Title: Data Integration and Physical Storage
1Data Integrationand Physical Storage
- Zachary G. Ives
- University of Pennsylvania
- CIS 550 Database Information Systems
- November 15, 2005
2Mappings between Schemas
- LSD provides attribute correspondences, but not
complete mappings - Mappings generally are posed as views define
relations in one schema (typically either the
mediated schema or the source schema), given data
in the other schema - This allows us to restructure or recompose
decompose our data in a new way - We can also define mappings between values in a
view - We use an intermediate table defining
correspondences a concordance table - It can be filled in using some type of code, and
corrected by hand
3A Few Mapping Examples
- Movie(Title, Year, Director, Editor, Star1,
Star2) - Movie(Title, Year, Director, Editor, Star1,
- PieceOfArt(ID, Artist, Subject, Title, TypeOfArt)
- MotionPicture(ID, Title, Year)Participant(ID,
Name, Role)
PieceOfArt(I, A, S, T, Movie) - Movie(T, Y, A,
_, S1, S2), ID T Y, S S1 S2
Movie(T, Y, D, E, S1, S2) - MotionPicture(I, T,
Y), Participant(I, D, Dir), Participant(I, E,
Editor), Participant(I, S1, Star1),
Participant(I, S2, Star2)
Need a concordance table from CustIDs to PennIDs
4Two Important Approaches
- TSIMMIS Garcia-Molina97 Stanford
- Focus semistructured data (OEM), OQL-based
language (Lorel) - Creates a mediated schema as a view over the
sources - Spawned a UCSD project called MIX, which led to a
company now owned by BEA Systems - Other important systems of this vein Kleisli/K2
_at_ Penn - Information Manifold Levy96 ATT Research
- Focus local-as-view mappings, relational model
- Sources defined as views over mediated schema
- Requires a special
- Led to peer-to-peer integration approaches
(Piazza, etc.) - Focus Web-based queriable sources
- One of the first systems to support
semi-structured data, which predated XML by
several years OEM - An instance of a global-as-view mediation
system - We define our global schema as views over the
6XML vs. Object Exchange Model
ltbookgt ltauthorgtBernsteinlt/authorgt
ltauthorgtNewcomerlt/authorgt lttitlegtPrinciples of
TPlt/titlegtlt/bookgt ltbookgt ltauthorgtChamberlinlt/au
thorgt lttitlegtDB2 UDBlt/titlegtlt/bookgt
O1 book O2 author Bernstein O3
author Newcomer O4 title Principles of
TP O5 book O6 author Chamberlin
O7 title DB2 UDB
7Queries in TSIMMIS
- Specified in OQL-style language called Lorel
- OQL was an object-oriented query language that
looks like SQL - Lorel is, in many ways, a predecessor to XQuery
- Based on path expressions over OEM structures
- select book where book.title DB2 UDB and
book.author Chamberlin - This is basically like XQuery, which well use in
place of Lorel and the MSL template language.
Previous query restated - for b in AllData()/bookwhere b/title/text()
DB2 UDB and b/author/text()
Chamberlinreturn b
8Query Answering in TSIMMIS
- Basically, its view unfolding, i.e., composing a
query with a view - The query is the one being asked
- The views are the MSL templates for the wrappers
- Some of the views may actually require
parameters, e.g., an author name, before theyll
return answers - Common for web forms (see Amazon, Google, )
- XQuery functions (XQuerys version of views)
support parameters as well, so well see these in
9A Wrapper Definition in MSL
- Wrappers have templates and binding patterns (X)
in MSL - B - B ltbook ltauthor Xgtgt // select
from book where author X // - This reformats a SQL query over Book(author,
year, title) - In XQuery, this might look like
- define function GetBook(x AS xsdstring) as book
for b in sql(Amazon.DB, select
from book where author x )return
The union of GetBooks results is unioned with
others to form the view Mediator()
10How to Answer the Query
- Given our query
- for b in Mediator()/bookwhere b/title/text()
DB2 UDB and b/author/text()
Chamberlinreturn b - Find all wrapper definitions that
- Contain output enough structure to match the
conditions of the query - Or have already tested the conditions for us!
