Title: Variable Tolls in France
1Variable Tolls in France
- International Symposium on Road Pricing
- Key Biscayne, Florida November 19-22, 2003
- David LECOFFRE, Transportation Attaché
- Embassy of France
- Washington, D.C.
- Toll Roads in France
- Toll Rates in France
- Variable Tolls in France
- Case Studies of Variable Tolls
- Conclusions
3Toll Roads in FranceGeneral Information about
- Area 550,000 sq. km
- Population 60 million
- 22 regions
- 100 counties
- 36,000 cities/local districts
- Private cars 29 million
- Comm. vehicles 5.5 million
4Toll Roads in FranceFrench Road Network
- National Highways
- 6,500 miles (75 toll roads)
- Traffic gt 30,000 vehicles per day (vpd)
- Other National Roads
- 20,000 miles
- Traffic gt 10,000 vpd
- County Roads
- 200,000 miles
- Traffic gt 1,000 vpd
- Local Districts Roads
- 300,000 miles
- Traffic gt 100 vpd
- France is in a process of shifting road
ownership of a large part of the road network
from national level to county level
5Toll Roads in FranceHistory of French Toll Roads
- 50 years of toll road concessions experience
- 1955 Toll Act authorizing
- creation of state owned toll road companies
- right to levy tolls to finance the construction,
maintenance and operation of highways - Profitable toll roads have subsidized non
profitable - 5,000 miles toll roads constructed and now in
operation in France
6Toll Roads in FranceFrench Toll Roads Today
- 5,000 miles of toll roads concessions
- 4,500 miles operated by 6 mainly publicly owned
companies (ASF, SAPRR, SANEF, ESCOTA, AREA, SAPN) - 500 miles operated by a private company
(COFIROUTE) - 2 international tunnels operated by publicly
owned companies (ATMB, SFTRF)
7Toll Roads in FranceRole of the French Government
- Perspectives of privatization France studies
the possibility of selling more of its shares in
publicly owned toll road companies - Main Agencies involved Road and Highway
Administration (Dept. of Transportation) and
Budget and Treasury Administrations (Dept. of
Finance) - Role of the French Government evolves from
Shareholder/Operator to Regulatory Authority - French Government has an important role in
setting toll rates
8Toll Rates in FranceGeneral Information
- Average National Toll Rate (private cars)Eur
0.07 / km - Annual increase (Feb 1st)
- a little more than inflation
- Rate varies from toll company to toll company (up
to 30 variance) - Toll Rate evolution policy is determined by the
French Govt. and the toll companies - in the concession contract (general framework)
- In the details, every 5 years, in a sub-contract
9Toll Rates in FranceDefinition of Toll
- The legal definition of a toll is complex Fee
for service, Tax, Price lots of jurisprudence on
the issue - For a long time, tolls used to cover the cost of
infrastructure financing (construction,
maintenance, operation) - In the future, a vocation to use tolls for
- traffic management
- cover external costs (ex. environmental costs)
- Several variable tolls experiences have been
implemented in France in the last 10 years
10Variable Tolls in France Definition of Variable
- Variable tolls modify toll rates according to
parameters such as time of day, itinerary,
environmental reasons, etc. - A broadly used Variable Tolls toll rates vary
according to vehicle type (i.e. passenger cars,
commercial vehicles) - Three other interesting categories of variable
tolls - Time-variable tolls toll rates based on the
time of day - Itinerary-variable tolls toll rate determined by
route traveled (when two or more possible routes) - Environmental-variable tolls toll rates based on
vehicle emissions levels
11Variable Tolls in FranceFrench Government
Position on Variable Tolls
- French Government has favorable view of variable
tolls - Has taken a pragmatic approach
- No specific and strict policy learning
period, step by step - There are some general principles
- Main legal principle Two users may pay two
different toll rates if and only if they are in
significant different situations (legal
jurisprudence) - No revenue increase a toll rate increase during
a time of the day must be compensated by a
decrease during another time - Clarity and Simplicity the user must easily
understand the variable toll system implemented - Public interest ex. Variable toll fees may be
used for road safety (tunnels)
12Variable Tolls in FranceCase study 1 A1
Lille-Paris (SANEF)
- First Time-variable toll, North of Paris, from
1992, still in operation - Toll rates increased on Sunday evenings (weekend
rush hour) - Toll Rate 25 during red hours 430-830
pm - Toll Rate 25 during green hours
230-430pm and 830-1130 pm - Success 10 traffic transfer from red to green
period, easing congestion
13Variable Tolls in FranceCase study 2 A10-A11
- Southeast of Paris
- Connection A10-A11
- March to November 1996
- Sunday evenings
- Assessment positive, 8 to 12 traffic transfer,
easing congestion - Initial evaluation period has not been extended
due to public concerns - Cofiroute evaluates the opportunity of starting
14Variable Tolls in FranceCase study 3 A14
- A14 Urban Toll Highway
- Paris - 10 miles, open 1996
- A13 free alternative but congested during rush
hours - 1998 Implementation of Time-Variable Tolls
- Toll Rates vary according to the time of the day.
From 4 Euros to 6 Euros. - Objective no traffic jams
- Toll subscription policy
- Electronic Toll Collection System
- Car pooling, public acceptance
15Variable Tolls in FranceCase study 4 A1-A26
- Itinerary-Variable tolls
- Objective avoid traffic around Paris by using
route A26-A5-A31 instead of route A1-A6 - During Summer Holidays 93 and 94
- Toll Rate 1.5 Euros on route A1-A6
- Toll Rate 5 Euros on route A26-A5-A31
- Success users now know the alternative route
- Initial evaluation period not renewed because A
31 now congested
16Variable Tolls in FranceCase study 5 A5-A6
- Itinerary-variable toll rate
- Winter Holidays 1995 to 1997 (Paris to the Alps)
- South of Paris, use A5 instead of A6
- Success 20 more traffic used A5 instead of A6
- Experiment not extended after opening of A19 in
1997 for technical reasons
17Variable Tolls in FranceCase study6Alpine
tunnels (ATMB-SFTRF)
- Environment-Variable Toll Rates
- Mountain regions the Alps are an
environmentally sensitive area - Mont Blanc Tunnel 7 miles
- Frejus Tunnel 8 miles
- Variable Tolls applies to Commercial Vehicles
- Euro Classification (according to vehicle
emissions) - Commercial vehicles pay an additional fee (5 to
10 ) to use tunnels for environmental and safety
reasons - Transfer Freight on Rail
- Acceptance of the infrastructure by local
18In conclusion
- Long experience 50 years tolling, 10 years
using variable tolls - Variable tolling in France a pragmatic
approach, no specific public policy at this time,
French Government sets general principles as it
goes along - Evolution of the concept of tolls from a
financing purpose (cover infrastructure cost) to
a broader purpose (traffic management cover
external costs) - France--with its European partners--is in the
process of forging new public policy by
redefining tolls and determining to what extent
variable tolls should be used.
- Contacts
- David LECOFFRE, Transportation Infrastructure
Attaché - Embassy of France
- 4101 Reservoir Road, Washington, D.C. 20008
- Tel (202) 944-6304
- Email david.lecoffre_at_dree.org
- Additional contacts (French Road and Highway
Adm.) - Patrick Vieu, Toll Roads and Concessions
- Email AR.DR_at_equipement.gouv.fr
- Alain Fayard, Economic and European Affairs
- Email CM-EE.DR_at_equipement.gouv.fr