
however, must be natural not synthetic! - Potential for promotional once-off flavours e.g.
mint on St. Patricks Day - Pack
- Create an on-going theme/storyline for kids to
follow something interactive. - Introduce mazes and puzzles as fun additions
- Collectibles or serial pack editions welcomed
- Fun and energy that brings younger kids back into
the fold
31 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Moving School Milk Forward for 12
- Image
- Consider explicity taking Irish platform
- Inject modernity and cool factor into milk
- Replace current staple with jazzed up funkier
associations - Advertising
- Celebrity endorsements eg. James Bond, Jennifer
Aniston, Sports Stars could be regionally / GAA
focused - Introduce story line or series which would hold
attention and target this market - Opportunity to cool up the milk image
- Health
- Push these associations home key messages are
getting forgotten - Calcium / growing / natural are vital to this age
group - Opportunity to team up with schools and SPHE
32 ICOS Irish Co-operative Organisation
Society Ltd.
- Moving School Milk Forward for 12 Cont
- Promotion
- All activity must be product relevant
- Focus on bringing milk back into older kids
consumption occasions - Competitions for concert tickets
- Sponsorship of relevant fun events
- Flavour
- Variety would be welcomed but not as key for
older Kids - Some preference for choice and choclate could be
well received - Have to get it right natural flavour is NB
- Pack
- Peel offs Vouchers Music Limited Editions
- Funky new re-sealable bottle
- Need to revive and rejuvenate milk image