11Query Composition with Views
- We find all views that define book with author
and title, and we compose the query with each - define function GetBook(x AS xsdstring) as book
for b in sql(Amazon.DB, select
from book where author x )return
ltbookgt b/title ltauthorgtxlt/authorgtlt/bookgt -
- for b in Mediator()/bookwhere b/title/text()
DB2 UDB and b/author/text()
Chamberlinreturn b
12Matching View Output to Our Querys Conditions
- Determine that b/book/author/text() ?? x by
matching the pattern on the functions output - define function GetBook(x AS xsdstring) as book
for b in sql(Amazon.DB, select
from book where author x )return
ltbookgt b/title ltauthorgtxlt/author
gtlt/bookgt -
- let x Chamberlinfor b in
GetBook(x)/bookwhere b/title/text() DB2
UDB return b
13The Final Step Unfolding
- let x Chamberlinfor b in ( for b in
sql(Amazon.com, select from book where
author x ) return ltbookgt b/title
ltauthorgtxlt/authorgtlt/bookgt - )/bookwhere b/title/text() DB2 UDB
return b - How do we simplify further to get to here?
- for b in sql(Amazon.com, select from
book where authorChamberlin)where
b/title/text() DB2 UDB return b
14Virtues of TSIMMIS
- Early adopter of semistructured data, greatly
predating XML - Can support data from many different kinds of
sources - Obviously, doesnt fully solve heterogeneity
problem - Presents a mediated schema that is the union of
multiple views - Query answering based on view unfolding
- Easily composed in a hierarchy of mediators
15Limitations of TSIMMIS Approach
- Some data sources may contain data with certain
ranges or properties - Books by Aho, Students at UPenn,
- If we ask a query for students at Columbia, dont
want to bother querying students at Penn - How do we express these?
- Mediated schema is basically the union of the
various MSL templates as they change, so may
the mediated schema
16An Alternate ApproachThe Information Manifold
(Levy et al.)
- When you integrate something, you have some
conceptual model of the integrated domain - Define that as a basic frame of reference,
everything else as a view over it - Local as View
- May have overlapping/incomplete sources
- Define each source as the subset of a query over
the mediated schema - We can use selection or join predicates to
specify that a source contains a range of values - ComputerBooks() ? Books(Title, , Subj), Subj
17The Local-as-View Model
- The basic model is the following
- Local sources are views over the mediated
schema - Sources have the data mediated schema is
virtual - Sources may not have all the data from the domain
open-world assumption - The system must use the sources (views) to answer
queries over the mediated schema
18Query Answering
- Assumption conjunctive queries, set semantics
- Suppose we have a mediated schema author(aID,
isbn, year), book(isbn, title, publisher) - Suppose we have the query
- q(a, t) - author(a, i, _), book(i, t, p), t
DB2 UDB - and sources
- s1(a,t) ? author(a, i, _), book(i, t, p), t
123 -
- s5(a, t, p) ? author(a, i, _), book(i,t), p
SAMS - We want to compose the query with the source
mappings but theyre in the wrong direction! - Yet everything in s1, s5 is an answer to the
19Answering Queries Using Views
- Numerous recently-developed algorithms for these
- Inverse rules Duschka et al.
- Bucket algorithm Levy et al.
- MiniCon Pottinger Halevy
- Also related chase and backchase Popa,
Tannen, Deutsch - Requires conjunctive queries
20Summary of Data Integration
- Local-as-view integration has replaced
global-as-view as the standard - More robust way of defining mediated schemas and
sources - Mediated schema is clearly defined, less likely
to change - Sources can be more accurately described
- Methods exist for query reformulation, including
inverse rules - Integration requires standardization on a single
schema - Can be hard to get consensus
- Today we have peer-to-peer data integration,
e.g., Piazza Halevy et al., Orchestra Ives et
al., Hyperion Miller et al. - Some other aspects of integration were addressed
in related papers - Overlap between sources coverage of data at
sources - Semi-automated creation of mappings and wrappers
- Data integration capabilities in commercial
products BEAs Liquid Data, IBMs DB2
Information Integrator, numerous packages from
middleware companies
21Performance What Governs It?
