Title: The new Royal Adelaide Hospital PPP Project
1The new Royal Adelaide Hospital PPP Project
- Industry Briefing
- 19 June 2009
2WelcomeDr David PanterExecutive
DirectorStatewide Service Strategy
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
3Acknowledgement of Country
- We would like to acknowledge this land that we
meet on today is the traditional Lands for the
Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual
relationship with their country. We also
acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians
of the greater Adelaide region and that their
cultural and heritage beliefs are still as
important to the living Kaurna people today.
- Deputy Premier and Treasurer keynote speech
- Minister for Infrastructure keynote speech
- Minister for Health keynote speech
- New RAH PPP Project
- New RAH Model of Care
- Questions
5Deputy Premier and TreasurerHon Kevin Foley MP
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
6Minister for InfrastructureHon Patrick Conlon MP
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
7Minister for HealthHon John Hill MP
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
8New RAH PPP Project Damien WalkerMajor
Projects DirectorUrban Planning
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
9Project Rationale Supporting SAs Health Care
- The new RAH is a key part of SAs Health Care
Plan. - The South Australian vision is to create an
integrated health care system that will be
recognised nationally and internationally as an
example of best practice in - patient centered care
- access
- integration
- safety and quality
- innovation and
- value for money.
10Project Objectives
- The State has set a number of Project Objectives
that the Project must deliver, including to - lead cultural change throughout the SA health
system by creating an environment that encourages
and supports staff to adopt new organisational
values and systems of work that will lead to an
optimally patient centred and outcome focused
approach to care
11Project Objectives
- promote innovation in health care delivery,
education and training through a Facility that - embraces national and international design to
encourage research and innovative practice,
education and training and - supports ultra modern, technically advanced,
highly safe and efficient service delivery. - be a hospital facility appropriate for the year
2016 and the 70 years that follow through the
delivery of a durable building with adaptable
design features and construction processes that
adapt to the generational changes in technology,
clinical functions and relationships
12Project Objectives
- be fit for purpose through effective and
efficient design that enables the provision of
safe and effective care, provides the best
possible environment for patients and staff,
supports optimal use of technology, and has a
post-disaster capability - maximise delivery of the NRAH through application
of VFM best practice project management
principles of time, cost and quality delivery
criteria and application of a sophisticated risk
management approach and
13Project Objectives
- embrace environmentally sustainable practices and
minimise the carbon footprint of the hospital by - minimising consumption of power and water
- minimising the production of waste
- maximising opportunities to recycle and use the
lowest impact renewable energy available and - minimising unnecessary community travel to obtain
the services required.
14Project Site
- The Site is located on an existing rail yard
which will be decommissioned for the purposes of
the Project. - The Site is bound by the Morphett Street Bridge
to the east, North Terrace to the south, the
intersection of Port Road, West Terrace and North
Terrace to the west, and the metropolitan rail
system to the north. - The periphery of the site includes areas of key
interface, such as the - Old Adelaide Gaol
- River Torrens and
- Adelaide west end.
15Project Site
16Project Site - Interface
- The Site will be bounded by significant
development over the coming eight years,
including - Rail revitalisation electrification and
concrete re-sleepering of the Adelaide rail
network - Coast to Coast extension of the tram along
North Terrace and Port Road to the Adelaide
Entertainment Centre and - South Australian Health and Medical Research
17Project Site Unique Parkland Setting
- The proposed redevelopment of the Site will
provide the opportunity to improve the transition
and interaction between the city (west end and
North Terrace edge) to the south of the Site, and
the River Torrens corridor and parklands,
including Torrens River Park to the north. - Both boundaries provide different character and
context that should be integrated with the design
of the Facility.
- Services to be provided by Project Co
- Maintenance of the Facility and Site
- Provision of utilities and medical gases
- Cleaning and domestic services
- Patient support and orderly services
- Pest control
- Security
- Catering and
- Internal distribution logistics including
internal distribution of bulk stores, linen and
internal waste collection. - The State is implementing shared services models,
in relation to - laundering services and
- provision of bulk stores to metropolitan Adelaide
19New RAH Model of CareKaye ChallingerProject
DirectorClinical Service Planning
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
20System Architecture
Clinical Networks Statewide Plans
GP, Private, NGO, Commonwealth and Community
Community individual capacity for own health
and wellbeing
21Service Profile
- Own local community
- Tertiary level services
- State-wide services
- Major burns
- Trauma
- Spinal
- Renal transplantation
- Neurosurgery
- Complex vascular and
- Hyperbaric medicine.
- By 2016/ 17
- 700 multi day beds including intensive care/ high
dependency beds - 100 same day beds
- Approximately 41,000 multi day and 42,500 same
day admissions per year - Average length of stay for multi day patients of
5.6 days - Assess approximately 86,000 emergency patients
per annum and - See approximately 400,000 out patients per annum
22Model of Care
23Design Objectives
- Create the next generation hospital
- Manage greatly increased activity
- Better functionality and improved productivity/
efficiency - Smart high level of ICT and automation
- Flexible
- Healing environment green Spaces
- Disaster capable clinical response
- Good for patients good for staff
24Patient Journey
Planned Unplanned
Discharge Transfer Community Support
Inpatient Beds
Technical Suites
Emergency Care
Primary Health
Primary Health
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
25Model of Care Key Components
- Provision of safe care
- Reduced flow / volume through ED
- Multiple access points
- Critical clinical decision making points
- Fast tracked admissions
- Distributive imaging / clinical support
- Streamline elective surgery
- Ensure emergency surgery access
- Caring for patients by acuity
- Appropriate length of stay
26Model of Care Design Implications
- Multiple access points
- More care by the bedside
- Windows (able to open)
- Technical Suites
- Hot Floor Co-location of theatres
- Functional Relationships
- Clinical Organisation Clusters / Villages
- ICT Smart Hospital / Systems
- Logistics
- Green
- Embedded / Distributed
- Indoor / Outdoor
- Multiple Use
- Social
- Relaxation
- Therapy
- Meetings
- Blue
- Embedded / Distributed
- Individual and Group work spaces, teaching,
research, multiple purpose rooms - Multiple Use
28PPP Process and Project Procurement TimelineDr
David PanterExecutive DirectorStatewide Service
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
29PPP Process
- The next step is for EOI submissions to be short
listed. - Short listed candidates then participate in the
Request for Proposals phase. - The short listed candidates will submit their
proposals, based on the Governments
specifications, and a preferred proponent will be
chosen. - The Project Agreement will be signed and
construction will begin.
30Project Indicative Timeline
- 2009
- July 17 - EOI submissions close
- Late September - Shortlist announced
- October - Release of Request for Proposals
- 2010
- Site will be vacated by the rail authority in
September 2010 - Preferred proponent selected and contract signed
- 2016
- new Royal Adelaide Hospital opens
31Question Time
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital
32Further Information and Enquiries
- Further information on this Project is available
at www.newrah.sa.gov.au - Enquiries regarding the EOI should be directed
via email to Dr David Panter, Executive Project
Director, SA Health at NewRAHEOIEnquiries_at_health.s
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