Title: Church Canons
1Church Canons
- Speaking in Church
- Prostrations
- Altar
- Seven Orders of the Church
- Kiss of Peace
- Prayers of the Hours
- Feasts and Fasts
3Speaking in Church
- Cannon 10 Pope Gabriel
- The Holy Scripture forbids speaking during
prayer, should have pure hearts - other people mock us and say they arent
praying It is obligatory on us to be respectful
during times of prayer. - If we fear not God, let us fear mens reproach.
- the same disease of speaking in church was around
since the 12th century. When visitors from other
churches see the talking, they think we
disrespect the house of God.
4Speaking in Church
- Canon 17
- It has reached my lowliness that some priests
deliberately abstain at the time of the liturgies
from chants and prayers, and they pay attention
to talking and conversation. (there is no such
thing as anyone being above the canon law, even
clergy). It is required that they should abandon
this evil, vile, and detestable custom, and they
shall stand around the altar bareheaded and in
awe. Whoever does this should not take
communion. If a priest sees another talking, he
should tell him that he shouldnt talk.
5Speaking in Church
- Canon 37 (Athanasius) As long as it is during
the time of the chalice, no one can speak at all - Canons of St. Basil Canon 96
- The priest (clergy) should not speak while in
the sanctuary, except for what is needed because
Aaron was wearing bells in the sanctuary, this
was to notify the angels in order for him not to
die. We, as Christians, have psalms instead of
bells. So, whenever we enter the altar, we
should be in prayer. We should notify all those
who enter for cleaning, even the deacons who do
this work should respect the holy altar. - Fr. Shenoudas comments about deacons
- Even the deacons who distribute the responses
while serving the altar, it should be nonverbal
very subtle gestures with eyes - There should be training for the liturgy its
not a playground there should be training for
younger deacons who will serve in the altar. -
6Prostrations and Standing
- No Prostrations on Sunday, Feasts of the
Resurrection, and Pentecost - Tertullian (160- 225 A.D.)
- We count fasting or kneeling in worship on the
Lord's day to be unlawful. We rejoice in the same
privilege also from Easter to Whitsunday
(Pentecost). - Pope Peter of Alexandria Canon 15
- But the Lord's day we celebrate as a day of joy,
because on it He rose again, on which day we have
received it for a custom not even to bow the
knee. - Ecumenical Council of Nicaea Canon 20
- Forasmuch as there are certain persons who kneel
on the Lord's Day and in the days of Pentecost,
therefore, to the intent that all things may be
uniformly observed everywhere (in every parish),
it seems good to the holy Synod that prayer be
made to God standing.
7Prostrations and Standing
- St. Basil -- On the Holy Spirit
- We pray standing, on the first day of the week,
but we do not all know the reason. On the day of
the resurrection we remind ourselves of the grace
given to us by standing at prayer, not only
because we rose with Christ, and are bound to
seek those things which are above, but because
the day seems to us to be in some sense an image
of the age which we expect.
8Prostrations and Standing
- Pope Peter of Alexandria (3rd Century seal of the
martyrs) - Canon 15 Wednesday is fasting because its the
days the Jews conspired against the Lord, and
Friday because He suffered, then - we preserve
the day of the Lord as a day of happiness,
because on that day the Lord rose. Our tradition
is not to kneel on that day. (this was before
9The Living Altar
- St. Athanasius (Canon 7)
- If you will learn the truth, hear, that I may
teach you how you may honor the church with all
reverence. For she is built in heaven in the
form that Moses planned, when he built the
tabernacle according to the form which he had
seen upon mount Sinai, (Ex. 259) as it was said
unto him. Give heed to the reverence which
belongs unto the holy place wherein you doest
service. - Hear how God commanded Moses, (Lev. 162) Ordain
for thy brother Aaron that he come not at all
times within the veil before the altar, lest he
die. For in a cloud upon the altar will I show
Myself and will speak with thee. - For, because the Lord stands upon the altar,
(Amos 91) so are they (i.e. the altar vessels)
spiritual and neither silver nor gold nor stone
nor wood even as the bread and wine, before they
are raised upon the altar, are bread and wine,
yet, after that they are raised upon the altar,
are no more bread and wine, but the life-giving
body of God and blood, so that they that
communicate therein die not, but live eternally.