- Speed of the machine of course!
- But also many software-controlled factors that we
must understand - Caching and buffer management
- How the data is stored physical layout,
partitioning - Auxiliary structures indices
- Locking and concurrency control (well talk about
this later) - Different algorithms for operations query
execution - Different orderings for execution query
optimization - Reuse of materialized views, merging of query
subexpressions answering queries using views
multi-query optimization
22Our General Emphasis
- Goal cover basic principles that are applied
throughout database system design - Use the appropriate strategy in the appropriate
place - Every (reasonable) algorithm is good somewhere
- And a corollary database people reinvent a lot
of things and add minor tweaks
23Whats the Base in Database?
- Could just be a file with random access
- What are the advantages and disadvantages?
- DBs generally require raw disk access
- Need to know when a page is actually written to
disk, vs. queued by the OS - Predictable performance, less fragmentation
- May want to exploit striping or contiguous
regions - Typically divided into extents and pages
24Buffer Management
- Could keep DB in RAM
- Main-memory DBs like TimesTen
- But many DBs are still too big we read replace
pages - May need to force to disk or pin in buffer
- Policies for page replacement, prefetching
- LRU, as in Operating Systems (not as good as you
might think why not?) - MRU (one-time sequential scans)
- Clock, etc.
- DBMIN (min pages, local policy)
Tuple Reads/Writes
Buffer Mgr
25Storing Tuples in Pages
- Tuples
- Many possible layouts
- Dynamic vs. fixed lengths
- Ptrs, lengths vs. slots
- Tuples grow down, directories grow up
- Identity and relocation
- Objects and XML are harder
- Horizontal, path, vertical partitioning
- Generally no algorithmic way of deciding
- Generally want to leave some space for insertions
26Alternatives for Organizing Files
- Many alternatives, each ideal for some situation,
and poor for others - Heap files for full file scans or frequent
updates - Data unordered
- Write new data at end
- Sorted Files if retrieved in sort order or want
range - Need external sort or an index to keep sorted
- Hashed Files if selection on equality
- Collection of buckets with primary overflow
pages - Hashing function over search key attributes
27Model for Analyzing Access Costs
- We ignore CPU costs, for simplicity
- p(T) The number of data pages in table T
- r(T) Number of records in table T
- D (Average) time to read or write disk page
- Measuring number of page I/Os ignores gains of
pre-fetching blocks of pages thus, I/O cost is
only approximated. - Average-case analysis based on several
simplistic assumptions.
- Good enough to show the overall trends!
28Assumptions in Our Analysis
- Single record insert and delete
- Heap files
- Equality selection on key exactly one match
- Insert always at end of file
- Sorted files
- Files compacted after deletions
- Selections on sort field(s)
- Hashed files
- No overflow buckets, 80 page occupancy
29Cost of Operations
- Several assumptions underlie these (rough)
30Speeding Operations over Data
- Three general data organization techniques
- Indexing
- Sorting
- Hashing
31Technique I Indexing
- An index on a file speeds up selections on the
search key attributes for the index (trade space
for speed). - Any subset of the fields of a relation can be the
search key for an index on the relation. - Search key is not the same as key (minimal set of
fields that uniquely identify a record in a
relation). - An index contains a collection of data entries,
and supports efficient retrieval of all data
entries k with a given key value k.
32Alternatives for Data Entry k in Index
- Three alternatives
- Data record with key value k
- Clustered ? fast lookup
- Index is large only 1 can exist
- ltk, rid of data record with search key value kgt,
OR - ltk, list of rids of data records with search key
kgt - Can have secondary indices
- Smaller index may mean faster lookup
- Often not clustered ? more expensive to use
- Choice of alternative for data entries is
orthogonal to the indexing technique used to
locate data entries with a given key value k.
