Title: 6172009
1UAF TRAVEL May 2001
- Kate Fenton, Jeannette Swan, Dale Anderson
- Financial Services
- POB 757920
- Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7920
- Travel Basics
- Approval In Advance--the TA
- Reimbursement for Approved Expenses--the TER
- Resources--Web sites, regulations, rates
- Forms--TA, TR, TER, Lost receipts
3Agenda ---continued
- Saturday Night stay at Grandmothers house
- Approval
- Cost exchange
- University benefit
- Absence from work
- Fly America
- Federal funds only
- Availability of US Flag carriers
- Basics
- Not about cost
- Group Travel
- What is a Group
- Group Leader TAs
- Per diem distribution
- Insurance
- Hazardous Duty
- Non employees
- Destinations outside North America
- Data Entry
- TA
- Researching reimbursement
- Encumbrance adjustments
5The TA
- UA Form completed by traveler
- Approved by Supervisor for program and money
- Out of State or International requires additional
approval - Must be approved and entered before travel begins
- Amend TA to reflect changes in program and money
6University Regulation PART V - Finance and
Business ManagementCHAPTER II Accounting and
Fiscal Reporting Travel and Relocation R05.02.06
7i. Travel Authorization Form (TA) - the official
approval form designated for documentation of
federal income tax, internal reporting
requirements, encumbrance of funds, and approval
of travel and related advances. 3. Travel
Approvals a. General (1) Each traveler, except
for those individuals specifically authorized by
the university president or the appropriate
chancellor, must have the approval of his or her
supervisor documented on a Travel Authorization
Form prior to travel departure. (2) The
president of the Board of Regents shall approve
regent travel for other than Board meetings or
commencement activities. (3) Any level of
authority over the supervisor may limit who is
authorized to approve travel authorization,
transportation request and expense report forms
or related transactions for their administrative
8(4) Approval of Travel Authorization forms may
not be delegated to a level of authority lower
than the traveler (e.g. administrative assistants
or support staff) without the specific written
approval of the university president or the
chancellor. b. Out-of-state Travel The
university president or chancellors may designate
individuals authorized to approve out-of-state
travel. Approval for out-of-state travel,
including international travel, may not be
delegated below dean/director level. c.
International Travel (1) All international
travel (travel outside the 50 states and the
District of Colombia), including travel of those
individuals normally exempt from the requirement
of supervisory approval, must be approved by the
traveler's supervisor. (2) Use of a foreign
air-carrier for federally funded travel requires
specific documentation and approval by the campus
grants and contracts officer (contact your grants
and contracts office for specific requirements).
9Transportation Expense
- Always required
- Receipt for purchase (over 25.00)
- Ticket stub
- Commercial Air Travel
- Transportation Request
- Non University travelers
- Students
- Group Travel
- Non-exempt employees
10Transportation Expense
- Reimbursement on Expense Report
- Partial
- Final
- The Future
- Purchase Order
- Non Traditional Conveyance over 500.00
- Group Travel
- Repeated Trips
- Advance purchase
- Bid
11g. Special Transportation (1) Special
transportation, including boat, aircraft, snow
machine or other vehicles or conveyances may be
authorized when in the best interest of the
university. The traveler may be reimbursed at
rates which are based on the cost of providing or
obtaining the service, are reasonable in amount,
and are approved by the Travel Administrator. An
explanation of the facts and circumstances
documenting the necessity to use, and the basis
of the rates to be charged for, such special
transportation must accompany the related Travel
Authorization Form, unless the circumstances of
travel preclude obtaining such information in
advance. (2) Acquisition of special
transportation services in excess of 500 shall
be approved by the procurement office in advance.
- Receipt always required
- Actual limited to approved rate
- Over 1.5 times rate approval in advance by
Financial Services - Additional persons
- Approved TA
- Personal expense
- Document payment/no additional cost
13d. Reimbursement of Lodging Expenses at Actual
(1) Reimbursement of actual costs for lodging in
excess of the authorized per diem allowance must
be approved by the supervisor prior to
commencement of travel. (2) Reimbursement of
actual costs for lodging in excess of 1.5 times
the authorized per diem rate is subject to
disallowance and requires an explanation of price
reasonableness of the charge or the reason for
incurring costs in excess of 1.5 times the
authorized rate and approval of the Travel
Administrator or designee.
- Purchase Order for group
- Treatment of meals and incidentals
- Gift in lieu
- Long term
15Car Rental
- University self insurance in first position
- Collision damage waiver
- Economy car/ Mid size car
- Approved on TA
- Department pays first 1,000.00 damage
16Other Vehicles
- Personal
- Mileage form
- Mileage rate .345
- Aircraft
- Risk Management approval in advance
- Insurance
- Default is University vehicle
- Vans/Trucks
- Valid air taxi certificate required
- No dry boat charter
- Vessel approved by Director of Marine Affairs or
designee - Crew license requirements
- Snow machines, dog teams
18Incidental Expenses
- Field supplies
- Equipment rental
- Necessary to accomplish objectives
- Approved costs on TA--correct account code
- http//www.uaf.edu/finsvcs
- http//www.alaska.edu/bor/regulation/5r/r05-02-06.
html - http//www.oag.com
- http//www.expedia.com
- http//travelocity.com
- http//www.policyworks.gov/org/main/mt/homepage/mt
20Indirect or Extended routing
21a. Travel for Employee Convenience (1) Travel
routing must be by the most direct route and
efficient mode available. Any extra expenses
resulting from travel by an indirect route or
less efficient mode for the traveler's
convenience will be borne by the traveler, and
reimbursement will be based only on such charges
as would have been incurred or reimbursed for
traveling by the most direct route or efficient
mode. (2) Any additional time away from work
that may be required for such indirect travel or
less efficient mode shall be charged to annual
leave or leave without pay, unless an overall
savings is documented with the traveler's travel
expense report.
22Indirect routing - ApprovalTA must reflect
- Intermediate or additional destinations
- Leave time
- Cost
23Indirect routing - Saturday night stay
- Per diem and lodging
- Allocate personal and business portion of vehicle
rental/local transportation
24Indirect routing - Saturday night stay
- Transportation in lieu of per diem and lodging
- Document direct routing costs with and without
Saturday night stay - Request for payment through Dean
25Indirect routing - Saturday night stay
- University benefit
- Approval
- Program decision
26Fly America!
- http//www.ehr.nsf.gov/dge/programs/asi/usflag.asp
- http//www.uaf.edu/grcon/forms.html
27Fly America
- Federal funds only
- Matching funds not subject to FA
- Ticket price is not a factor in determining
28Fly America
- Transoceanic flights on American carrier
- Gateway closest to destination
- Ability to accomplish program objective of travel
29Fly America
- Check destination
- Check nearest gateway city (might not be same
country) - Submit contemporary itineraries and statement of
unavailability of U.S. Flag carrier with expense
report - Advance approval available
30Group Travel
- More than one traveler
- Same TA
- Separate TA combined expenses
- Distributed per diem
- Hotel on PO or paid by group leader
31Group Leader TA
- List of Travelers
- Document expenses to be paid by group leader
- Consolidated advance
- Employees 100,000 group travel accident
- Non employees not covered
- Volunteers are not employees
- http//www.alaska.edu/swrisk/html/haz_duty.html
33Scary Places
- Destinations outside North America
- Ron Pierce
- 6771 ron.pierce_at_uaf.edu
- http//travel.state.gov
34Data Entry
- General encumbrance
- Encumbrance adjustments