- So also is the altar and be it of wood or stone
or gold or silver, it is no more mortal, as its
former substance, but lives forever and is
spiritual for the living God stands upon it
10The Living Altar
- St. Athanasius (Canon 6)
- Say as thou prayest, (Ps. 11937) Avert mine
eyes, that they behold not vanity, as one that
knoweth that the house entrusted unto thee is the
house of heaven, and that it is the church upon
earth, whereof Jacob saith, (Gen. 2817) This is
the house of God, this is the gate of heaven.
For all the angels which come from before God do
come first unto the church and glorify the house
of God that is upon earth.
11Seven Orders of the Church of God
- The 7 are clear in the Didaskalia, in the Canons
of Athanasius, and in the Liturgy of St. Mark - Bishop shepherd
- Priest teachers
- Deacons servants
- Subdeacon helpers or assistant
- Oghnostos readers
- Psaltos singers (chanters)
- Church Keepers (doorkeeper) in the Liturgy of
St. Mark, the congregation is placed as the 7th
127 Orders
- St. Athanasius (Canon 10)
- For upon seven pillars hath Wisdom restored her
house (Prov. 91) and seven are the perfect
spirits of God in the church, which are the
bishops and presbyters and deacons and
half-deacons and readers and singers and
doorkeepers, whom Zechariah doth call the seven
eyes of God, (Zech. 39, 410) whereof God saith,
(Zech 28) He that toucheth them is as one that
toucheth the pupils of his eyes. For the seven
orders that we have named, the same are the seven
eyes of the church but what is the churchs head
but Christ? (Col. 118, Eph. 122, 523) - The bishop shouldnt look down on any other
position we are all one body, the head needs
the feet as much as the feet need the head the
bishop cant pray and watch the doors at the same
time They are all considered the 7 eyes of God,
the 7 pillars, and 7 spirits
13Kiss of Peace
- Rom 1616 - Greet one another with a holy kiss.
The churches of Christ greet you - 1 Cor 1620 All the brethren greet you. Greet
one another with a holy kiss. 21 The salutation
with my own hand--Paul's. - 2 Cor 1312 Greet one another with a holy
kiss. 13 All the saints greet you. 14 The
grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of
God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be
with you all. Amen - 1 Thess 526 Greet all the brethren with a
holy kiss. 27 I charge you by the Lord that
this epistle be read to all the holy brethren.
28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
you. Amen.. - 1 Peter 514 Greet one another with a kiss of
love. Peace to you all who are in Christ Jesus.
14Kiss of Peace
- Canon 52- When the deacon says greet one another,
the priests greet the bishops, males greet males,
and women greet women. - Council of Laodicea Canon 19
- After the sermons of the Bishops, the prayer for
the catechumens is to be made first by itself
and after the catechumens have gone out, the
prayer for those who are under penance and,
after these have passed under the hand of the
Bishop and departed, there should then be
offered the three prayers of the faithful, the
first to be said entirely in silence, the second
and third aloud, and then the kiss of peace is to
be given. And, after the presbyters have given
the kiss of peace to the Bishop, then the laity
are to give it to one another, and so the Holy
Oblation is to be completed. And it is lawful to
the priesthood alone to go to the Altar and there
15Prayers of the hours-Canons of the Apostles
- XXXIV. Offer up your prayers in the morning, at
the third hour, the sixth, the ninth, the
evening, and at cock-crowing in the morning,
returning thanks that the Lord has sent you
light, that He has brought you past the night,
and brought on the day at the third hour,
because at that hour the Lord received the
sentence of condemnation from Pilate at the
sixth, because at that hour He was crucified (1)
at the ninth, because all things were in
commotion at the crucifixion of the Lord, as
trembling at the bold attempt of the impious
Jews, and not bearing the injury offered to their
Lord - in the evening, giving thanks that He has given
you the night to rest from the daily labors at
cock-crowing, because that hour brings the good
news of the coming on of the day for the
operations proper for the light.
