Title: New Physics at the LHC in the first year
1New Physics at the LHC in the first year
Orin Harris UW Physics Grad Student
2Talk Outline
- The LHC Enormous Potential
- New Physics
- New Gauge Boson(s)
- SM Higgs Particle
- SUSY Particles
- Summary
3The LHC Enormous Potential
- Design Luminosity Should reach 100 fb-1 per year
after 3 years of operation. - Initial Luminosity 10 fb-1 in the first year
(10x Tevatron) - Energy 14 TeV (7x Tevatron)
- Only 1 day at 1 design luminsoty would produce
8000 t quarks, 100 QCD Jets beyond kinematic
limit of Tevatron
4New Gauge Boson(s)
- New massive electrically neutral Gauge Bosons Z
are a common feature in most extensions of the SM
gauge group. They also arise in theories
postulating extra dimensions. - Dominant decay channels Z? ee-, µµ-, jj
- Discovery potential as a function of mz depends
on how strongly Z couples to quarks/leptons
compared to Z, ie how ?(Z) and BR(Z?) compares
to ?(Z) and BR(Z?).
5Z ? ee-, ??-, jj
If the Zs BR into leptons is similar to Zs, can
expect about 10 events for an integrated
luminosity as low as 300 pb-1 (3 days _at_ initial
luminosity) for a particle mass of 1.5 TeV
100 fb-1
Shown is the ratio of coupling strengths, as a
fucntion of mZ needed for a 5? confidence level
6Signal will be resonant peak on top of smooth
Drell-Yan background. Should be very clear signal
if ECAL response understood to a few
100 fb-1
7SM Higgs ParticleThe last undetected particle
predicted by SM
- Discovery potential depends highly on the Higgs
mass - SM perturbative validity mH lt 1 TeV
- LEP program 114 GeV lt mH lt 186 GeV, with 95
confidence - For any assumed value of mH, SM predicts Higgs
production cross-section and relative rate of
various decay channels
8Dominant Higgs Production mechanisms and Cross
9Low mass region mH lt 130 GeV
- Dominant Channel H ? has large cross section
BR 90, but a prohibitve QCD 2-jet background. - Background too high for direct -fusion
production channel. Must resort to observing
leptonic decays for triggering from the
associated production with W or Z boson or
pair - Requires excellent b-tagging, HCAL performance,
and jet reconstruction probably not realistic in
first year
10H ? ??
- H ? ?? is a rare decay channel BR10-3
- large background S/B 120.
- Demands excellent ECAL performance, angular
resolution - to observe the narrow mass peak above ??
Expected signal for mH 120 GeV with 100 fb-1
11Outlook much better for larger Higgs mass 130
GeV lt mH lt 180 GeV
- Most promising channel H ? ZZ ? 4l until 180
Gev when H ? ZZ ? 4l channel opens up - Requires good identification, reconstruction, and
measurement of high pT leptons, in each (4e,
2e2?, 4?) decay channel. - Detector performance should be good enough to
ensure high significance discovery in this mass
range in a year or two
124? channel (muon spectrometer)
13180 GeV lt mH lt 800 GeV
- Dominant channel H ? ZZ ? 4l
- Background lt Signal
- Detector performance not crucial
- Signal broadens at high mass. In the unlikely
case mH gt 800 GeV, the more difficult ZZ ? ll??,
lljj, and WW ? l?jj decay modes cover that rest
of the mass range
14Overall Sensitivity to SM Higgs Theoretically
(but not realistically) entire Higgs mass range
accesible at LHC in first year
15SUSY ParticlesSolves Hierarchy Problem,
candidate for dark matter
- Expect huge squark and gluino production cross
sections, even for masses as large as a few TeV - If R-parity is conserved (no proton decay), clear
model-independent signature of several high-pT
jets and large Etmiss - But reliable reconstruction of Etmiss events is
crucial - And unlike Higgs, SUSY complicated by many free
parameters. - The best we can do is investigate in detail the
signatures for particular points in the parameter
16 Constraining SUSY
- But even the most minimal SUSY extension of the
SM (MSSM) has 105 new parameters. The space of
free parameters is too large to meaningfully
compare predictions with data. - The most minimal gravity-mediated or
gauge-mediated SUSY-breaking extensions of MSSM
reduce the number of free parameters to 5 and 6,
17The minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) extension
- mSUGRA assumes that at the GUT scale all scalars
have a common mass m0, all gauginos and Higgsinos
have a common mass m1/2 (there are 3 other free
parameters also) - Though probably overly constraining, this model
has a small enough parameter space that its
predicted signatures can be studied with some
18One point in the parameter space
5? isolines for squarks and gluinos, parametrized
in terms of m0 and m1/2, as a function of
integrated luminosity
19Another point (A0 300, tan? 2.1, ? gt 0)
More recent matrix-element techniques predict
higher backgrounds in this region (up to yellow
meff ? Etmiss PT,1 PT,2 PT,3 PT,4
20In Summary
- If a Z of a few TeV exists whose BR into leptons
is near Zs, it will be discovered in first year - SM Higgs gt 180 GeV will likely produce a
significant signal in the first year, but current
data suggests SM Higgs lt 186 Gev - Squarks and Gluinos up to a few TeV could
produce a convincing signal in first year
- ATLAS TDR pp673-952
- azrXiv hep-ph/050422 v1 25 Apr 2005
- LHC physics the first one-two years(s),
Gianotti and Mangano