33Classes of Indices
- Primary vs. secondary primary has primary key
- Clustered vs. unclustered order of records and
index approximately same - Alternative 1 implies clustered, but not
vice-versa - A file can be clustered on at most one search key
- Dense vs. Sparse dense has index entry per data
value sparse may skip some - Alternative 1 always leads to dense index
- Every sparse index is clustered!
- Sparse indexes are smaller however, some useful
optimizations are based on dense indexes
34Clustered vs. Unclustered Index
- Suppose Index Alternative (2) used, records are
stored in Heap file - Perhaps initially sort data file, leave some gaps
- Inserts may require overflow pages
Index entries
direct search for
data entries
Data entries
Data entries
(Index File)
(Data file)
Data Records
Data Records
35B Tree The DB Worlds Favorite Index
- Insert/delete at log F N cost
- (F fanout, N leaf pages)
- Keep tree height-balanced
- Minimum 50 occupancy (except for root).
- Each node contains d lt m lt 2d entries. d is
called the order of the tree. - Supports equality and range searches efficiently.
Index Entries
(Direct search)
Data Entries
("Sequence set")
36Example B Tree
- Search begins at root, and key comparisons direct
it to a leaf. - Search for 5, 15, all data entries gt 24 ...
- Based on the search for 15, we know it is not
in the tree!
37B Trees in Practice
- Typical order 100. Typical fill-factor 67.
- average fanout 133
- Typical capacities
- Height 4 1334 312,900,700 records
- Height 3 1333 2,352,637 records
- Can often hold top levels in buffer pool
- Level 1 1 page 8 Kbytes
- Level 2 133 pages 1 Mbyte
- Level 3 17,689 pages 133 MBytes
38Inserting Data into a B Tree
- Find correct leaf L.
- Put data entry onto L.
- If L has enough space, done!
- Else, must split L (into L and a new node L2)
- Redistribute entries evenly, copy up middle key.
- Insert index entry pointing to L2 into parent of
L. - This can happen recursively
- To split index node, redistribute entries evenly,
but push up middle key. (Contrast with leaf
splits.) - Splits grow tree root split increases height.
- Tree growth gets wider or one level taller at
39Inserting 8 into Example B Tree
- Observe how minimum occupancy is guaranteed in
both leaf and index pg splits. - Recall that all data items are in leaves, and
partition values for keys are in intermediate
nodes - Note difference between copy-up and push-up.
40Inserting 8 Example Copy up
Want to insert here no room, so split copy up
Entry to be inserted in parent node.
(Note that 5 is copied up and
continues to appear in the leaf.)
41Inserting 8 Example Push up
Need to split node push up
Entry to be inserted in parent node.
(Note that 17 is pushed up and only appears once
in the index. Contrast this with a leaf split.)
42Deleting Data from a B Tree
- Start at root, find leaf L where entry belongs.
- Remove the entry.
- If L is at least half-full, done!
- If L has only d-1 entries,
- Try to re-distribute, borrowing from sibling
(adjacent node with same parent as L). - If re-distribution fails, merge L and sibling.
- If merge occurred, must delete entry (pointing to
L or sibling) from parent of L. - Merge could propagate to root, decreasing height.
43B Tree Summary
- B tree and other indices ideal for range
searches, good for equality searches. - Inserts/deletes leave tree height-balanced logF
N cost. - High fanout (F) means depth rarely more than 3 or
4. - Almost always better than maintaining a sorted
file. - Typically, 67 occupancy on average.
- Note Order (d) concept replaced by physical
space criterion in practice (at least
half-full). - Records may be variable sized
- Index pages typically hold more entries than
44Other Kinds of Indices
- Multidimensional indices
- R-trees, kD-trees,
- Text indices
- Inverted indices
- Structural indices
- Object indices access support relations, path
indices - XML and graph indices dataguides, 1-indices,
d(k) indices - Describe parent-child, path relationships