Title: Housing in Mumbai, India
1Housing in Mumbai, India
2Mumbai (Bombay)
Sanjay Gandhi Nagar Slum Community (now)
Sanjay Gandhi Nagar Slum Community (original site)
4A impressive city with high rise apartments
overlooking the sea. The wealthy live here.
Housing can e as expensive as central Manhattan
or London.
5Traffic congestion the daily grind for the
wealthy commuter in a Mercedes or Lexus
alongside the scooter or taxi.
6The city has some very wealthy diamond dealers.
Who enjoy the cheap cost of living.
7For the poor countryside dwellers migration is
sometimes theonly solution when their own
communities can no longer support them. This
woman from Rajasthan is part of a group heading
for sugar cane plantations in Maharashtra, India.
She may end up in Mumbai.
8New arrivals arrive by train each day along
with millions of daily commuters from the suburbs.
9What does saathi do?Volunteers meet all trains
arriving at Mumbai Central Station and remove any
vulnerable children found travelling alone to a
safe place.Temporary night shelters are provided
for small groups of teenage girls.A day centre
provides skills training for orphaned street kids.
10Different kinds of pavement dwellers. New
migrants end up here.
11Mahila Milan Women Together A self help group of
pavement women.
12Making the building blocks in Mumbai. Self build
schemes with Mahila Milan Mahila Milan run long
term savings schemes. They also lend small
amounts of credit to members.
13The rail network carries 6.5 million people daily
Children living by the tracks were in constant
For more than 30 years she has lived only five
feet away from the railway tracks near Mahim
railway station in central Bombay. She will be
shifting, with her husband and two children to
Vashi - about 25 kms from Bombay.
14There in Vashi modest but fairly pleasant 225 sq
feet apartments have been built in newly
constructed high-rise buildings. Subsidised
housing has replaced some of the shanty towns
Probably no city with as huge a population
around 14 million has as many homeless people
55 by official count.
15SPARC has helped the government relocate 16,000
of some 22,000 slum families living along the
railway tracks to implement the World Bank-funded
Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP).
The Society for the Promotion of Area Resource
Centres (SPARC), An N.G.O.
16An aerial view of Dharavi Asias biggest slum?
1 million people.
17Thousands of businesses flourish in Dharavi.
Selling earthern lamps is one of them. While
these lampsbring light to thousands of people
during Diwali, the festival of lights, those who
make the lamps remain in darkness.
18Dharavi shop selling leather goods
The sheer resourcefulness of its residents has
made Dharavi one of Mumbai's more prosperous slum
19One of the dirty lanes in Dharavi, Asia's largest
20The livelihood of the potters of Kumbharwada in
Dharavi will be under threat if the State
government plans to redevelop the area.