- XXXV. I James, (4) the brother of Christ
according to the flesh, but His servant as the
only be-begotten God, and one appointed bishop of
Jerusalem by the Lord Himself, and the Apostles,
do ordain thus When it is evening, thou, O
bishop, shall assemble the church and after the
repetition of the psalm at the lighting up the
lights, the deacon shall bid prayers for the
catechumens, the energumens, the illuminated, and
the penitents, as we have formerly said. - But after the dismission of these, the deacon
shall say So many as are of the faithful, let us
pray to the Lord. And after the bidding prayer,
which is formerly set down, he shall say- - THE BIDDING PRAYER FOR THE EVENING.
- XXXVI. Save us, O God, and raise us up by Thy
Christ. Let us stand up, and beg for the mercies
of the Lord, and His compassions, for the angel
of peace, for what things are good and
profitable, for a Christian departure out of this
life, an evening and a night of peace, and free
from sin and let us beg that the whole course of
our life may be unblameable. Let us dedicate
ourselves and one another to the living God
through His Christ. And let the bishop add this
- XXXVII. O God, who art without beginning and
without end, the Maker of the whole world by
Christ, and the Provider for it, but before
- XIII. Brethren, observe the festival days and
first of all the birthday after which let the
Epiphany be to you the most honored, in which the
Lord made to you a display of His own Godhead
after which the fast of Lent is to be observed by
you. But let this solemnity be observed before
the fast of the Passover, beginning from the
second day of the week, and ending at the day of
the preparation. After which solemnities,
breaking off your fast, begin the holy week of
the Passover, fasting in the same all of you with
fear and trembling, praying in them for those
that are about to perish.
- (Holy Pascha Week)
- XVIII. Do you therefore fast on the days of the
Passover, beginning from the second day of the
week until the preparation, and the Sabbath, six
days, making use of only bread, and salt, and
herbs, and water for your drink but do you
abstain on these days from wine and flesh, for
they are days of lamentation and not of feasting.
Do ye who are able fast the day of the
preparation and the Sabbath-day entirely, tasting
nothing till the cock-crowing of the night but
if any one is not able to join them both
together, at least let him observe the
- But from the evening of the fifth day till
cock-crowing break your fast when it is daybreak
of the first day of the week, which is the Lord's
day. - From the even till cock-crowing keep awake, and
assemble together in the church, watch and pray,
and entreat God reading, when you sit up all
night, the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms,
until cock-crowing, and baptizing your
catechumens, and reading the Gospel with fear and
- (Passover Resurrection)
- Thenceforward leave off your fasting, and
rejoice, and keep a festival, because Jesus
Christ, the pledge of our resurrection, is risen
from the dead. And let this be an everlasting
ordinance till the consummation of the world,
until the Lord come. For to Jews the Lord is
still dead, but to Christians He is risen - (Thomas Sunday)
- After eight days let there be another feast
observed with honor, the eighth day itself, on
which He gave me Thomas, who was hard of belief,
full assurance, by showing me the print of the
nails, and the wound made in His side by the
- (Ascension)
- And again, from the first Lord's day count forty
days, and celebrate the feast of the ascension of
the Lord, whereon He finished all His
dispensation and constitution, and returned to
that God and Father that sent Him, and sat down
at the right hand of power - (Pentecost)
- But after ten days from the ascension, which from
the first Lord's day is the fiftieth day, do ye
keep a great festival for on that day, at the
third hour, the Lord Jesus sent on us the gift of
the Holy Ghost, and we were filled with His
energy, and we "spoke with new tongues, as that
Spirit did suggest to us"
- (Apostles Fast)
- Therefore, after you have kept the festival of
Pentecost, keep one week more festival, and after
that fast for it is reasonable to rejoice for
the gift of God, and to fast after that
relaxation - (Wednesdays and Fridays)
- We enjoin you to fast every fourth day of the
week, and every day of the preparation - (No fasts on Saturdays and Sundays)
- Every Sabbath-day excepting one, and every Lord's
day, hold your solemn assemblies, and rejoice
for he will be guilty of sin who fasts on the
Lord's day, being the day of the resurrection, or
during the time of Pentecost, or, in general, who
is sad on a festival day to the Lord. For on them
we ought to rejoice, and not to mourn.