Title: Corporate Themes: Concept to Completion
1Corporate Themes Concept to Completion
- Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
- Brainstorming the details
- Cost Analysis
- Timeline
- Event Execution
2The Chicken or the Egg?
- Location dictating theme
- What location has to offer beyond space
(activities or ambiance) - Theme dictating location
- Finding venue to fit
3Brainstorming the Details
- Invitation
- Collateral Materials
- Agendas, Signage, Menu Cards, Place Cards, etc
- Gratuities
- Transportation
- Lodging
- Entertainment
- Adapting to the Attendees
- Food and Beverage
- Décor
- Sponsorship
4Rolls-Royce Board Dinner
5Dolphin Pavilion
6Elvis Lives!
7Club Industry
8Hospitality / Las Vegas Baby!
9Attracting Sponsors
Know demographics and what appeals to them.
Everything is for sale! Be creative!
10Spoiling Sponsors
Sponsor gift baskets. Low cost/high impact. Hand
11Cost Analysis
- Determine Priorities
- Sponsorship Dollars
- Low Cost / High Impact Items
- Revealing Theme
- Theme Transition
- Multi Day/Night Events
- Estimating budget needs
- Rush Charges
13Event Execution
- Relaying Theme to All Involved
- Attire, Speeches, Food Beverage, Media, etc
- Load In / Out Schedule of Vendors
- Dry Run
- Day(s) Before Inventory Supplies
- Set-up On-Site Office
- Installation