Title: Mapping Multiliteracies, A Professional Development Resource
1Mapping Multiliteracies, A Professional
Development Resource Facilitator Training
2MM, APLR The Development
3the lives of young children are saturated with
multimedia..DVDs,CD-ROMS, computer games, digital
music, email , text messaging, digital
photography this requires new thinking about
different forms of literacy Dr Susan Hill
4"dad_at_hvn, ur spshl. we want wot u want urth2b
like hvn. giv us food 4giv r sins lyk we 4giv
uvaz. don't test us! save us! bcos we kno ur
boss, ur tuf ur cool 4 eva! ok?"
5iZ Interactive Animatronic Music Maker- the
ultimate fusion of music and toy! Twist and turn
iZ's ears to create new combinations of rhythm
and lead tracks press his belly to change-up the
- - iZ's eye's bounce to the rhythm
- - His horn pulses in rainbow colours to the beat!
- Want to listen to your own tunes? Use the
included cable to plug in your iPod or any music
source - iZ also talks! He says the wildest things and
even has his own special language. - Measures approximately 10.75 inches tall.
Age 5 years
6- The term multiliteracies comprehensively covers
the new electronic/digital literacies and the
very important print based literacies, of
particular importance in the early years.
7Possible Models 1 day planning and 1 day
facilitation - after hours - 4x 11/2 hour
workshops 2 TRT days - two ½ days using EYLP
TRT release 2 TRT days - one day using EYLP
TRT release 2 TRT days
- The Facilitators Role
- Facilitate workshops with educators in sites
- Negotiate format ,venue and needs
- Expectation - max 2 courses / term
- Support
- 1 day TRT planning / full course
- TRT release to facilitate
- Travel / accommodation / resources
- Professional Learning Day - Maureen ORourke
- July 27th or 28th EDC
- EYLP website/ email contact
- http//www.earlyyearsliteracy.sa.edu.au/pages/mmf
8- The District Officers Role
- Direct support to district facilitators
- Shared facilitation
- Monitor district needs
- Negotiate workshops with facilitators
- Monitor funding
- Support
- District Funding
- Support from Policy and Program Officers
9- Policy and Program Officers Role
- Direct support to District Officers
- Monitor state needs
- Evaluation
10- Workshop 1
- Key Premises
- Â From an early age young children engage
- with the powerful messages of multimodal
- communication.
- Effective teaching and learning incorporates
the - multiliteracies of todays world.
- The four dimensions of the multiliteracies map
support - educators to provide comprehensive literacy
- experiences for all learners
- Expected Outcomes
- The Participants will have opportunities to
- -Â Â Develop their understandings of
multiliteracies - -Â Explore the application of the Multiliteracies
Map in their setting
11- Overview pages 28,29
- Four workshops approx 11/2 hours each
- The Multiliteracies Map
- Community connections
- Reading and writing multiliteracies
- New times, new learning
- Each workshop incorporates
- Local vision,the Multiliteracies Map, group
discussion, inquiry questions
12 The Multiliteracies Map
The meaning making dimension involves
understanding how different text types and
technologies operate in the world and how they
are used for our own and others purposes. The
focus is on the function and the form of texts to
make meaning.
- Functional User
- Locating, code breakingusing letters signs icons
- Selecting and operating equipment
- Moving between media, oral, paper,cameras,
videos, - computers
The functional dimension involves technical
competence and how-to knowledge how to make it
work, recognise icons, letters, words and other
The critical dimension involves understanding
that there is no one universal truth in any story
and that what is told and studied is selective.
The transformative dimension involves using what
has been learned in new ways and new situations.
13(No Transcript)
14Broadening our sense of LITERACY Applying the
Multiliteracies Map
15- DVD Chapter Mapping Multiliteracies
- Activity page 35
- While watching, consider some key aspects
- Discuss as a group
- Activity page 36
- Texts and Functional Skills
16- Using the Multiliteracies Map
- A range of activities to support our use of the
Multiliteracies Map pages 37 - 47 - Analyse print texts - adult texts / picture
books / popular culture - Analyse oral language
- Plan curriculum investigations
- Reflect
17- What opportunities are there for you to use
the Multiliteracies Map in your setting?
Balanced programs?
Literacy development for particular children?
Resource allocation?
Use of technology ?
The focus of interventions?
18- Summary
- Expected Outcomes
- The Participants will have opportunities to
- -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Develop their understandings of
multiliteracies - -Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Explore the application of the
Multiliteracies Map in - their setting
- Suggested Inquiry Questions
- How does my current program incorporate
multiliteracies? - How can the Multiliteracies Map assist me to
examine the - way I currently use texts with young learners?
- How can it support me to examine individual
childrens - literacy development?